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Top100 Tools for Learning 2010. How the Ivy League is Killing Innovation. April 16, 2011How the Ivy League is Killing Innovation Here's a wonderful article, just published in Bloomberg Business Week that raises a very curious paradox -- why academics are teaching innovation. Authors G. Michael Maddock and Raphael Louis Viton state their case clearly, cleanly, and with just enough of an edge to draw blood. "Process-driven cultures love process-driven experts. Organizations, just like people, do what makes them feel strong, and nothing makes mature, process-driven companies feel stronger than having a template for doing anything (even if having a completely buttoned-down-ain't-no-exceptions-allowed template for innovation seems oxymoronic on its face). Need innovation? Simply call in a PhD with a bow tie and trademarked process and watch your innovation portfolio grow.

If you are a professor and find Maddock and Viton's article objectionable, speak up! Here's an alternative PhotoPhoto Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at April 16, 2011 07:11 PM Post a comment. Please Enjoy - The Work of Ji Lee. Início. All Creative Work Is Derivative. The Cycle of Art - Cool Animation. WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson. Creative summer: What is creativity? RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms. My Anti-Creativity Checklist. Masaru Emoto - Water is Life ( NARRATIVE VERSION ) RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. Criatividade. Criatividade. How far does your creativity go? Joe Howard on creativity. Bob Machine. Vídeo De onde vêm as boas ideias? Steven Johnson responde.

Mac Ad - think different - apple. Speed Creating. De onde vêm as boas ideias para a inovação? - Bolsa. Da cólera ao GPS, da Web a Gutenberg, as ideias inovadoras não surgem num momento "eureka! " mas de um conjunto de factores que Steven Johnson, autor de Where Good Ideas come from, exemplificou no recente XX Congresso das Comunicações. Johnson detectou um conjunto de padrões na emergência de ideias inovadoras, sendo o principal que "a sorte favorece as mentes conectadas" e que a intuição para algo novo surge nas formas mais bizarras. Nos anos 40 do século XIX, Londres atravessou um período de perturbação por causa da cólera e do triunfo da teoria do miasma: uma nuvem venenosa infectava os cidadãos pelo ar. Perante o rumor, o médico John Snow fez um mapa com a localização das mortes, falou com habitantes dessas zonas e - com a ajuda de Henry Whitehead, padre que passava as noites a beber cerveja e a falar com as pessoas (um "conector" com "inteligência social", salienta Johnson) - cruzou o mapa com as fontes de água.

Where do ideas come from? Where do ideas come from? Ideas don't come from watching televisionIdeas sometimes come from listening to a lectureIdeas often come while reading a bookGood ideas come from bad ideas, but only if there are enough of themIdeas hate conference rooms, particularly conference rooms where there is a history of criticism, personal attacks or boredomIdeas occur when dissimilar universes collideIdeas often strive to meet expectations. If people expect them to appear, they doIdeas fear experts, but they adore beginner's mind. A little awareness is a good thingIdeas come in spurts, until you get frightened. Ignite #6] Rui Simas - "O Dementismo" Marissa Mayer, Google - Ideas Come From Everywhere. Bubble Project. 15 Cool Ways To Boost Your Creativity.

Feeling burnt out or lacking creative ideas? This article is especially for all you writers, artists, business owners or anyone looking for some new ways to get their creativity flowing. Here are 15 ways to give your creativity a jump start: Write Your Ideas Down Get into the habit of writing your ideas down as soon as you get them. When they are written down you don’t have to worry about remembering them and this allows more room for new ideas to form in your mind. Relax Good ideas and creativity usually do not appear under stress. Take a walk on the beach, take a nap, go and play some sport or do whatever it is that relaxes you so that your brain can be more creative when you get back to work. Have No Expectations Similar to living with no stress, but specifically no stress from the outcome.

When you create with love and passion and no expectation of the outcome, the chances are much greater that you will create something remarkable! You are enough and you are creative. Read Meditate Exercise. CRIATIVIDADE-COMPETITIVIDADE-VITALIDADE-URBANA-UMA-CULTURA-GOVERNANÇA-CIDADE-CRIATIVA. Este projecto visa aumentar o conhecimento e construir linhas estratégicas de actuação sobre os quadros, as dinâmicas e os mecanismos de governança susceptíveis de promover e enraizar a vitalização urbana, a criatividade e a competitividade das cidades. Partindo da discussão acerca da “cidade criativa”, que tem marcado a análise académica e alguma actuação pública específica em espaço urbano nos últimos anos, este projecto ambiciona explorar e analisar criticamente as relações entre as diferentes escalas de actuação pública, as lógicas de internacionalização e as dinâmicas urbanas/metropolitanas. O projecto implica: a) o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem conceptual que permita analisar os mecanismos de governança no desenvolvimento urbano e entender as recentes dinâmicas de sucesso em áreas urbanas, particularmente as baseadas na criatividade; Informações e inscrições: Programa 9.00 | Acolhimento dos participantes 9.30 | Abertura Luísa Lima Directora da ECSH do ISCTE-IUL Debate.

2019: A Future Imagined. Ten Steps for Boosting Your Creativity. Creativity Websites. OCAD - What Can Creativity Do. Think outside the box. Meaning Think creatively, unimpeded by orthodox or conventional constraints. Origin 'Think outside the box' originated in the USA in the late 1960s/early 1970s. It has become something of a cliche, especially in the business world, where 'thinking outside the box' has become so hackeyed as to be rather meaningless. Various authors from the world of management consultancy claim to have introduced the phrase. The earliest citation that I have found comes from the weekly magazine of the US aviation industry - Aviation Week & Space Technology, July 1975: "We must step back and see if the solutions to our problems lie outside the box. " The 'box', with its implication of rigidity and squareness, symbolises constrained and unimaginative thinking. "Real thinking.

So, what's this box? "Draw a continuous line through the center of all the eggs so as to mark them off in the fewest number of strokes. " Creativity Motion Graphics. Creativity In The Classroom | Invent Creativity. In January 2010, I was asked to teach as an Adjunct Professor at a local community college. My eyes glistened after I learned that I would be interacting with design students teaching them how to effectively design for the web.

My Assumptions Students aspiring to reach a creative occupation surely have a heightened sense of creativity.Since majority of students require Graphic Design prerequisites they have already been taught brainstorming and other viable creativity techniques. Reality Check Creativity is an essential component within the classroom. It is the responsibility of the teacher to motivate and inspire such thought processes. The students simply perform to the expectation of the teacher, and if they are not empowered with the right tools, students will not be able to produce the intended work. As Educators We Must Not As educators we cannot kill creativity. 1. It is easy to find inspiration. 2. I stopped grading all of my students work. 3. 4. Leave a Reply. Centro Regional para Inovação do Algarve | Homepage. TEDxRedmond - Priya Ganesan - Creativity in School.