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Paintings in movies. Grand Comics Database. Star Wars - HQ screencaps of everything in the Star Wars Universe! Star Wars: The Changes. Star Wars: The Changes - Part One Chris Gould has taken on the mammoth task of looking at the changes to the Star Wars trilogy, from 1977 to 2004, beginning with th... For years now George Lucas’ original Star Wars trilogy has been undergoing changes, some subtle, others not so subtle. With the recent release of the trilogy on DVD I decided that now was a good time to try and catalogue the evolution of these films from the 1977, 1980 and 1983 releases, to their present day incarnations (including the Blu-ray release).

We begin, of course, with the original Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. To illustrate the various alterations I have used screen shots from the original, Special Edition and DVD releases of the films, in that order. We will start by looking at alterations to existing scenes, followed by shots of scenes not included in the original theatrical release. Alterations to Existing Scenes The Fox Logo The Lucasfilm Logo Along Time Ago... The Opening Crawl The Escape Pod The Canyon. Public domain image resources. Public domain image resources is a copy of the master Wikipedia page at Meta, which lists a number of sources of public domain images on the Web. Public Domain images should be marked with the Public Domain Mark 1.0. Public Domain Mark enables works that are no longer restricted by copyright to be marked as such in a standard and simple way, making them easily discoverable and available to others.

The Public Domain Mark is recommended for works that are free of known copyright around the world. These will typically be very old works.[1] For a creator to release his/her works into the public domain legally they must use the creative commons CC0 license which gives creators a way to waive all their copyright and related rights in their works to the fullest extent allowed by law.[2] The presence of a resource on this list does not guarantee that all or any of the images in it are in the public domain. Please read the policy on image use and etiquette at: Wikipedia:Image use policy. Royalty Free Stock Video, Music, Photos, Illustrations, Sound Effects, After Effects and 3D Models |

Library of Congress Home. Commons. Films libres. Dès qu’une œuvre tombe dans le domaine public, elle peut être « uploadée » sur le site La liste ne peut donc que s’agrandir. Pour les cinéphiles, c’est une véritable caverne d’Ali Baba. On peut déjà y trouver près de 5000 long-métrages, regardables en streaming, mais également disponibles en téléchargement (très souvent de haute qualité).

Films noirs, films d’horreur, cinéma Bis, screwball comedy, le choix est vaste. Voici ma petite liste maison de 13 films : Freaks : La Monstrueuse Parade (Titre original : Freaks) est un film culte américain réalisé par Tod Browning, sorti en 1932. Metropolis : film expressionniste de science-fiction allemand produit pendant la courte période de la République de Weimar. The 39 Steps : A 1935 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The Phantom of the Opera : A 1925 film adaptation of the novel by Gaston Leroux, this silent film version stars the infamous Lon Chaney as the Phantom. IMDb. Greatest Films. Internet Archive. HD Wallpapers.

Dr. Macro. Blu-ray Movie Screenshots. Screenshots. Screencaps. Screenshots 2.