There’s a Word for That: 25 Expressions You Should Have in Your Vocabulary Recently I came across this amazing little Tumblr named ‘OtherWordly‘ – itself a play on words. It consists of a collection of strange and lovely words from different languages through different times. What I like most about this selection of consonants and vowels – little meaning-carrying packages of vibration – is that they all try to point to the unspeakable, the transient or the neglected. That which we forget in the busyness of our daily grind. Words have the power to remind us – and therefore we should choose our words carefully so we are reminded of the things that nourish our souls. You can find my favourite words below – pick five that resonate most, write them down, yes seriously – go grab a pen -, make sure to learn them by heart, teach them to your inner voice and share them with others to guide our collective attention to what truly matters. 1 – Sophrosyne 2 – Vorfreude pronunciation | ‘for-froi-duh 3 – Numinous 4 – Nemophilist pronunciation | ne-‘mo-fe-list 5 – Sillage
How to Reduce Lactic Acid Build up in Muscles: 13 Steps Edit Article Edited by LC108, BR, Jacob, Vahab2121 and 5 others Three Parts:Understanding Lactic AcidReducing Lactic Acid During a WorkoutReducing Lactic Acid Through Your Diet Lactic acid is released into the muscles when they have used up their normal energy stores but still have intense energy needs. Small amounts of lactic acid operate as a temporary energy source, thus helping you avoid fatigue during a workout. However, a build up of lactic acid during a workout can create burning sensations in the muscles that can slow down or halt your athletic activity. Ad Steps Part 1 of 3: Understanding Lactic Acid 1Understand that lactic acid does not cause muscle soreness after a workout. 2Understand that lactic acid causes the burning sensation during a workout. Part 2 of 3: Reducing Lactic Acid During a Workout 1Stay hydrated. 7Stay active. Part 3 of 3: Reducing Lactic Acid Through Your Diet 1Increase your magnesium intake. 4Eat foods containing B vitamins. Tips
Is leadership effectiveness all about acting? Is leadership effectiveness more about the theater than the boardroom? Leaders are supposed to be model citizens. “Lead by example” is the common phrase. “Transparency” is the big buzzword. What does some of the latest research say? “Faking it seems, to a degree, to just be part of good people management,” reported Chiara. Stanford MBA school professor and author of the book Power: Why Some People Have It and Others Don’t, Jeffrey Pfeffer makes it pretty clear: Leadership is theater. Via Power: Why Some People Have It and Others Don’t: Her experience suggested that the secret of leadership was the ability to play a role, to pretend, to be skilled in the theatrical arts. Is this true? In research studies leaders weren’t necessarily more competent than other team members yet those with the most dominant personalities ended up running things merely because they spoke first and most forcefully — not because they knew more. Via The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us: The result? Tags:
The Dangers Of Not Getting Enough Sleep Teachers don’t sleep. They work their tails off, stay late, grade papers on the weekend, and basically devote their entire lives to improving the lives of others. It’s a noble cause and it means a lot of sacrifice. One of the biggest sacrifices is, of course, sleep. We all don’t get enough of it and I’m guessing you sure don’t. But there’s a few big reasons you should consider getting a good night’s sleep. The average American sleeps 6.9 hours a night. 30 to 50% of the population suffers from insomnia. La oscura historia del hombre que dio vida a Alicia —Imágenes de Sally Mann Lo primero que recuerdo de Alicia no es la adaptación de Disney que mi abuela guardaba en algún VHS del cajón de las películas. Tampoco el disfraz azul y blanco con el que algunas amigas se vestían en los carnavales del colegio, con esas pelucas rubias que les hacían ser, por un instante, las pequeñas reinas del País de las Maravillas. La primera vez que me encontré con la imagen de aquella heroína fue a los siete u ocho años, cuando encontré una edición blanca de Cátedra de Alicia a través del espejo que mi padre se había dejado en la mesa de nuestro antiguo salón, porque estaba repasando algunos de sus fragmentos para las clases que literatura que impartía en un instituto. Me llamó la atención que mi padre tuviera en su poder un libro cuya portada era una niña pequeña, sonrojada, rodeada de pequeños animales fantásticos que vestían como humanos, y de flores rojas que parecían charcos de sangre. “¿Y qué haces leyendo un cuento para niños?” Creo que es Amor.
9 Ways To Become The Master Of Your Own Mind Many of us spend an exorbitant amount of time and energy -- not to mention money -- taking care of our bodies, and trying to keep ourselves looking and feeling our best. But when it comes to the mind, less attention (literally) is paid. Taking care of the mind can come as an afterthought, and often we think of the mind as something outside of our own control. "Our life is the creation of our mind," according to Buddhist scripture. Buddhist philosophy developed an entire science of training the unruly mind to help anyone overcome its constant fluctuations to achieve stillness, and eventually, enlightenment. But even if it's not enlightenment you're after, developing a good relationship with your mind is critical to building a life that is successful on your own terms. Make time for stillness. Meditation has been around for thousands of years, and it's perhaps the single most powerful tool out there for gaining mastery over your mind. Pursue meaning over pleasure. Read, read, read. Let it be.
