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Δίκαιο: ένας διάλογος για τη δικαιοσύνη βασισμένος στην Πολιτεία του Πλάτωνα. ‘I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool’: meet the data war whistleblower | News. The first time I met Christopher Wylie, he didn’t yet have pink hair. That comes later. As does his mission to rewind time. To put the genie back in the bottle.

By the time I met him in person, I’d already been talking to him on a daily basis for hours at a time. On the phone, he was clever, funny, bitchy, profound, intellectually ravenous, compelling. Two months later, when he arrived in London from Canada, he was all those things in the flesh. Or, as Wylie describes it, he was the gay Canadian vegan who somehow ended up creating “Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare mindfuck tool”. In 2014, Steve Bannon – then executive chairman of the “alt-right” news network Breitbart – was Wylie’s boss. It was Wylie who came up with that idea and oversaw its realisation.

By that time, Steve Bannon had become Trump’s chief strategist. He ended up showing me a tranche of documents that laid out the secret workings behind Cambridge Analytica. Wylie oversaw what may have been the first critical breach. ΣΥΝΑΙΣΘΗΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΝΟΗΜΟΣΥΝΗ. «Είμαι δυσλεκτικός»: ένα συγκινητικό βίντεο για τις μαθησιακές δυσκολίες - BORO από την ΑΝΝΑ ΔΡΟΥΖΑ - What every teacher should know about ... memory | Teacher Network. There is a wealth of psychology research that can help teachers to improve how they work with students – but academic studies of this kind aren’t always easy to access, or to translate into the realities of classroom practice. This series seeks to redress that, by taking a selection of studies and making sense of the important information for teachers.

No one study or journal can provide a definitive answer, but they can help offer some guidance. Some of the studies I will choose in these articles are iconic, some quirky, some are large scale, and some have a small sample size. But all of them look to help answer the question: how can we help our students do better at school? We begin with a study on memory. Long-term learning How do our students learn? This study is one of the most thorough and comprehensive appraisals on strategies that students employ to improve their memory. What are the main findings? Two techniques were rated as being very effective for improving long-term memory: 24ο ετήσιο πρόγραμμα υποτροφιών του Ιδρύματος Ωνάση για το 2018-19. Το Ίδρυμα Ωνάση προκηρύσσει το εικοστό τέταρτο (24ο) ετήσιο πρόγραμμα υποτροφιών του για το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2018/2019, το οποίο απευθύνεται σε αλλοδαπούς καθηγητές, μεταδιδακτορικούς ερευνητές και σε υποψήφιους διδάκτορες για έρευνα στην Ελλάδα, με αντικείμενο τον ελληνικό πολιτισμό, την ελληνική οικονομία και κοινωνία.

Συνολικά προκηρύσσονται δέκα (10) υποτροφίες από τις οποίες τρεις (3) θα χορηγηθούν σε καθηγητές όλων των βαθμίδων, τρεις (3) σε ερευνητές κατόχους διδακτορικού τίτλου και τέσσερις (4) σε υποψήφιους διδάκτορες. Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων και δικαιολογητικών μέχρι και 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2018. Οι αιτήσεις υποβάλλονται μόνο ηλεκτρονικά. Οι πλήρεις όροι και προϋποθέσεις περιλαμβάνονται στα κείμενα των αντίστοιχων προκηρύξεων.

Για περαιτέρω πληροφορίες, παρακαλούμε να τηλεφωνήσετε στο Τμήμα Υποτροφιών προς Αλλοδαπούς : 210 37 13 018, E-mail: Ιστοσελίδα του Ιδρύματος Ωνάση: Σταμάτα να το λες λάθος! Φράσεις που ποτέ δεν θα πούμε σωστά. «Χαίρετε!» Είναι ευχή. Δηλαδή να χαίρεστε! Γράφεται με έψιλον και όχι «χαίρεται» (ό,τι θυμάται). «Κύριε/κυρία/Δεσποινίς» Προσφωνούμε πάντα κύριο και κυρία κάποιον που δεν γνωρίζουμε και τον ζητάμε πάντα σαν κύριο ή κυρία στο τηλέφωνο σε τρίτους ακόμα κι αν είναι κολλητός μας και παίζουμε μαζί σφαλιάρες. Επίσης δεσποινίδες λέμε μόνο τα κορίτσια από 16 χρονών και κάτω.

