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You Have To Make These Dancing Baby Groot Cupcakes. Salted-Caramel Six-Layer Chocolate Cake.

PMS smoothie. Opskrift på Snickers-kage. Snickers-kage Lad mig præsentere Snickers-kagen: Lækker lys kagebund, et lag saltede peanuts efterfulgt at en syndig karamelmasse, og til sidst et tykt lag chokolade som prikken over i’et. Ord burde være overflødige, men alligevel: prøv den! Navnet er ikke for sjov, for kagen minder rigtig meget om en Snickers-chokoladebar med den lækre blanding af bl.a. chokolade, karamel og peanuts. En sammensætning af sødt kræs, der får et frækt modspil af de salte peanuts. Nøj, den er god! Kagen er utrolig nem at lave, og er et hit uanset om den serveres for ung eller gammel. Opskrift (fundet på 200 blødt smør4 dl sukker3 æg4 dl mel1,5 tsk. bagepulver350 – 400 g saltede peanuts (jeg brugte kun 250 g, og det var efter min mening nok) Smør og sukker piskes grundigt, hvorefter æggene tilsættes et af gangen.

Karamel: 1 dl fløde1 dl mørk sirup2 spsk. kakao2 tsk. vaniljesukker50 g smør2 dl sukker Mens kagen bages røres alle ingredienserne til karamelmassen sammen i en gryde og bringes i kog. Tofu Stir Fry Recipe - Ultimate Tofu Stir Fry Recipe. Baking cheesecake! The 130 degrees piece is my part - it&#039. Kartoffelmos med squash | Opskrifter | Arla. Kartoffelmos er et sikkert hit og med denne lækre squashblanding ligner det også et hit. Den smule bid der er i squash giver modspil til mosen. Kartoffelmos 1 kg kartoffel 1 1⁄2 dl mælk 50 g smør 1 tsk groft salt friskkværnet peber Squashblanding 50 g smør 4 grofthakkede mellemstore zittauerløg 1 squash i tern 4 tomater i tern 1⁄2 tsk tørret basilikum 1 tsk groft salt friskkværnet peber Pynt: grofthakket frisk persille Skræl kartoflerne og skær dem i mindre stykker.

Smelt smørret i en tykbundet gryde, og svits løgene heri. Tip Retten kan pyntes med ristede bacontern. Sofistikerede Oreos med himmelsk lækker hvid chokoladecreme Jeg startede jo på mit nye arbejde i mandags, og indtil videre skal jeg kun arbejde hver 4. fredag, og har dermed en 4-dags-arbejdsuge. Det blev selvfølgelig udnyttet, at jeg havde fri i dag, og bagte nogle super skønne og sofistikerede Oreos med himmelsk lækker hvid chokoladecreme. Hold op, hvor er de altså bare lækre – meget anbefalelsesværdige Jeg fandt opskriften hos That Winsome Girl.

Jeg havde dog en del arbejde med selve dejen, idet den er meget blød, og skal derfor proppes i fryseren, for hver gang man har rullet en klump ud. Men når det så er sagt, så er det alt arbejdet værd. I det jeg fandt opskriften på en amerikansk side, er målene ret underlige, men har prøvet mig lidt frem. Opskriften egner sig til ca. 30 sandwich-småkager. Oreos 3,6 dl + 3 spsk mel1,8 dl sukker1,8 dl + 2 spsk usødet kakao½ tsk bagepulver½ tsk salt15 spsk smør (mit umiddelbare bud er, at jeg brugte 1 hel pakke smør af 250 g) Hvid chokoladecreme 1/4 l piskefløde200 g hvid chokolade Fremgangsmåde Oreos. Recipes | The Skinny Confidential. [pcig category=lite-drinks display=list show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true] [pcig category=skinny-cocktails display=list show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true] [pcig category=mini-bites display=list show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true] [pcig category=low-cal-meals display=list show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true] [pcig category=healthy-desserts display=list show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]

Strawberry-lemon sorbet. Though the window air conditioning unit we recently purchased has most likely saved our lives, we’re still not quite immune to the evil temperatures lurking just outside our door. And this is where frozen treats swoop in to save the day. dun dun Dun! This strawberry lemon sorbet is sweet, tart, velvety, and possesses the power to cool you down. At least for a couple of minutes. I mean, the mercury has been hovering around 100 ’round here as of late. you might like: I dug into my photo archives and came out with six days' worth of frozen treats. Strawberry-Lemon Sorbet (adapted from smitten kitchen) makes 1 1/2 quarts 1 lemon, seeded and chopped 2 cups sugar 2 pounds strawberries, hulled juice of 1-2 lemons Pulse chopped lemon and sugar in a food processor until pulverized. Put mixture into a bowl and set in the fridge to chill to about 40 degrees; once chilled, transfer to your ice cream maker and churn until frozen.

