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How Creating A Better Bucket List Becomes A Blueprint For Living Your Best Life. A few years ago, Pat Palumbo, a Westchester, New York-based real estate agent, faced some major health problems.

How Creating A Better Bucket List Becomes A Blueprint For Living Your Best Life

Advertisement. Why Most of What You've Heard About Cancer Is Wrong. Cancer.

Why Most of What You've Heard About Cancer Is Wrong

In medicine, there's no word more dreaded, more terrifying. Sure, we try to put a hopeful spin on it, celebrating cancer survivors for their bravery and their determination in fighting back. But for most of us cancer remains synonymous with death, pain, and suffering. At least, we hope, until somebody finds a "cure. " But modern science suggests we've been thinking about this dreaded disease all wrong. This week on the Inquiring Minds podcast, we speak with veteran science journalist George Johnson, whose new book, The Cancer Chronicles: Unlocking Medicine's Deepest Mystery, helps turn much traditional thinking about cancer on its head.

Science writer George Johnson Kerry Sherck In the book, Johnson cites a stunning estimate by MIT cancer researcher Robert Weinberg: About 4 million of our body's cells are dividing and copying their DNA every second of every day. Science Explains Why Social Support Is the Best Cure for Stress. Lifehacker. A Nice Graphic on The Relationship between Learning and The Brain.

10 Things You Should've Learned In High School: Arguments For Home Ec Class. If my college-age neighbors are any indication, the next generation is an absolute mess.

10 Things You Should've Learned In High School: Arguments For Home Ec Class

I'm not even talking about "life" messes (finding a job, getting married, etc.) but physical messes. Not to go all Andy Rooney on everyone, but kids today... go out with buttons missing on their coats, wrinkled pants and shirts that, clearly, haven't been washed recently. The problem goes deeper, even on the older end of the Millennial spectrum. Lifehacker. The Secret to Dealing With Difficult People. Shared from CreateOne and HBR | Do you have someone at work who consistently triggers you?

The Secret to Dealing With Difficult People

Doesn’t listen? Takes credit for work you’ve done? Some Americans Think They’ll Work Until They’re Dead. More than a third of middle-class Americans believe they will never retire and will work until they’re too sick to do so or dead, according to a recent poll.

Some Americans Think They’ll Work Until They’re Dead

Wells Fargo interviewed 1,000 Americans aged 25 to 75 with household incomes between $25,000 and $99,000. Along with the 37 percent who said they’ll never retire, another 34 percent said they believed that they will not retire until age 80. That’s up from 25 percent just two years ago. DrLeeAnneG: "Be Happy": A good aspiration... How to Build a Happier Brain - Julie Beck.

There is a motif, in fiction and in life, of people having wonderful things happen to them, but still ending up unhappy.

How to Build a Happier Brain - Julie Beck

We can adapt to anything, it seems—you can get your dream job, marry a wonderful human, finally get 1 million dollars or Twitter followers—eventually we acclimate and find new things to complain about. If you want to look at it on a micro level, take an average day. You go to work; make some money; eat some food; interact with friends, family or co-workers; go home; and watch some TV. Nothing particularly bad happens, but you still can’t shake a feeling of stress, or worry, or inadequacy, or loneliness. A Nice Graphic on The Relationship between Learning and The Brain. Guardian : Interactive: how people have... Interactive: how people have died in the 21st century. Turn autoplay off Edition:

Interactive: how people have died in the 21st century

Lifehacker. How to Build a Happier Brain - Julie Beck. Makingmary. The Neuroscience Behind How Sleep Cleans Your Brain. We know that getting even a measly extra hour of sleep a night can have major benefits for us--like more memories, less anxiety, and happier genes.

The Neuroscience Behind How Sleep Cleans Your Brain

But scientists have tested another hypothesis for why we need to spend so much time horizontal: Sleep cleans our brains. Ian Sample, the appropriately named science writer for the Guardian, summarizes the phenomenon this way: Through a series of experiments on mice, the researchers showed that during sleep, cerebral spinal fluid is pumped around the brain, and flushes out waste products like a biological dishwasher. The process helps to remove the molecular detritus that brain cells churn out as part of their natural activity, along with toxic proteins that can lead to dementia when they build up in the brain, the researchers say.

We Asked Teachers What Their School Districts Do To Help Them De-Stress, Got Really Sad Answers. Teachers are stressed out.

We Asked Teachers What Their School Districts Do To Help Them De-Stress, Got Really Sad Answers

But they're not getting much help from their districts. According to a recent survey published by Metlife, stress levels among American teachers have increased sharply, and job satisfaction has dwindled to its lowest level in 25 years. Amid the strains of low wages, pressures surrounding high-stakes testing, long working hours and threats of layoffs, almost half of teachers leave the profession after just five years, costing districts' billions of dollars and depriving students of the experience of learning from seasoned professionals. Given all these factors, it seemed natural that districts would want to enact morale-boosting programs. So we decided to reach out to our Twitter and Facebook followers to see if their local school districts were doing anything interesting to help them de-stress and unwind. Researchers Come Closer to Baldness Cure, Growing Human Hair in Mice. Turning hair growth on its head — by transplanting hair follicles upside down — may provide hope for receding hairlines.