Αντιθέτως, δεν αποκαλούμε ποτέ κύριο τον εαυτό μας! Λέμε: «Είμαι ο Γιώργος Νταλάρας» και όχι «είμαι ο κύριος Νταλάρας» Τέλος, δεν αποκαλούμε ποτέ κύριο κάποιον που έχει φύγει από τη ζωή γιατί έχει πάψει να είναι κύριος του εαυτού του. «Με γεια!» Ευχή. «Εξ απαλών ονύχων» Το χρησιμοποιούμε λανθασμένα όταν θέλουμε να πούμε ότι κάτι έγινε ή το γνωρίζουμε πολύ επιδερμικά, ξώφαλτσα. «-θεν» Όλα αυτά τα επιρρήματα με κατάληξη «θεν» λέγονται σκέτα! «Ελαφρά τη καρδία» Δηλαδή με ανάλαφρη καρδιά, άνετα, χωρίς να το πολυσκεφτώ. «Αβρόχοις ποσί» Χωρίς να βρέξω τα πόδια μου. «Άνοιξε τον Ασκό του Αιόλου» «Υπέρ το δέον» Και όχι υπέρ του δέοντος! Π.Χ. Πλήρες υλικό για την ορθογραφία σε Δημοτικό και Γυμνάσιο. Στα παρακάτω links θα βρείτε αρκετές ιδέες ώστε η ορθογραφία να γίνει και αυτή μια παιχνιώδης και δημιουργική δραστηριότητα.

Διαβάστε ένα άρθρο της Ε. Κανταρτζή και Μ. Αναγνωστοπούλου για τα ορθογραφικά λάθη των παιδιών ΕΔΩ Καθοδηγούμενη συμμετοχική ορθογραφία για μαθητές με μαθησιακές δυσκολίες. Δείτε το άρθρο ΕΔΩ Άρθρο σχετικά με φωνολογικές δραστηριότητες. Άρθρο σχετικά με φωνολογική εξάσκηση. Η εκπαίδευση των παιδιών στη φωνολογική επίγνωση.

Ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για την εξέλιξη της ιστορικής ορθογραφίας ΕΔΩ Η διδασκαλία της ορθογραφίας στις τρεις πρώτες τάξεις του δημοτικού σχολείου, Διπλωματική εργασία της Π. Άρθρο του Σ. Μέθοδοι ορθογραφίας. Δημιουργικές γλωσσικές δραστηριότητες για την Α΄τάξη. Δημιουργικές δραστηριότητες. Συμπληρωματικές εισηγήσεις. Παίζοντας με τις λέξεις. Πολύ ωραίο υλικό για τη μελέτη της Ορθογραφίας (συνιστάται για μαθητές με δυσλεξία ). Υλικό από τη νέα λογομάθεια. Προτάσεις και δραστηριότητες για την ορθογραφία ΕΔΩ Πώς κάνουμε ορθογραφία; Δείτε ΕΔΩ. 900 ελληνικά χειρόγραφα διαθέσιμα online από τη Βρετανική Βιβλιοθήκη | Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης - ΕΚΤ.

Η Βρετανική Βιβλιοθήκη ψηφιοποίησε και διαθέτει πλέον online περισσότερα από 900 ελληνικά χειρόγραφα, προσφέροντας πρόσβαση σε μια από τις πιο σημαντικές ψηφιακές συλλογές τέτοιου είδους στον κόσμο, μαζί με αυτές της Βιβλιοθήκης του Βατικανού και της Λαυρεντιανής Βιβλιοθήκης στη Φλωρεντία. Στην ψηφιακή συλλογή θα βρείτε έγχρωμες εικόνες υψηλής ανάλυσης του κάθε χειρογράφου, και θα μπορέσετε να εξερευνήσετε την εξωτερική του μορφή (υλικό γραφής, διαστάσεις, αρίθμηση φύλλων, είδος και αρίθμηση τευχών, παρουσία ή απουσία υδατοσήμων, διακοσμητικά χαρακτηριστικά, είδος της στάχωσης, κατάσταση του χειρογράφου). Παράλληλα υπάρχει τεκμηριωμένη παρουσίαση του περιεχομένου με περιγραφές, χρονολόγηση, αναφερόμενα πρόσωπα, πηγές, στοιχεία κωδικολογίας, συναφή άρθρα και σχετικό περιεχόμενο καθώς και εκτεταμένη βιβλιογραφία. Τέλος, υπάρχει δυνατότητα να προσθέσουν οι χρήστες ετικέτες και σχόλια, καθώς και να αναφέρουν τυχόν λάθη στην τεκμηρίωση με σχετική φόρμα επικοινωνίας. Sign Up. How to Eat Your Way to Better Grades.

The saying goes that you are what you eat, so when it comes to exam time it makes sense to think carefully about what you are feeding your body. Food is fuel and knowing what to eat and drink ahead of exams can make all the difference to your performance. A key factor in how well you do in an exam is “cognitive function”, which pretty much means the functioning of the brain. This includes variables such as memory and attention, and it can be easily affected by how much, and what type of food you do or do not eat.