Limoncello mint sorbet. I dug into my photo archives and came out with six days’ worth of frozen treats. (Please forgive any questionable photography.) Last time: strawberry lemon sorbet. Next up: limoncello mint sorbet. I first heard of limoncello via my Italian professor. She came to class a bit late one day, and was particularly entertaining and delightful that session. I was feeling fancy one evening after a tasty prix fixe meal, and couldn’t resist a housemade limoncello listed on the novel of a drink menu. You might like: Though the window air conditioning unit we recently purchased has most likely saved our lives, we're still not quite immune to the evil temperatures lurking just outside our door.

Limoncello Mint Sorbet (from cooking light) 2 cups water 1 1/3 cups sugar 1/2 cup limoncello 1 cup fresh lemon juice (from about 6 large lemons) 1/2 cup chopped fresh mint Combine water, sugar, and limoncello in a saucepan; bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring to dissolve sugar. Homemade almond milk. One of my favorite ways of harnessing almonds’ nutritive superpowers is grinding them into almond milk. The store-bought stuff is fine, yes, but this homemade version is pure, smooth, rich and creamy almond-y goodness. It’s free of the additives that give store-bought milk a slightly thick, gummy texture. Of course that means it lacks the same shelf-life, needing to be used within a couple of days. Not difficult around here. So far it’s gone into rice pudding, oatmeal pancakes, french toast, coffee and cereal. And the leftover meal has been used for a cheesecake crust.

You just need a blender that doesn’t leak out the bottom (learned the hard way), some cheesecloth or muslin–love muslin! You might like: My self-imposed deadline for posting Tofu Summer Rolls passed this morning at 5:05 am, so, instead, I present to you: Coconut Rice Pudding! Almond Milk (from makes about a quart 4 cups water 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon sweetener dash of cinnamon pinch of salt. Cooking and Baking - Made Just Right. 9 Home Remedies for Hangovers" Well, you partied from sundown to sunup, and now you're paying the price. You've got the pounding headache, the queasiness, the dizziness, the sensitivity to light and sound, the muscle aches and the irritability that comes from overconsumption of alcoholic beverages. How quickly last night's fun turns into next morning's nightmare when you have a hangover!

Although we don't like to think of it as such, especially when we're having such a good time, alcohol is actually a drug. It's a depressant, and when taken in excess, it fills your body with toxins. Your body reacts as it would to any drug overdose: It tries to metabolize and get rid of the offending substances. The best way to prevent a hangover is, of course, drinking in moderation or abstaining from alcohol. But keeping yourself well-hydrated and well-nourished when you're drinking can go a long way toward minimizing the morning-after symptoms. The best cure for a hangover: time. F0WXSS4GP0Y52DH.MEDIUM.jpg (JPEG Billede, 500x402 pixels)

Five of the Best Sweet Treats to Try in Paris. Sweet Treats in Paris by Canon s3 When strolling along famous Paris streets like the Champs-Elysées and Rue Royale, your nose will be assaulted by delicious odors wafting from some of the greatest bakers, confectioners and chocolatiers in France. Don’t be tempted by imitators – when in Paris, go for the original and best creators of world-famous sweet treats. See the top five places to satisfy your sweet tooth and your sense of occasion below… 1) for bonbons: l’Etoile d’Or Bernachon chocolates Paris by Ricardo Denise Acabo’s knowledge of chocolate is the stuff of local legend and though the French may passionately debate about which type is their favourite, everyone agrees that the perfect delivery system for her chocolate masterpieces are her heavenly bonbons.

