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Un nouveau site Internet pour Pomme d’Api. Junior Centre Pompidou. Mémé Ginette — Livres à illustrer Superéditions. Paper Flying Disc. Pull the string and watch the Paper Flying Disc whiz and spin through the air.

Paper Flying Disc

You can design all kinds of different flying discs and have your friends help you launch them. You can fly these discs inside or outside -- anywhere they can take flight and soar through the air. What You'll Need: Blue glitter glue penSmall wooden thread spool36 inches blue crochet threadMagenta pony beadScissorsRulerCraft knifeCraft glueTracing paperPencilCardstock (optional) Note: Adult help needed.Step 1: Cut out the disc pattern and ask an adult to help you cut the straight lines with a craft knife and ruler.

La palpe > en dates et en images. Patrons japonais gratuits (suite) Musée des beaux-arts du Canada. Archimôme. Petit atelier de cr?ation pour les enfants. Le Code Perdu : Le Code Perdu : Musée de la civilisation. Social Fabric. Games . The Secret Dancer. MyCube Mobile.