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Consob - Equity crowdfunding. Cosa devi assolutamente sapere prima di investire in una "start-up innovativa" tramite portali on-line Cos'è il crowdfunding?

Consob - Equity crowdfunding

Il termine crowdfunding indica il processo con cui più persone ("folla" o crowd) conferiscono somme di denaro (funding), anche di modesta entità, per finanziare un progetto imprenditoriale o iniziative di diverso genere utilizzando siti internet ("piattaforme" o "portali") e ricevendo talvolta in cambio una ricompensa. Si parla di "equity-based crowdfunding" quando tramite l'investimento on-line si acquista un vero e proprio titolo di partecipazione in una società: in tal caso, la "ricompensa" per il finanziamento è rappresentata dal complesso di diritti patrimoniali e amministrativi che derivano dalla partecipazione nell'impresa. È possibile distinguere altri modelli di crowdfunding a seconda del tipo di rapporto che si instaura tra il soggetto che finanzia e quello che ha richiesto il finanziamento. Com'è disciplinato il fenomeno in Italia? ... e dopo? The MR Collaboration Community.

Data guidelines. Data Guidelines 1.

Data guidelines

Overview This page provides information about data you need to include when publishing an article in F1000Research, where your data can be stored, and how your data should be presented. Please note that adherence to our data policies is only compulsory for articles, not posters or slides. A large number of journals and publishers have confirmed that they welcome research articles reporting analysis and conclusions that are based on previously published datasets: They do not consider the publication of a dataset with a DOI and associated protocol information as a ‘prior publication’ that would preclude subsequent publication of new results obtained from such a dataset. 2.

All primary research articles should include the submission of the data underlying the results, together with details of any software used to process results. Data are normally published under the CC0 licence which facilitates data reuse. 3. 3.1 Spreadsheet data Give each column a descriptive heading. 4. ETH - IBT - Wissmann, Lukas.


8 Things The Most Successful People Do That Make Them Great. There’s A Right Way To Learn Want to be more successful?

8 Things The Most Successful People Do That Make Them Great

Actually, that’s not ambitious enough — want to be the best? I do. So I called my friend Daniel Coyle, author of the best books on getting better at anything: The Talent Code and The Little Book of Talent. Dan knows that the “10,000 hour rule” is nice but you need to align your effort with the way your brain was designed to learn. Hours are vital but you can get to mastery faster — much faster — by practicing the right way. So how can you and I do that? 1) Be Uncomfortable You learn best when you’re reaching. You want to be stretched to the edge of your ability. Here’s Dan: We learn when we’re in our discomfort zone. More on the best way for you to practice here. 2) Stop Reading. Keep the “Rule of Two-Thirds” in mind. Unleash - Expertise. Unleashing™ is a management philosophy and consulting approach aimed at unleashing the highest performance in an individual, team or organisation.

Unleash - Expertise

It has been developed by the Unleash founders, and is rooted in a mixture of research and our experiences working with organisations and executives in organisational development, transformation and strategy projects over the past decade. Specifically aimed at unlocking organisations to solve their own problems, innovate and grow, value is created through synergistic co-creation and organisational change in a multidisciplinary approach that seamlessly blends strategy, people and processes. Structural changes that force through change are replaced by an adaptive and engaging process in which clients solve real, pressing business issues and create smarter ways of working in real time. Unleashing™ Explained.


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