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Your Picks: Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books. More than 5,000 of you nominated.

Your Picks: Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books

More than 60,000 of you voted. And now the results are in. The winners of NPR's Top 100 Science-Fiction and Fantasy survey are an intriguing mix of classic and contemporary titles. Over on NPR's pop culture blog, Monkey See, you can find one fan's thoughts on how the list shaped up, get our experts' take, and have the chance to share your own. A quick word about what's here, and what's not: Our panel of experts reviewed hundreds of the most popular nominations and tossed out those that didn't fit the survey's criteria (after — we assure you — much passionate, thoughtful, gleefully nerdy discussion). So, at last, here are your favorite science-fiction and fantasy novels. More than 5,000 of you nominated.

So, at last, here are your favorite science-fiction and fantasy novels. Top 25 Best Science Fiction Books. Love Science Fiction? Hate wasting time reading the trash? Then read this definitive guide to the Top 25 Science Fiction Books in the genre. It's been a long time in coming, but the NEW Top 25 Best Science Fiction list has been released January 2016. Top 25 Best Fantasy Books.

This one is full to the brim with gritty, amoral, cynical dark humor.

Top 25 Best Fantasy Books

A different sort of fantasy, but one that's extremely refreshing, disturbing, and entertaining -- one of the best fantasy reads to come out the past couple years. Even as we near 2015, The Prince of Thorns still stands tall among other strong fantasy books. For a dark, gritty, anti-hero driven fantasy, I felt strong Abercrombie vibes. There's a strong influence from A Game of Thrones -- and if you've ever read KJ Parker's The Engineer trilogy, you'll see some similarities in the tone and style of world. The setting of the world is interesting too, a sort of post-apocalypse world gone to hell that sparks similarities to Jack Vance's Dying Earth world. This is the brutal story of Prince Jorg, a teenage princeling who abandoned his father's castle after witnessing the murder of his mother and brother.

The narration is first person and well done at that -- I haven't been so entertained by first person narration in ages. The 200 Greatest Adventure Novels of All Time. What follows is a list of two hundred of my favorite adventure novels published before the Eighties (1984–93).

The 200 Greatest Adventure Novels of All Time

They’re organized not qualitatively — that would be impossible — but chronologically. I’ve also listed another two hundred fifty second-tier favorite adventures, which you can peruse via the following posts: Best 19th Century Adventure (1805–1903) | Best Nineteen-Oughts Adventure (1904–13) | Best Nineteen-Teens Adventure (1914–23) | Best Twenties Adventure (1924–33) | Best Thirties Adventure (1934–43) | Best Forties Adventure (1944–53) | Best Fifties Adventure (1954–63) | Best Sixties Adventure (1964–73) | Best Seventies Adventure (1974–83).

Enjoy! And please let me know what I’ve overlooked. Why does my Top Adventures List project stop in 1983? In chronological order: 1814. 1820. 1844. 100 Best Nonfiction « Modern Library. 100 Best Novels « Modern Library. ULYSSES by James Joyce Written as an homage to Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey, Ulysses follows its hero, Leopold Bloom, through the streets of Dublin.

100 Best Novels « Modern Library

Overflowing with puns, references to classical literature, and stream-of-consciousness writing, this is a complex, multilayered novel about one day in the life of an ordinary man. Initially banned in the United States but overturned by a legal challenge by Random House’s Bennett Cerf, Ulysses was called “a memorable catastrophe” (Virginia Woolf), “a book to which we are all indebted” (T.

S. Eliot), and “the most faithful X-ray ever taken of the ordinary human consciousness” (Edmund Wilson). Click here to read more about ULYSSES THE GREAT GATSBY by F. Set in the Jazz Age, The Great Gatsby tells the story of the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby, his decadent parties, and his love for the alluring Daisy Buchanan.

A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN by James Joyce Click here to read more about A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN. The 100 greatest non-fiction books. The 100 greatest novels of all time: The list. 1.

The 100 greatest novels of all time: The list

Don Quixote Miguel De CervantesThe story of the gentle knight and his servant Sancho Panza has entranced readers for centuries. • Harold Bloom on Don Quixote – the first modern novel 2. Pilgrim's Progress John BunyanThe one with the Slough of Despond and Vanity Fair. • Robert McCrum's 100 best novels: The Pilgrim's Progress 3. Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe The first English novel. • Robert McCrum's 100 best novels: Robinson Crusoe 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.