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Manuales y tutoriales. TODOS los manuales y tutoriales. Building Virtual Environments. Spine: Software de animación en 2D para juegos de video. The reality of developing web games with Flash, HTML5 and Unity. The reality of developing web games with Flash, HTML5 and Unity Update: Lots of new links added at the bottom and feedback from comments inserted into the article body.

The reality of developing web games with Flash, HTML5 and Unity

Today was a black day for Flash developers world-wide. Adobe announced it will drop Flash support for mobile browsers. This came the day after announcing mass redundancies across the company. On the face of it that doesn’t seem like a significant problem. First of all: I am only concerned about game development for the web. I compare Flash, HTML5 and Unity, as they are the only viable web gaming platforms today. Workflow – How easy is it to actually create a game?

These are all areas that I feel game developers ought to be aware of when evaluating new platforms. It’s a long read but it was vital I covered as much as I could, using facts and stats rather than hyperbole, so you can make the best informed decision possible. Technology break-down 1. Flash: Making games in Flash is easy. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Motor de videojoc. Un motor de videojoc (o Game Engine en anglès) fa referència a una aplicació de programari que permeten el disseny, la creació i la representació del videojoc.[1] Hi ha diversos motors de joc que són dissenyats per donar resultats gràfics per a videoconsoles i ordinadors.

Motor de videojoc

El nucli funcional que títpicament proveeix un motor de videojoc inclou un motor de renderització (“renderer”) per gràfics en 2D o bé en 3D, un motor de física o detecció de col·lisió (i resposta en col·lisió), so, scripting, animació, intel·ligència artificial, xarxa, streaming, gestió de la memòria, multifils, suport en localització i gràfic d'escenes.[2] El procés de desenvolupament de videojocs sovint s'economitza, en gran part, mitjançant la reutilització/adaptació del mateix motor de joc per crear videojocs diferents.[3][4] Definició[modifica | modifica el codi] Haptics. Haptics is any form of interaction involving touch (from Greek ἅπτω = 'I fasten onto, I touch').


It can mean: Haptic communication, the means by which people and other animals communicate via touchingHaptic perception, the process of recognizing objects through touchHaptic poetry, a liminal art form combining characteristics of typography and sculptureHaptic technology, technology that interfaces with the user through the sense of touch Somatosensory system, the biology of sensory receptors Somatic, meaning relating to the bodyTactile signing, method of deafblind communicationAll pages with titles containing "Haptic" Experimental Gameplay Project. — Everything, By Everyone. Play Free Games. Tuts+ Free Game Development Tutorials.

Current state and the future of HTML5 games. Browser games are, in the vast majority, developed using Flash technology, however more and more often we come across HTML5 productions.

Current state and the future of HTML5 games

What is the reason behind the growing popularity of this technology, and why are game creators so willing to sacrifice Flash for HTML5? The answer to this question should be preceded by a brief explanation: HTML5 is not a programming language (despite the common phrase “HTML5 applications”, games are programmed in the JavaScript language), but rather it delivers APIs for new solutions like Canvas, WebGL or WebAudio, which are responsible for crucial components within game creation allowing them to run in the browser. The game's foundation is Canvas on which – colloquially speaking – we draw; this particular element makes programming graphics displays possible. Forums. Unity - Learn - Modules. Your Online Hub for Game/AI. Tutorials for iPhone / iOS Developers and Gamers.

Spine: Software de animación en 2D para juegos de video. Machinarium – Amanita Design. Machinarium is our first full-length adventure game in which players take on the role of a robot who has been exiled to the scrap heap.

Machinarium – Amanita Design

Players must use logic, collect important items, and solve environmental puzzles to get the robot back into the city of Machinarium so he can rescue his robot-girlfriend, save the head of the city, and defeat the bad guys from the Black Cap Brotherhood. Play Free Demo Online (Flash) Buy Machinarium PC / Mac / Linux Buy Machinarium Steam Buy Machinarium iPad, iPhone and Apple TV Buy Machinarium Android and ATV Buy Machinarium Windows Store Buy Machinarium PS4, PS3, PS Vita Buy Soundtrack + Art Book MP3 / FLAC + PDF Wallpapers.

Best Indie Games: Indie Game Bundles & Deals. Minería de datos. MUNDO HACKER 1 [NUEVOS] Debates : Observatorio de Videojuegos. La única realidad es la variedad SI bien el refrán "todo es del color del cristal con el que se mira" generalmente es utilizado, ya sea para irónicamente defender al relativismo, o para socarronamente desestimar la incapacidad de tener una lectura variada de fenómenos variados, hay otro posible uso del refrán que retomaremos aquí.

Debates : Observatorio de Videojuegos

De los muchos rasgos que identifican a nuestro mutante presente, hay uno que es pocas veces valorado como se lo merece. OpenCV.

Web 2

Web. 7 pequeños videojuegos que mañana serán tu gran vicio. Caperucita Roja está harta de que la rescaten y se va a lanzar al bosque hacha en mano.

7 pequeños videojuegos que mañana serán tu gran vicio

Programas. Referencias web.