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Home. Zurich.minds. 5 marketing megatrends you can't ignore. A global sense of urgency to fix the problems of a modern world When I started this article, I swore I would not write about "going green" as one of the megatrends. It certainly is a big deal, but it's one that has been thrust so far into the limelight that it's no longer an opportunity to differentiate. Being green is a minimum standard. What do I mean by minimum standard? Virtually every brand in every category has a green story these days. But being green is symptomatic of another megatrend that is influencing the world on a massive scale -- a global sense of urgency. It's no secret to anyone that... well... we're screwed.

But the eco message is just the tip of the melting iceberg. Today, governments and enterprises around the world are rushing to play catch-up. The brand that gets it: IBMIBM has wrapped its big blue arms around the massive sense of urgency that is sweeping the globe with its campaign for "A Smarter Planet. " "The technology is here.The people are ready.The time is now. " Big Think | About Us. Big Think is a knowledge forum. In our digital age, we’re drowning in information. The web offers us infinite data points—news stories, tweets, wikis, status updates, etc—but very little to connect the dots or illuminate the larger patterns linking them together. Here at Big Think, we believe that success in the future is about knowing the ideas that allow you to manage and master this universe of information.

Therefore, we aim to help you move above and beyond random information, toward real knowledge, offering big ideas from fields outside your own that you can apply toward the questions and challenges in your own life. Every idea on Big Think comes from our ever-growing network of 2,000 Big Think fellows and guest speakers, who comprise the top thinkers and doers from around the globe. A) significance — how will this idea change the world and impact your life? B) relevance — what groups and individuals does this idea most affect? That's our big idea. The Future Of Mobile [DECK] TREND HUNTER - #1 in Trends - Fashion Trends, Tech, Style, Design, Pop Culture and Marketing. Consumer trends and insights from around the world.