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Impression 3D

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OMOTE 3D SHASHIN KAN. Choc Edge | Creating Your Chocolate In Style. Cubify - Express Yourself in 3D. Shapeways - Make, buy, and sell custom products with 3D Printing. Erreur de chargement de la page. Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects. Votre design 3D devient réalité avec l'impression 3D. Interactive Fabrication » Fabricate Yourself. Fabricate Yourself is a project that documented the Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction Conference.

Usually we think of documentation in terms of text, photography and video, but given the tangible theme of the conference we decided to engage the community by capturing and fabricating small 3D models of attendees. This enabled us to build a tangible model of the event and fabricate it piece by piece during the conference. Attendees firstly capture their favorite pose using a Microsoft Kinect. The depth image from the Kinect is processed into a mesh and displayed onscreen in real-time. At any time they can capture the mesh and save it as an STL file. Dovetail joints are automatically added to the side of the models so they can be snapped together. This allows multiple models to be connected to form a larger overall model. The STL files were printed using a Dimension uPrint 3D printer kindly provided by Stratasys.

Below you can see the models packed on to the 3D printing base. PopFab : une imprimante 3D dans une valise conçue par le MIT. A sandstone block built from lego, blending real objects with 3d prints on Vimeo. Markus Kayser - Solar Sinter Project.