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Ma classe inversée. L'école numérique. Why I Flipped My Classroom. How To Flip An Entire School. I’m the Principal at Clintondale High School – a financially disadvantaged high school located outside of Detroit. Our school has been in debt for the past decade, and during the recession our area suffered immensely. 74 percent of our 570 students qualify for the free or reduced lunch program, 38 percent receive special education services and 70 percent are a racial minority. Like many schools around the country, our students were not doing well in class, and many were failing – two years ago our failure rate was 61 percent.

We decided that a change had to be made in order to put our students in a position to succeed in high school and beyond. How We Started The first thing we did was examine our teaching model. To begin this process, we examined forty of our teachers for one full year. As seen in this research, our current education model leaves students to review and practice the information independently, without the help and support they need. Successes.

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Why I Gave Up Flipped Instruction. A little over a year ago I wrote a post about the flipped classroom, why I loved it, and how I used it.

Why I Gave Up Flipped Instruction

I have to admit, the flip wasn’t the same economic and political entity then that it is now. And in some ways, I think that matters. Here’s the thing. When I recently re-read the post, I didn’t disagree with anything I’d said. Yet my brief love affair with the flip has ended. When I wrote that post, I imagined the flip as a stepping stone to a fully realized inquiry/PBL classroom. What is the flip? The flipped classroom essentially reverses traditional teaching. When I first encountered the flip, it seemed like a viable way to help deal with the large and sometimes burdensome amount of content included in my senior Biology & Chemistry curricula.

My flipped experiments I first encountered the flip in a blog post. My students loved the idea of trying something that very few other students were doing. We began to shift What was my role? 8 Crucial Resources For Flipped Classrooms. Have you “flipped” yet?

My colleagues have this week; it’s PSSA week in Pennsylvania (PSSAs are standardized tests.). That’s not the flipped I meant, however. I meant, have you flipped your classroom yet? Well, if you have or are thinking about it, here are some tools you might want to consider using for those after-hours background knowledge sessions. Pédagogie inversée by Annick Arsenault on Prezi. The Flipped Class Manifest.

Photo: Document with Red Line by Dukeii (Editor's Note: The conversation and interest in the flipped class continues . . .

The Flipped Class Manifest

From our very first post about this topic in January 2011 to date (3/30/13), The Daily Riff has received 250,000+ views to related posts which are linked below - extending to over 100 countries. Today's post is authored by eight notable advocates for the flipped classroom. Thanks goes to our guest post contributors, and of course, our avid readers. Disclosure: The Daily Riff is not financially affiliated in any way with the flipped class. - C.J. "The Flipped Classroom is an intentional shift of content which in turn helps move students back to the center of learning rather than the products of schooling. " The Flipped Class Manifest The "Flipped Classroom" is a term that has recently taken root in education. What Does "Flip" Imply? "Flip" is a verb. What Do Classes Look Like? How Does a Flipped Classroom Fit into Instruction? Final Thoughts AuthorsBrian E. The Leader in Blended Learning and Lecture Capture Solutions. Faut-il "flipper" ? Flipping classroom.

The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture. Due to Khan Academy’s popularity, the idea of the flipped classroom has gained press and credibility within education circles.

The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture

Briefly, the Flipped Classroom as described by Jonathan Martin is: Flip your instruction so that students watch and listen to your lectures… for homework, and then use your precious class-time for what previously, often, was done in homework: tackling difficult problems, working in groups, researching, collaborating, crafting and creating. Classrooms become laboratories or studios, and yet content delivery is preserved.

Flip your instruction so that students watch and listen to your lectures… for homework, and then use your precious class-time for what previously, often, was done in homework: tackling difficult problems, working in groups, researching, collaborating, crafting and creating. Classrooms become laboratories or studios, and yet content delivery is preserved ( A compiled resource page of the Flipped Classroom (with videos and links) can be found at.