So it is logical that to enhance exam performance you want to think about optimising your cognitive function, with diet a key factor for consideration. So where to start? Low GI foods produce a slower rise and lower peak in blood glucose concentration after eating which is believed to be beneficial for cognitive function. The breakfast should also be reasonably high carbohydrate, given that glucose (from carbohydrates) is the main fuel used by the brain. 10 Apps that Fuel Creation with Technology Across the Content. "5 Value Tools for Literacy in the Elementary Classroom" the link is here! Recently we have been out and about on the summer professional development circuit. We've been asked to share a few of our materials that we use during our presentations.

You ask, and we deliver! Today's post shares information that is worthy of all ages, stages, content, and access. The amazing Sylvia Duckworth has created a perfect sketchnote that captures the essence of why students should create vs. consume in the classroom! It is our job as teachers to facilitate learning experiences that put students in the driver's seat. Tellagami allows your students the ability to customize the way they present or share information easily. ChatterPix is an incredibly versatile app that allows students to share 30 seconds of sound byte while making an image look as if it is speaking. GAFE is an ever-changing and growing set of apps compatible for those out there not ipad based.

Happy creating! -Tiffany. 10 free tools for creating infographics. Done right, infographics can be a great way to make sense of complex data. The best infographics transform complex information and data into graphics that are both easy to grasp and visually appealing. The only problem is, infographics that look like they were simple to make are often anything but. Exclusive offer: Save 15% on Adobe Creative Cloud now Here, we've selected our top free tools and apps for making infographics. Give these free tools a try and let us know which ones you get on best with on Facebook or Twitter. 01. Visme promises to help you 'speak visually'. 02. Canva is a powerful and easy-to-use online tool that's suitable for all manner of design tasks, from brochures to presentations and much more besides. It features a dedicated infographic maker that you can use for free, with hundreds of free design elements and fonts at your fingertips, and many more premium elements that you can buy for up to $1. 03.

Google's chart tools are powerful, simple to use, and free. 04. FlipBook. Αρχαία Ελληνικά-Συντακτικό σε κωμικογραφήματα, Syntaxe du grec ancien en BD, Bibliothèque Projet Homere. Digital Storytelling: What it is… And… What it is NOT | Tech Learning. I was lucky to have shared my childhood bedroom for a few years with my grandmother, when she had come to live with us after an illness. At bedtime, she would tell me stories of her parents and three brothers and growing up in East Prussia, fleeing to the West after WW2 and the things that occupied her mind. I was hooked on storytelling. The fascination grew when technology became available and opened up possibilities that were just not possible before. I would give anything to have been able to record my grandmother’s stories and have shared them with my own children years later.

Humans are natural storytellers. It has been THE FORM of passing on knowledge from generation to generation. Storytelling existed in some shape or form in all civilizations across time. Maybe as part of a natural process, we tend to stick first to the familiar and “substitute” our task (see Ruben Puentedura’s SAMR model). Over the years, I have seen in classrooms and created myself many stories, that are: 15 Common Mistakes Teachers Make Teaching With Technology | TeachThought.

15 Common Mistakes Teachers Make Teaching With Technology by Terry Heick The role of technology in learning isn’t entirely clear–or rather, is subjective. While it clearly is able to provide access to peers, audiences, resources, and data, it also can be awkward, problematic, distracting, performing more strongly as a barrier to understand than anything else. Why this happens also isn’t clear, but there are some common patterns and missteps to look for while designing or evaluating a learning process. 1.

It’s not always possible, but when you can, let the students choose, and see what happens. 2. This doesn’t mean you can’t choose the function, but if you students can’t control the technology the use nor its function, this can be problematic: the learning is passive from the beginning. 3. To an extent you have to, but don’t overdo it. 4. If the technology is more magical than the project, product, collaboration, process, or content itself, try to muffle the bells and whistles. 5. 6. 7. 8. The easiest way to take notes synchronized with videos!

How to Make a Cartoon: Top 7 Animated Video Makers - Freemake. How to Make a Cartoon Yourself: Top 7 Animated Video Makers Compared Video production is not an easy and cheap matter. A short video for your YouTube channel or website may cost several thousand dollars if you address to professional video studios. No doubt, there are free and low-cost alternatives which can be easily mastered by any web user. A self-made cartoon or an animated video is one of the options. Animated Video Makers: Pros & Cons Animated videos are illustrations existing in a purely fictional world. Animated cartoons are frequent on YouTube, since everyone can make them with online tools and ready design templates. So you don’t need to order a professional cartoon from a design studio or draw it yourself.