Where: 30 Rue Pierre Fontaine 2) for hot chocolate: Angelina Cafe Glorious Angelina's Hot Chocolate by Ingrid Where: 226 Rue de Rivoli 3) for a glazed croissant: Pierre Hermé Pierre Hermé Croissant by Michal 4) for ice cream: Berthillon. Nutella Pocket Cookies. Almond Flour Brownies. This week I made brownies for the first time in months. MONTHS. Who am I? The thing is these aren’t even for me; I’m still trying to get in better shape for marathon training. The last thing I need on my plate(literally) is brownies. I’m not saying I didn’t steal a taste, but as soon as these were cooled, cut, and photographed I sealed them up to bring to the Healthy Living Summit to share with friends and this girl for hosting me for a night.

I made these by modifying my outrageous triple chocolate brownies recipe and—dare I say? Almond Flour Brownies Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Ingredients(Makes 1 8 x 8 pan): 3/4 cup almond flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 3/4 cup sugar*3 large eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon instant coffee granules(optional) 1/2 cup butter 7oz semisweet or bittersweet baking chocolate, divided OR 3/4 cup chocolate chips Method: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Ferrero Rocher Cheesecake.

I'm happy to introduce you to my Ferrero Rocher Cheesecake! It's Daring Bakers time! The April 2009 challenge is hosted by Jenny from Jenny Bakes. She has chosen Abbey's Infamous Cheesecake as the challenge. Jenny provided us with a wonderful cheesecake recipe from her friend Abbey and told us to use it as a blank canvas and be creative with flavours. What a great idea! I love Ferrero Rocher chocolates (who doesn't, really?) Here's the recipe with my changes in italic: Crust: 2 cups / 180 g graham cracker crumbs (I’ve used Digestive biscuits)1 stick / 4 oz butter, melted2 tbsp. / 24 g sugar1 tsp. vanilla extract4 tbsp cocoa powder Cheesecake: Directions:Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (Gas Mark 4 = 180C = Moderate heat). Then playing a little bit with the Ferrero Rocher theme, I covered the top with Nutella (softened a bit in the microwave) and chopped roasted hazelnuts. I've also baked 4 little cheesecakelets, with a whole Ferrero Rocher inside.

Look at the whole Ferrero Rocher inside!!! Liste over nyeste tilbagetrækninger. Twenty for Twenty: Vegetarian Edition Article. Chinese Salt and Pepper Tofu Restaurant Style. This vegan salt and pepper tofu recipe is a great dish to entertain with. I either serve it as an appetizer with tooth picks, or I serve it as an entree with some brown rice. All the components of this recipe can be made ahead and put together just before serving. This is a truly fancy, delicious, vegan, Chinese dish and it tastes like something you’d get at a restaurant. To clean leeks, soak sliced leeks in water for a few minutes. The grit will settle to the bottom. Then scoop up the leeks floating on top and rinse under water. There are a few recipes online for salt and pepper tofu, like this Chinese salt and pepper tofu on the post punk kitchen forum, this salt and pepper tofu with five spice or this simple salt and pepper tofu from Rachael Ray magazine.

Once you fry the tofu, toss it in sauteed leeks, celery, ginger, garlic and green pepper. For a quick appetizer, skip the sauteeing just served the fried tofu with chili sauce like below. Notes: Vegetable or canola oil for frying. The Vegan Stoner. OpenCola (drink) OpenCola is a brand of open-source cola, where the instructions for making it are freely available and modifiable. Anybody can make the drink, and anyone can modify and improve on the recipe as long as they, too, license their recipe under the GNU General Public License. Since recipes are, by themselves, not copyrightable, the legal basis for this is untested.[1] The flavouring formula for OpenCola is:[2][3] Ingredients of OpenCola 2.36 kg plain granulated white table sugar2.28 L water30.0 mL caramel color17.5 mL (3.50 tsp.) 75% phosphoric acid or citric acid10.0 mL (2.00 tsp.) flavouring formula2.50 mL (0.50 tsp.) caffeine (optional)[2][3] After mixing up the concentrate to the prescribed recipe (including all recommended safety precautions – see links), the syrup is diluted 5:1 with ("preferably sodium-free") soda water to make the finished drink; at this dilution, the above combination of ingredients will yield approximately 24 litres of OpenCola.