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What A Person's Harry Potter House Says About Their Personality. Health A new study found that people who identify as Slytherins may be measurably different from the Hufflepuffs of the world.

What A Person's Harry Potter House Says About Their Personality

Please consider disabling it for our site, or supporting our work in one of these ways Subscribe Now > How to Use a Simple Pocket Notebook to Improve Your Life. These hackers warned the Internet would become a security disaster. Nobody listened. But as @Stake struggled, Zatko developed severe anxiety, made worse by a bad reaction to medicine that was supposed to ease his symptoms, he said.

These hackers warned the Internet would become a security disaster. Nobody listened.

Zatko ended up in a psychiatric ward for several days. None of the members of L0pht came to visit, a source of enduring frustration to him. (They say they didn’t know what was happening, only that he was missing from work.) Why We Need Philosophers Engaged In Public Life : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture. Say "philosopher" and most people imagine a bust of Socrates, obscure texts or intellectual tête-à-têtes in the so-called Ivory Tower, away from the muddle of real-life concerns.

Why We Need Philosophers Engaged In Public Life : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture

But three issues this past week made something clear: We need philosophers engaged in public life — and a public willing to engage them. Issue No. 1: Rachel Dolezal, a woman born to Caucasian parents, was "outed" as white though she identifies as black. The case raises a variety of questions. What determines a person's race? Is race a biological category or a social construct? What to Know for Intermediate C++ C++ is not an easy language to master.

What to Know for Intermediate C++

Many people are able to land C++ jobs without being a C++ guru. However, the more you know, the better your chances of landing that job and being happy in it. If you’ve learned the basics of C++, you’ll want to take it up to the next level. I spent the last 15 years trying to become an American. I've failed. I have lived in America for the past 15 years.

I spent the last 15 years trying to become an American. I've failed.

I have two Ivy League degrees. And I am on the verge of deportation. Despite being an "honorary American," as I have often jokingly introduced myself, I am in fact a citizen of New Zealand. I was 18 years old when I first came to America. I still remember the excitement I felt when, very late at night, my flight from Auckland touched down at JFK. Working moms have more successful daughters and more caring sons, Harvard Business School study says. I was raised with a skewed sense of the way money worked.

Working moms have more successful daughters and more caring sons, Harvard Business School study says

My father seemed to always have it in abundance–largely through illicit means that I wasn’t supposed to talk about. Meanwhile, my mother struggled to get by on food stamps and a job selling makeup at a Macy’s Clinique counter. When I left for college, my brand-new checking account filled by my grandparents, I had no idea how to make my own money or keep track of it–let alone use it to plan for the future. So it’s no big surprise that by the time I married my husband at age 24, I had racked up more than $14,000 in credit card debt. A World Without Work. 1.

A World Without Work

Youngstown, U.S.A. The end of work is still just a futuristic concept for most of the United States, but it is something like a moment in history for Youngstown, Ohio, one its residents can cite with precision: September 19, 1977. Humans Are Tech's Next Big Thing—And That Could Be Risky. Internet companies make billions of dollars by capturing one of the world’s most precious commodities: your attention.

Humans Are Tech's Next Big Thing—And That Could Be Risky

They need to amuse, amaze, entice, and intrigue you—and millions of users like you—to stay afloat and profit. But figuring out what you want to read, watch, and see is harder than it looks. At Facebook, serving your wants and needs comes down to algorithms—click on something, and you’ll see more of that thing, and things like it. Uk.businessinsider. Obama Administration Definition of Hack Allowed Initial Denial Security Documents Were Stolen. The Truth About Blogging — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking — Medium. The Truth About Blogging “Look, I am not telling you not to write on Medium, OK?

You can give it a try. I am just saying you’ll regret it big time for not having blogged on your website. Racism is alive in the US north too – just without southern accents and flags. In the summer of 2008, I crossed the Mason Dixon line – as many other black people had done decades before me during the Great Migration – and moved to Chicago after graduating from high school.

Racism is alive in the US north too – just without southern accents and flags

For the first few weeks, I was euphoric. I felt like I could breathe and move in ways that had been unavailable to me in my Tennessee hometown – a place where I was made to think about my skin tone on a daily basis. That's Not Fair! Crime And Punishment In A Preschooler's Mind. By age 3, kids already have a burgeoning sense of empathy, ownership and justice.

That's Not Fair! Crime And Punishment In A Preschooler's Mind

iStockphoto hide caption itoggle caption iStockphoto By age 3, kids already have a burgeoning sense of empathy, ownership and justice. Julian Assange on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Secretive Deal Isn’t About Trade, But Corporate Control. This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: We return to our exclusive interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. I spoke to him inside the Ecuadorean Embassy in London on Monday. AMY GOODMAN: Julian Assange, let’s stay with the United States for a moment, with the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which certainly doesn’t only involve the United States, but there’s a huge debate within the United States about it right now.

And I dare say, some of that debate is as a result of what WikiLeaks revealed. Unemployment Down, Layoffs Up in Q2. Despite the usual chatter about a tech bubble (and scuttlebutt about when it might pop), hiring for tech professionals stayed robust in the second quarter of 2015, according to new data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate for tech pros currently stands at 2.1 percent, down from 2.3 percent in the first quarter. That’s the lowest rate recorded since the second quarter of 2008, right before the Great Recession commenced in earnest. Australia Orders More Foreign Homeowners to Sell. SYDNEY—Several foreign owners of residential property across Australia have been ordered to sell as the government intensifies its crackdown on the abuse of homeownership laws by buyers from China and elsewhere.

