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Web Development

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Dynamic Drive DHTML(dynamic html) & JavaScript code library. Web development tutorials, from beginner to advanced. Wordpress Tutorials, Themes, Plugins & More - CSS-Tricks.

Create a new Fiddle - jsFiddle. - Share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS. Instant Documentation Search. Smashing Magazine — For Professional Web Designers and Developers. HTML5 Rocks - A resource for open web HTML5 developers. Codrops. Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript - video style tutorials. PHP, CodeIgniter, Programming, jQuery, MySQL, Ajax Tutorials and Demos. David Walsh - MooTools, Dojo Consultant. jQuery Wiki. Line25 Web Design Blog.

WPBeginner - Beginner's Guide for WordPress. Tutorials-Web Development. Wait, DevTools could do THAT? There is an entire performance talk in the above waterfall..

Wait, DevTools could do THAT?

Fast TTFB for page header, but (very) slow body render Document parser doesn't wait, schedules the CSS The CSS is queued, waiting for first byte for over 1s! PreloadScanner can fetch resources while parser is blocked (early flush example) "You get used to it. I don't even see the waterfall. 9lessons Programming Blog, Tutorials, jQuery, Ajax, PHP, MySQL and Demos.