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Business news, business advice and information for Australian SMEs.  Learn how to do Customer Development, an essential part of the Lean Startup® framework. The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development  Mehrblick ® The Law of Shitty Clickthroughs. The first banner ad ever, on HotWired in 1994, debuted with a clickthrough rate of 78% (thanks @ottotimmons) First it works, and then it doesn’t After months of iterating on different marketing strategies, you finally find something that works.

The Law of Shitty Clickthroughs

However, the moment you start to scale it, the effectiveness of your marketing grinds to a halt. Sound familiar? Welcome to the Law of Shitty Clickthroughs: Over time, all marketing strategies result in shitty clickthrough rates. Here’s a real example – let’s compare the average clickthrough rates of banner ads when debuted on HotWired in 1994 versus Facebook in 2011: That’s a 1500X difference. Here’s another channel, which is email open rates over time, according to eMarketer: While this graph shows a decline, the other graph (which I don’t have handy) is that the number of emails sent out has increased up to 30+ billion per day. There are a few drivers for the Law of Shitty Clickthroughs, and here’s a summary of the top ones: April 27, 2012. How to Change the World. Amazon start selling the paperback edition of my latest book, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur.

How to Change the World

APE explains how to publish a book by breaking the process down into three stages: Author explains how to write a book. Publisher explains how to produce both ebooks and printed books.Entrepreneur explains how to market and sell your book with an emphasis on social media. You can order APE here: There are 204 Amazon reviews for it: 181 five stars, 21 four stars, and 2 three stars which averages to five stars! Here are three of the blurbs: 3×5. Challenging Authority Since 1978 I am a writer, traveler, and entrepreneur with the goal of visiting every country in the world while connecting with other world-changers.


Continue reading about Chris Mission Accomplished! Brand Directions — a marketing blog by Thomas Moradpour. The Top-10 B2B Marketing Trends for 2011. Happy New Year!

The Top-10 B2B Marketing Trends for 2011

It is January and time again for the obligatory 2011 predictions. Many marketing experts have strong opinions on what they think will happen in 2011. Instead of coming up with what I think is going to change in the B2B marketing world in 2011, I decided to ask you and tap into the combined wisdom of over 17,000 marketing professionals in the B2B Technology Marketing Community on LinkedIn. I asked you to rank the marketing areas you think will become more important in 2011. Here are the key trends that B2B marketing professionals think are shaping B2B marketing in 2011. 1 - Integration of social media into lead generation programs 2011 will be the year social media evolves from the experimental stage to become an established marketing tactic. 2 – Focus on content marketing (content mapped to personas, buyer's journey, vertical, etc) Content marketing is going mainstream in 2011.

What marketing areas are less important in 2011? What are your thoughts? Intelligent Investor - Free tips on investing, personal finance and personal development. Blog of David Skok, Matrix Partners. B2B Online Marketing Blog.