Treasurer Joe Hockey said foreign investors have been ordered to sell six properties in the cities of Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. The homes are valued between 152,000 and 1.86 million Australian dollars (US$112,768 and US$1.38 million). The orders could be the tip of the iceberg, with Mr. Hockey revealing probes have unearthed 462 possible breaches of foreign homeownership rules after the government ramped up its spending on enforcement in its May budget.

The number of cases being investigated has more than doubled since the last estimate was given in June. The Best Method for Making Any Kind of Stuffed Pancakes. LEGO Is Investing Millions To Ditch Their Oil-Based Plastics In Search Of Environmentally Friendly Alternative - infoBlizzard. Greece's creditors and the country's officials disagree on what a "deadline" really means. Cornell Professor Sara Pritchard recently made the argument in the Conversation that female professors should receive bonus points on their student evaluations, because of the severe negative bias students have toward their female professors. Commentators on Fox News attempted to discredit her argument as “insane,” ridiculed the idea that gender plays a role in evaluations and repeatedly mentioned a lack of data to support her claims.

But the reality is women faculty are at a disadvantage. Unfortunately, as we well know, for many women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), the path to academia ends long before they obtain a faculty position and are the “lucky” recipient of biased student evaluations. We represent the success stories—women with careers at Ivy League universities. Almost No One is Evil. Almost Everything is Broken.

Men are both dumber and smarter than women. How to End Motion Sickness Before It Starts. IMF lowers global growth forecasts, cites U.S. weakness. Eclectic excerpts delivered to your email every day from editor Richard Vague. Why are the most important people in media reading The Awl? Forcing children to watch TV is now a punishment as iPad becomes 'first screen' See for yourself what Microsoft HoloLens’ limited field-of-view looks like. The millionaire who rescues migrants at sea. This is the most outrageous government tirade against iOS 8 encryption. The Case Against Encouraging Polygamy Is Strong. How a Chinese puzzle could enable the Greeks to have the last laugh.

2XXYJMB. History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places. Testino’s portrait of William and Kate is a sickly sweet lie. How technology could kill the art of lying. Here's our first look at the Ghostbusters dressed in their new uniforms. Businessinsider. Top 10 Tips Every Renter Should Know. tZuXHpo. What I Learned When I Gave Up the ‘9 to 5’ — Backchannel. How Well Do You Remember The First "Twilight" Movie. History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places. IamA Navajo from the Navajo Nation (aka Navajo Indian Reservation) AMA! : IAmA. Inside the secretive, exclusive social networks of Hollywood.

Study: We're Already In The ‘Worst Case Scenario’ For Sea Level Rise. The easy guide to explaining truly scary geopolitical events to your kids without freaking them out. Here’s what Windows 10’s DVD and USB packaging will look like. The Unaffordable Care Act. This Doctor Knows Exactly How You Feel. Texans monitor Jade Helm military training amid fears of government plot. Why We Miss Deadlines, and How to Stop. Women in Tech: The Struggle to Stay Technical — expost magazine — Medium. Suspenseful Encounters of the Masochistic Kind. Why Are We So Afraid Of Radiation? How to Support a Partner Struggling with Depression. We are a bunch of creepers. Large Hadron Collider discovers new pentaquark particle - BBC News. Uk.businessinsider. The origin of biological clocks.

Should Companies Follow Ben and Jerry's Lead in Wages? MSDP5gh.jpg (JPEG Image, 2689 × 1969 pixels) - Scaled (38%) The Iran nuclear deal has important implications for the world's caviar trade. Jennifer Lawrence to be paid $8m more than Chris Pratt for Passengers. The Gig Economy. An Identity Thief Explains the Art of Emptying Your Bank Account. Millennials Getting Help From Parents Can Afford Homes. Bank of America. Google Fiber Blog. The science of empathy—and why some people have it less than others. Why a 762-year-old Japanese temple was the perfect setting for a hackathon. Find the Wi-Fi Password for Your Current Network with the Command Line.

How Sleep Deprivation Decays the Mind and Body. 'We have been betrayed!' Protest turns violent as Greece votes. When To Start Taking A Cholesterol Pill? The Decision Is Yours. Actions - H.R.1599 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015. Are_gmos_safe_yes_the_case_against_them_is_full_of_fraud_lies_and_errors. I spent 2 years cleaning houses. What I saw makes me never want to be rich. How Pantone Colors Your World, and Why Your Wardrobe Is Wine-Hued This Year.

Facebook’s Oculus to Pay About $60 Million for Gesture-Control Firm Pebbles. 36 Hours in Pittsburgh - Video. The Truth About Stretching: When It Helps and When It Doesn't. History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places. Five Job Search Myths That Might be Holding You Back. Want a Better Pitch? Watch This. — Firm Narrative. Japan: Elderly overtake teenagers in crime figures. Wall Street's Role in Greece's Debt Crisis. The Real Meaning of $9 an Hour. For generations, Icelandic babies have napped outside in freezing temperatures. Americans are making a big mistake about health care.

People With Low Incomes Say They Pay A Price In Poor Health. How to Charm Someone You've Never Met Before. How Americans define "rich," in one chart. The Surprising Benefits (and Pitfalls) of Being a "Jack of All Trades" Uk.businessinsider. Uk.businessinsider.