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O Poder do nosso Pensamento - Mensagens das Águas. Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity. What the bleep trailer. On creativity (part I) Tim Brown on creativity and play. Flemming Funch on The Art of Not Doing - reboot video. A mola mestra da INOVAÇÃO | CRIATIVIDADE HUMANA.


Are Distractible People More Creative? | Wired Science? Our culture worships attention. We assume that, when we’re faced with a really hard problem, the best response is to stay focused, to lavish the dilemma with deliberate thought. And so we order a triple espresso, or chug some Red Bull, or snort some Ritalin. The point of these chemicals is to sharpen the spotlight, to keep us fixated on the task at hand. But is this a good cognitive strategy? Is distractability always a bad thing?

The answer turns out to be quite complicated. Consider a recent study by neuroscientists at Harvard and the University of Toronto that documents the benefits of all these extra thoughts. But it’s not enough to simply pay attention to everything – such a deluge of sensation can quickly get confusing. I think the same lesson applies to the internet. Speaking of smart voices, I’m absolutely thrilled to be part of the new network of bloggers here at Wired Science.

Go Back to Top. Benjamin Zander on music and passion. Why a Happy Brain Performs Better - HBR IdeaCast. Featured Guest: Shawn Achor, CEO of Aspirant and author of The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work.

Download this podcast SARAH GREEN: Welcome to the HBR IdeaCast from Harvard Business Review. I’m Sarah Green. I’m talking today with Shawn Achor, author other of The Happiness Advantage, and CEO of Aspirant, a research and consulting firm that uses positive psychology to improve performance at work. SHAWN ACHOR: Thank you so much for having me. SARAH GREEN: Shawn, the roots of your book go back to when you were the head teaching fellow of the landmark happiness class at Harvard College with Dr. There have been several major articles in major magazines, there have been several books published saying that positive psychology is undermining America, or it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

I don’t get to study people that are happy all the time, that’s a disorder. SHAWN ACHOR: Actually, surprisingly no. TEDxPalermo - Francesco Morace - Cultural DNA in the other side of globalization. Five Innovative New Year's Resolutions. At a McKinsey alumni webcast on creative strategy last week, the presenters mentioned a book due to be soon published by INSEAD professor Hal Gregersen, Jeffrey Dyer of Brigham Young University and Clayton Christensen of Harvard. The authors have spent six years interviewing thousands of innovative businesspeople and concluded there are five key traits innovators share (the Innovator's DNA as they call it).

Whenever I hear numbers like "six years" and "thousands of interviews," I grow a bit skeptical. That's usually academic code for "If I think about every conversation I can remember... " But their conclusions suggest some interesting New Year's resolutions for those wishing to make 2011 a more innovative year. 1.Associating: innovators "connect the dots"; they associate experiences and facts that others keep separate.

To be more innovative, then, you need more diverse sources of information and inspiration. This year put up your antenna. Connexion. Napoleon Hill - A Ciência do Sucesso. Itay Talgam: Lead like the great conductors.