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Family Kindness Offensive. Queen Park Arts Centre - Aylesbury - England. Mark Jenkins // Glazed Paradise. Besançon Rome Rio de Janeiro Tudela.

Mark Jenkins // Glazed Paradise

Action Space. Creative photos by Chema Madoz. Make Sugar Mold. I should have “reserved” this “romantic” post until early next year just before valentines day, but I can’t wait…..

Make Sugar Mold

I can’t wait to show you how many colorful sweet heart sugar cubes I have made. These sugar cubes are just great for celebrating special occasion, or for everyday beverage, even superb as a gift to friends and families. I am thinking of Christmas with star shaped sugar cubes in basic red, green & white now. 25 Beautifully Illustrated Thought-Provoking Questions. A question that makes you think is worth asking… At the cusp of a new day, week, month, or year, most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future.

25 Beautifully Illustrated Thought-Provoking Questions

We ponder the successes, failures and standout events that are slowly scripting our life’s story. - STREET ART UTOPIA. Love Injections. April 13th, 2010 Brusse knows some “Extraordinary ways to surprise the one you love: Love Injections”.

Love Injections

He also made a book of this project with 100′s of ideas how to say “I love you” in a creative way. You can buy your copy here.