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Felix's Node.js Guide. Server-Side JavaScript, Pintura, and Persevere 2.0. Jan 19 CommonJS (formerly known as ServerJS) has become the essential hub around the development of server side JavaScript (SSJS).

Server-Side JavaScript, Pintura, and Persevere 2.0

SSJS for years has suffered from fragmentation, but the CommonJS project has provided the momentum to bring different frameworks together and start building interoperable modules. CommonJS: JavaScript Standard Library. Home. Technical Overview. Welcome to Dart, an open-source, batteries-included developer platform for building structured HTML5 web apps.

Technical Overview

This chapter tells you why Google created Dart, what’s cool about Dart, and how to write and run your first Dart app. Dart provides not only a new language, but libraries, an editor, a virtual machine (VM), a browser that can run Dart apps natively, and a compiler to JavaScript. Node.js. Meteor.

High Performance PHP Framework for Web Development.