Animation templates look professional;you don’t need to dub videos;templates are usually done in high resolution;pricing plans are scalable;characters look engaging and funny. However, there are several disadvantages: Top 7 Cartoon Makers 1. How to make a cartoon with GoAnimate? App of the Week: Vibby. In this weekly blog, our own Emily Jeanes gives readers the lowdown on web apps that educators can use inside Haiku Learning. Emily is the very first Haiku Learning Sales Engineer. Edtech ninja, sci-fi writer, and proud transfer from our award-winning Client Services team, she brings with her a passion for researching, playing with and integrating awesome educational tools into Haiku Learning.

Like Haiku Learning, she likes to think she plays well with others. What is Vibby? From their site: Vibby is "a fast-growing video platform that enables users to highlight, share and discuss the best parts of any online video, thereby making content more engaging, as well as providing invaluable analytics on user interaction at a very granular level. " Or, in short, "vibby is about making video awesome. " In Haiku Learning: Use Embed the Web to embed any vib, complete with highlighted segments, Skip capabilities, a Like button, and the powerful ability to view and add comments.

Why should I try it? What the flip? Exploring technologies to support a flipped classroom by @katessoper. A flipped classroom is one where the lectures become the homework and the traditional homework tasks take place in the lesson time. This enables students to attend sessions with an understanding of the subject and to conceptualise and build upon it through doing exercises in class, with you, as the tutor, on hand to answer questions and explore the topic in more detail. This moves the tutor from the “sage on the stage, to the guide on the side” (King, 1993). This is a re-blog post by Kate Soper and published with kind permission. The original post can be found here.

Read more posts from Kate by clicking here. Do you have a blog post which you are proud of? Submit your blog post for reblogging on by clicking here. Why should I flip? Flipping your classroom does involve a bit of planning and preparation, however when it is implemented well it has a positive impact on the student experience and their attainment (Nwosisi et al, 2016, Bishop & Verleger, 2013, ). What tech do I need? Ραντεβού - Μάρκος Σεφερλής - 15.5.2016 - HD. 20 Free Stock Photo Sites for Your Social Media Images. 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About.

Via Edudemic Technology and education are pretty intertwined these days and nearly every teacher has a few favorite tech tools that make doing his or her job and connecting with students a little bit easier and more fun for all involved. Yet as with anything related to technology, new tools are hitting the market constantly and older ones rising to prominence, broadening their scope, or just adding new features that make them better matches for education, which can make it hard to keep up with the newest and most useful tools even for the most tech-savvy teachers.

Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the tech tools, including some that are becoming increasingly popular and widely used, that should be part of any teacher’s tech tool arsenal this year, whether for their own personal use or as educational aids in the classroom. Social Learning These tools use the power of social media to help students learn and teachers connect. Learning Lesson Planning and Tools Useful Tools. Technology and Education | Box of Tricks. EDpuzzle. HapYak | Interactive Video Platform. Mix for Education. ShareX - Take screenshots, Annotate, Upload and share URL in clipboard. Free Screen Sharing and Online Meeting Software | Screenleap. This Graphic Explains 20 Cognitive Biases That Affect Your Decision-Making.

8 Technologies That Will Shape Future Classrooms. MindMapPedia - Mind Map Encyclopedia. 15-best-brainstorming-and-mind-mapping-tech-tools-for-every-creative-mind. How to Use Prezi to Create Visual Lessons. 3D for Everyone. Make Your Images Interactive. ClassFlow. The Best 8 Tools to Create Posters for your Classroom.

Free Logo Maker, Design, Software, Generator, Creator, Online. Create & Find Multimedia Lessons in Minutes | TES Blendspace. Zaption - Interact & Learn with Video Lessons. Create 3D Games without Coding! | Spark Game Engine. An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments. The Museum of the World: ένα διαδραστικό εργαλείο για το μάθημα της Ιστορίας. |


Ψηφιακοί Δελφοί > Αρχική. Top 10 Text To Speech (TTS) Software For eLearning. 5 Digital Tools For The Flipped Classroom | TeachThought. 54 Flipped Classroom Tools For Teachers And Students | TeachThought. Αερόστατο. Jele | Μάθηση και εκπαιδευτικά παιχνίδια για τα παιδιά του δημοτικού. Benefits of Gaming: What Research Shows. Games and Your Brain: How to Use Gamification to Stop Procrastinating. Το mywebook αλλάζει το διαδίκτυο. Νεοελ. Λογοτεχνία & Ψηφιακές Τεχνολογίες - ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ. Δεκάδες χρήσιμες ιστοσελίδες ιστορίας | Paideia 24 - Εκπαιδευτικά Νέα. Εικονογραφήσεις της Ιλιάδας και της Οδύσσειας.

Μηχανές Αναζήτησης Επιστημονικών Άρθρων. «Πολιτισμοί του Διαδικτύου», μελέτες για των Ελλήνων τις ψηφιακές κοινότητες.