Researchers Come Closer to Baldness Cure, Growing Human Hair in Mice

It’s one of the more vexing problems in medicine — about half of men and women over age 50 experience hair loss, from thinning of their scalp to male pattern baldness. Their options, however, are few. Don't Take Life So Seriously. "Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously. " -Hunter S. Thompson Look around you; what do you see? Pick a thing. When should you make the jump to work for yourself? May 10th, 2013 - 19 Comments Too many weirdos think that to start a business, they have to quit their job, raise millions in venture capital, and start the next Google. Uh, that sounds pretty risky to me. Is there another way? Can you start something slowly? Worn Out? The Dilemma of Finding Balance at Work and in Life. Sometimes the boundary between your work life and personal life isn't really clear.

This is especially true in this age of technology and 24/7 connectivity. In today's economy, it's tempting for entrepreneurs to turn into workaholics. There is nothing wrong with wanting to work hard. We've all heard the popular advice that if you want to be successful, you have to work hard. Hangover Cure? Scientists Say Sprite Is Best. If you're searching for the magical elixir to cure a hangover, Chinese researchers may have found it. The solution: lemon-lime flavoured soda Sprite. But if you prefer to skip the sweet stuff, soda water is a good alternative, findings showed. Some of the adverse effects of alcohol are thought to be caused not by the alcohol itself but by the process of the body trying to break down the alcohol.

After drinking, the body goes through two stages of a metabolic process to break down ethanol. Five Really Good Reasons To Quit Your Job. Leisure-Time Inventions Hit a Peak in Middle Age - Andrew O’Connell. 10 Simple Ways To Let Nature Heal You. Ten Tips for Ten-Minute Time ManagementKim Garst. 7 Apps To Beat Stress In The Workplace. Ten Tips for Ten-Minute Time ManagementKim Garst.

Letting Go: How to Live With the Loss of a Loved One. Alumni Weekly: Psychology: Why Decisions Suffer When We Go Without. These Photos Of Tiny, Futuristic Japanese Apartments Show How Micro Micro-Apartments Can Be. Get the most out of each day. Four Simple Ways to Improve Your Day. Richard Branson Thinks He's Found A Better Way To Pay For Energy Efficiency. Even people who don't believe in climate change would probably acknowledge that improving the world's energy efficiency makes sense. Using less power saves money and reduces pollution--and, in many cases, the investments are easy. Years of upgrades show that property owners usually make their money back within a few years.

A report last year by Deutsche Bank Climate Change Advisors and the Rockefeller Foundation found that investing $279 billion in energy-efficiency retrofits across the country would produce a return of more than $1 trillion. Lifehacker. Ramit Sethi’s Entrepreneurial Habits. 'Make Time For Living' IKEA Commercial Is One All Parents Should See. In a brilliant attempt to sell furniture, IKEA Australia has sold us on so much more. The spot features a 9-year-old describing his family's hectic days -- piano lessons, sleepovers, hours of work ... -- and declaring that it's time to put everything aside and "make time for living. " "Enough is enough, I mean, every minute of every day just getting more and more full.

Forget 50-50. Try a 60-40 ratio of work to life. Lifehacker. Lifehacker. Our intuition is shaped by context, and that. How to Build Trust In The Workplace. Just how connected do you want to be? If all the connectivity efforts of today did in fact become successful, a decade from now, we are looking at connected traffic lights, sensor-laden parking lots and roads, connected everything at home, locks that can be locked and unlocked digitally, pills with digestible silicon, smart tattoos and washable sensors in fabrics.

Many of these are commercial or nearly commercial today and will likely attain reasonable to massive scale over the next decade. Of course, there are several impediments to truly seamless connected everything. Work Like You’re On Vacation. What Is Love? Famous Definitions from 200 Years of Literary History. Lifehacker. Sleep deprivation depletes the glucose level in. Video: Is modern technology playing havoc with kids' health? Dr. Michelle Callahan: 10 Tips for Dealing with Bullies at Work. There's a new breed of female bullies cropping up in workplaces across the country. According to a nationwide poll by the Employment Law Alliance: 45 percent of American workers say they've experienced workplace abuse. 40 percent of workplace bullies are women, and women bullies pick on other women more than 70 percent of the time.

How Stress Can Change the Size of Our Brains and What We Can Do to Lower it. What the Psychology of Suicide Prevention Teaches Us About Controlling Our Everyday Worries. Embracing Disorder. Scientists invent hangover-free beer. Buffer : This is How Meditation Affects... This is How Meditation Affects Your Brain. Teach Yourself How to Make Better Decisions Using Life Inventory Apps. Using Smartphones to Cure Diseases While You Sleep. How sleep deprivation is linked to junk food cravings. Why You Should Embrace Work-Life Imbalance. 5 Ways to Stay Grounded in Todays World. Blooming Orange: Bloom's Taxonomy Helpful Verbs Poster. Is It Time to Quit Your Job? - Amy Gallo - Best Practices. Health - Are we naturally good or bad? Twelve Time Management Habits to Master in 2013. 15 Ways Rich People Think Differently. Welcome to Forbes. How to Avoid Work: A 1949 Guide to Doing What You Love. How Recording One Second Every Day Could Change Your Life.

A Classic Collection Of Motivational Quotes In Video. What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast. 6 Big Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Job And Follow Your Passion. The 6 Different Types Of Procrastinators - Find Your Type & We'll Show You How To Fix It. 5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get Things Done. T. What 10 things should you do every day to improve your life.