Primal Palate Interview - Harvard/MIT Lecturer Olivia Fox Cabane teaches you how to be more charismatic Olivia Fox Cabane is the author of The Charisma Myth. She’s lectured on the subject at Harvard, Stanford, Yale, MIT, Google and the United Nations. I spoke with her about how charisma works, the science behind it and how anyone can become more influential. For brevity’s sake I’m only going to post edited highlights here. Subscribers to my free weekly newsletter get access to extended interviews. Join here. How does charisma work? Eric: In The Charisma Myth you break down charisma into presence, power, and warmth. Olivia: Absolutely. What most people get wrong about charisma. The most commonly held myth that I encountered when first doing this research was that charisma is an innate quality, that some people have it and some people don’t and whatever you’re born with you’re stuck with. Making your body language more charismatic has little to do with your body. Body language is in fact quite a bit more important than content. No. How about the position of your toes and your feet? Nope. [laughter]
Voihan räkä! | terveys | Minä Lasten sairastelu on vietävän ärsyttävää. Lapsiperheissä nuhakausi kestää usein elokuulta toukokuulle. Keltaista, vihreää, kirkasta ja ruskeaa – lasten nenistä vuotavien eritteiden kirjo on runsas. Tuntuu, että perheessä niiskuttavat kaikki vuorotellen. On päiviä kun niiskutusta ja köhimistä saadaan harrastaa jopa kuorossa. Talvinen sairastelu aiheuttaa kiristyneitä hermoja pienten lasten vanhemmille, vaikka he säästyisivätkin valuvalta nenältä. Tässä muutama hauska ja helppo kotikonsti tukkoisen nenän ja flunssaisen olon hoitoon: Juo paljon. Hunaja on monikäyttöinen. Jos lapsen tai itsesi on vaikea hengittää, pilko paljon valkosipulia, työnnä valkosipulisilppu sukkaan ja nuku sukka tyynyllä. Nenähuuhtelu on nyt muodikasta ja ilmeisen tehokasta! Muistathan, että kotikonstit ovat vain apuvälineitä flunssan sietoon.
What's the secret to enjoying your work? Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity… The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a task although flow is also described… as a deep focus on nothing but the activity – not even oneself or one’s emotions. When do you usually feel flow? It’s when you’re challenged but not beyond your skill level. Passive activities don’t create flow. Neither do overwhelming challenges. Via Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life: Flow is generally reported when a person is doing his or her favorite activity – gardening, listening to music, bowling, cooking a good meal. There are a handful of things that need to be present for you to experience flow: Via Top Business Psychology Models: 50 Transforming Ideas for Leaders, Consultants and Coaches: Which moments produced feelings of “flow”? Tags:
7 Must-Read Books on the Art and Science of Happiness by Maria Popova From Plato to Buddha, or what imperfection has to do with the neuroscience of the good life. If you, like me, are fascinated by the human quest to understand the underpinnings of happiness but break out in hives at the mere mention of self-help books, you’re in luck: I’ve sifted through my personal library, a decade’s worth of obsessive reading, to surface seven essential books on the art and science of happiness, rooted in solid science, contemporary philosophy and cross-disciplinary insight. From psychology and neuroscience to sociology and cultural anthropology to behavioral economics, these essential reads illuminate the most fundamental aspiration of all human existence: How to avoid suffering and foster lasting well-being. The question of what makes us happy is likely as old as human cognition itself and has occupied the minds of philosophers, prophets and scientists for millennia. Human rationality depends critically on sophisticated emotionality. Donating = Loving
Video - Hot Blooded WarmUp Workout - Atlanta Holistic Health Prevent injury and lessen fatigue. Warming up seems like it can be a waste of time but it is very important to the health of your body chemistry and your muscles and bone. Warming up is a signal to your body that activity is on its way and is increasing it is a good way to get your metabolism to wake up. Short burst without a warm up When your body cores doesn’t get a chance to thoroughly warm up before entering continuous exercise it thinks it is going it to a “fight or flight” mode and doesn’t work to burn calories efficiently. Warming up is like lighting a candle and setting the mood for meditation Warming up consists of two phases: aerobic activity to get circulation going and flexibility exercises that prevent injury. Make the time If you suffer from asthma that is exercise induced warming a way to prevent an “episode.” To get the latest updates from Atlanta Holistic Health Examiner Tina Ranieri ‘click’ the subscribe button above.