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Healthy Sticky Chocolate Fudge Cake (like, super fudgy no joke) {Gluten, Dairy + Grain Free} What is it with me and the loaf cakes at the moment?

Healthy Sticky Chocolate Fudge Cake (like, super fudgy no joke) {Gluten, Dairy + Grain Free}

I have no idea why I keep making them. Kathryn tweeted that she thinks cake just tastes better when it’s loaf shaped, after making a super luscious Lemony Yoghurt Cake. Vegan Pastry Recipes. I'm obsessed with vegan baking because unlike traditional cooking, there are nearly no limits or boundaries to creating completely new forms of food.

Vegan Pastry Recipes

Effectively harnessing your imagination is the only truly required skill. Developing this skill, as well as understanding the fundamentals of baking allows you to create true art forms. Then you get to eat them. Puff pastry is a truly remarkable building block for vegan baking because of its versatility. It can be the basis of anything from flaky layers enveloping fruit, coiled into rolls such as sticky buns, or twirled into cinnamon and sugar twists.

Recipes - The Roasted Root. Gluten-Free Living. As Receitas. Massas. Fui a Luanda pela primeira vez em Abril deste ano.


Tinham-me falado tão mal da cidade que depois de chegar achei que não era assim tão mau. E não foi só porque as reuniões de trabalho correram bem. Fiquei num bom hotel no centro da cidade, tive motorista às ordens e fui a bons restaurantes. Dessa vez, passei lá uma semana e não me faltou nada. Da segunda vez, em Agosto/Setembro, fiquei duas semanas e a única coisa que mudou foi sentir-me mais à vontade para andar sozinha na rua a pé. Isto, apesar de não ter encontrado nos supermercados, portugueses e sul-africanos, produtos sem glúten específicos e de as pessoas não saberem o que é a Doença Celíaca Consegui fazer todas as refeições no hotel, nos restaurantes e na cantina de uma universidade sem dificuldades. Esses foram os aspectos positivos da visita. Por todo o lado há grandes prédios em construção. Luanda está sobrelotada e isso é notório, por exemplo, na densidade habitacional e no trânsito caótico.

Belas Shopping Cabo Ledo Caribe. Gluten-Free. Gluten intolerance celiac disease. Broa de milho. Broa de milho sem lactose e sem glúten - Lactose Não. Oioii!!!!

Broa de milho sem lactose e sem glúten - Lactose Não

Bolacha sem glúten e sem leite Quitanda sem glúten. As bolachinhas sem glúten e sem leite são tão boas e bonitas, que muita gente me pergunta se "são compradas".

Bolacha sem glúten e sem leite Quitanda sem glúten

A receita original era de alfajor sem glúten e quem me deu foi a Raquel Benatti, do Rio sem glúten. A meninada que estuda junto com o meu filho gosta tanto dessas bolachinhas, e a curiosidade sobre a dieta sem glúten era tanta, que a escola me convidou para fazer uma oficina de culinária sem glúten com eles. Foi muito bom e divertido fazer as bolachinhas com as crianças, e meu filho se sentiu super especial compartilhando a receita com os amigos. Iogurte Vegano de amêndoas. Depois da minha empreitada para desvendar o iogurte vegano.

Iogurte Vegano de amêndoas

Preparação do leite de amêndoas Colocar as amêndoas de molho na água por pelo menos 12 horas iogurte vegano de amendoas: amendoas de molho por 12h Depois do tempo de molho, lavar as amêndoas em agua corrente filtrada, bate-las no liquificador com 1 xícara de água para obter o leite de amêndoas, aqui eu bati diretamente com as cascas. Eu, particularmente, depois do iogurte pronto não gostei das casquinhas, por isso agora faço sem as cascas, é mais trabalhoso ter que tirar a casca de cada amêndoas, mas o sabor fica menos intenso, colocarei foto abaixo.

Iogurte vegano de amendoas Em seguida, coe essa mistura de amêndoas com pano bem fino ou na peneira, esprema bem até obter todo o leite. 12 horas depois da fermentação na geladeira, um iogurte cremoso até com bolhas de ar que dá impressão de mousse. IOGURTE DE COCO VEGAN E VIVO. Iogurte de coco: água de 3 cocos verdes.


Iogurte. Iogurte sempre foi algo que eu senti muita falta de ter em casa, principalmente para o café da manhã.


Eu sempre adorei comer com granola ou aveia, é uma refeição leve, saudável… Ótimo para começar bem o dia! Iogurte de frutas vermelhas – Vegan. Sabe a receita do iogurte de macadâmia?

Iogurte de frutas vermelhas – Vegan

Sugar Free Carrot Raisin Bread with Gluten Free option and Vegan for $3.33 a Day on facebook! Sugar Free Carrot Raisin Bread Dry: 2 c Bob's Gluten Free Flour Mix or Whole Wheat Flour 2 t baking powder 1 t baking soda 1 T cinnamon 1/2 t nutmeg 1/4 t cardamom 1/2 t Kal Stevia powder 1/4 t salt Wet: 1/2 c golden flax meal 1.5 c non-dairy milk of choice 3/4 c oil 1 T vinegar 4 c carrots 1 c raisinsMethod: Preheat oven to 375 Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl, make a well and pour the wet ingredients into it and stir very well if using gluten free flour or stir until just mixed if using wheat flour.

Sugar Free Carrot Raisin Bread with Gluten Free option and Vegan for $3.33 a Day on facebook!

Bake at 375 for around 30 minutes in a 9 by 13 pan or until a toothpick comes out clean. I haven't posted my shopping list for the last week yet. I did two separate shops and have $14 left this week, which I will spend on produce mostly. Christmas Eats ,Mango Lassi and Gluten Free Carrot Cake Recipe. Just a disclaimer: I did not stick to my budget with this meal. In fact, I spent $30 on ingredients for it, more than I spend in an entire week, but it was worth it. I splurged and don't regret it at all! Simple Gluten Free Chocolate Cake. In honor of Valentine's Day I will be posting some easy dessert recipes. This Chocolate Cake takes 5 minutes to whip up and uses pantry ingredients. This my version of the very popular chocolate cake using vinegar to help lighten it.

I used my Low Fat Vegenaise Alternative with great results. Easy Gluten Free, Vegan Brownies. I am pretty picky when it comes to brownies. I like them dense and not cake-like at all. Several years ago, I created this recipe for a restaurant I worked in and we sold them every day. I decided to re-visit the recipe since I plan on making them for my new job and wanted to make sure they were as good as I thought they were. Enter The Boyfriend. He loves brownies. Naughty and Nice : Gluten Free Brownie Recipe and Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal. I am going to give you my delicious gluten free, vegan and soy free brownie recipe, but be warned, they are incredibly sinful. There are no healthy ingredients in these babies, but they are really good and something you should only eat once in a great while!

( and a great way to win over people skeptical of vegan and gluten free foods ) But first, to redeem myself, here's a recipe for a healthy breakfast. As Receitas da Patanisca. Receita de ovo de Páscoa vegano. Receitas de Páscoa. How To Make Frozen Yogurt Recipe - Homemade Froyo. Vegan Coconut Chocolate Bounty Balls Recipe. OOoooo bounty balls! Do you remember the non-vegan chocolate bar called Bounty? It was a milk chocolate bar filled with a soft coconut centre. Vegie Head » Blueberry Choc-Nut Bars…. Vegie Head » Gluten Free Coconut Pancakes… Vegan Chocolate Crunch Bars. My sweetie is crazy for KitKat bars. I cringe a bit, but I get it—that chocolate, that crunch, that childhood nostalgia—it’s a powerful combo. Thankfully, he is open to trying almost anything, and as my official taste-tester of all things plant-based in my household, it brings me great joy when I get the happy mouthful of feedback like “mmmwowwww, thwwwis is wwwwreawy ggwwwreat” instead of the deflating “this tastes vegan.”

Well folks, these Vegan Chocolate Crunch Bars passed the test, receiving one of the greatest reviews yet—the whole tray gone in less than one day. Gluten-Free Paper-Thin Pancakes - YumUniverse. I’m a thin crust veggie pizza girl. I like light and delicate. I like things in bite-size and mini. And with options. Which is why this new pancake recipe for crepe-like pancakes (you can easy stuff them with coconut cream and fruit, or savory grilled/roasted veggies) is my new BFF. You can make these little friends in miniature for blinis or large for crepes. Gluten-Free Amaranth Jalapeno Bread - YumUniverse™ This moist, gluten-free bread is made with nutritious, nutty amaranth flour. It’s delicious with Rea Frey’s Homemade Vegan Chili and drizzled with raw honey, makes a lovely dessert. You can make it more or less spicy by adjusting the jalapeno quanity—my vote is more, more, more!

Tools: Glass casserole dish, baking dish or pie pan Chef’s knife Cookie sheet 2 large glass bowls Silicone spatula or spoon Ingredients:Buy everything organic if you can. Here’s why. 3/4 cup amaranth flour 3/4 cup almond flour (I highly recommend ordering Benefit Your Life brand online. Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Raisin Pecan & Thyme Tea Biscuits - YumUniverse™ I have some ingredients left in the fridge and pantry from the YumUniverse 1st Birthday Recipe Contest and to keep them from going to waste, I came up with these delicious Tea Biscuits yesterday. They are part cookie, part cracker, and just lovely with a steamy cup of roasted dandelion root tea. I have some of my favorite tips below for working with gluten-free, dairy-free dough for those of you who are a tad afraid of baking, or of a rolling pin (ah-hem, Maya). Tools: Unbleached parchment paper Cookie sheet Large glass mixing bowl Rolling pin or large sturdy glass Fork Chef’s knife Ingredients: Try to buy everything organic.

Here’s why. 1 1/2 cup blanched, organic almond flour (I highly recommend Benefit Your Life brand. Gluten-Free Almond & Oat Herb Breadsticks - YumUniverse™ If you want to really impress your Thanksgiving Day guests, serve these gluten-free, yeast-free crunchy breadsticks with Cashew Cheese Spread and Golden Raisin & Onion Honey Jam. They also make tasty, hearty drop biscuit if you’d like try that preparation instead. Make sure that you use gluten-free oats or gluten-free oat flour for an allergy-free recipe. Tools: Large glass bowl Unbleached parchment paper Cookie sheet Large glass bowl Whisk or fork Blender Ingredients: Try to buy everything organic. . * You can make your own almond flour by grinding almonds in the food processor until “dusty.” ** You can make your own oat flour by grinding oats in the food processor until “dusty.” Let‘s get started. Triple Chocolate Salted Caramel Brownies. Vegan Recipe.

Tiramisu Cheesecake Brownies. Glutenfree Vegan Nutfree Recipe. 5 days to a new year! This past week went in resting in, watching movies, sleeping late, late brunches and lots of great food. Strawberry Cheesecake Tarts for 2. Glutenfree Vegan Recipe. So I was thinking of making something spectacular, or vegan-izing some difficult to make vegan dishes. I tried a few times to make a vanilla souffle. It never really came out to be a souffle. but it was darn delicious.

One of the results almost like a moist pound cake. ha! I thought of pots de creme. The cream and egg filled baked up in a bath custardy thingamajig. If you missed the Valentines day round up. see it here - 25 Vegan Breakfasts (Sweet and savory) and Desserts! Strawberry Cheesecake Tarts for 2Allergen Information: Free of Dairy, egg, corn, yeast, gluten. 1/2 cup coconut flakes 1 Tbsp ground raw sugar.

Gluten-free Strawberry Sandwich Bread Loaf. Xanthan-free Vegan Recipe. Gluten-free Jalapeno Pepper Jack Biscuits. Vegan Gum-free Recipe. No-Bake Truffles and Cookies, for my Mother-in-Law. Fat-Free Mini Donuts. Fat-Free Pumpkin and Raisin Biscuits. H and H Bagels, NYC. World's Best? H2O Brushed! Chewy Peanut Butter Coconut Oat Granola Bars. Butterscotch Optional. Triple Banana, Dark Chocolate, Peanut Buckwheat-Banana Bread.

Cilantro Lime Agave Biscuits: Mexican Flair! Matcha Morning Muffins. Gluten-Free. Healthy Chocolate Chia Pudding. Lemon bars with coconut. Super food energy bars with cacao. Recipe for Low-Sugar and Whole Wheat Garden Harvest Cake with Zucchini, Apple, and Carrot. Recipe for Low Sugar and Whole Wheat Chocolate Zucchini Bread.