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Recettes de cuisine végétarienne et annuaire des blogs de cuisine. Mon parcours végétarien. Cozinha Natureba: Aveia. A aveia é uma gramínea, família de plantas caracterizadas pelo caule esguio que termina em pontas ramificadas que contém as flores, das quais se desenvolvem as sementes.

Cozinha Natureba: Aveia

No caso da aveia, as sementes possuem casca fortemente aderida. A planta adapta-se melhor em climas frios e úmidos, sendo que os primeiros cultivos parecem ter ocorrido no Norte da Europa, onde se constituiu como alimento básico, e na Ásia Central.No Brasil, os estados do Rio Grande do Sul e Paraná são os responsáveis por grande parte da produção do grão, seguidos por Santa Catarina e Mato Grosso do Sul A aveia é um dos cereais mais completos devido ao elevado teor de proteínas, bom balanceamento de aminoácidos, rico em sais minerais, ácido linolêico (ômega 6) e vitaminas. Podemos encontrar a aveia na forma de grãos, em flocos grossos, em flocos finos, farinha de aveia e também o farelo de aveia, que é a casca que envolve o grão de aveia. Biscoito de Banana e Aveia Como fazer Peneire os cinco primeiros ingredientes. Healthy. Happy. Life.

Garden of Vegan. Hello everyone!

Garden of Vegan

I want to let you know that I Love Vegan ( is back up and running! To everyone that has messaged me about it, thank you so much for being patient with me. The whole project ended up taking a lot longer than I anticipated but I’m so happy with the results. I hope you love the new site! Now that I don’t have the stress of getting the site back up, I’ll be putting more effort towards posting regularly to Garden of Vegan again. I’ve made a whole bunch of changes and added a lot of new features to the site, you can read the full blog post on all of the changes we’ve made here.

Tumblr: Now that I Love Vegan is back up I’ve put my “About" and "FAQ" pages back up, you’ll find them in the navigation bar. My Vegan Revolution. Jardin Vegan. Chickpea and Aubergine Falafel « Veggies on the counter. For a dinner I was invited to on Saturday, I made falafel.

Chickpea and Aubergine Falafel « Veggies on the counter

Falafel is like the kind of food I’m almost sure every vegetarian on earth has tasted at least once in his/her lifetime. It’s also one of the things I always end up eating every time I travel. However, I had several bad experiences when I tried to make these spiced chickpea balls at home – most of the times, the falafels wouldn’t hold together and consequently fall apart while cooking. This time around I approached the recipe in a different way though – instead of canned chickpeas, I used dried ones, which made all the difference in terms of structure.

I also added grilled aubergines to the mixture to provide some depth in terms of flavour. Chickpea and Aubergine Falafel (makes about 25 medium sized falafel) Ingredients: 1 ½ cups (300 g) dried chickpeas 2 tablespoons cumin seeds, crushed 1 tablespoon coriander seeds, crushed 1 big handful coriander (aprox. 7 g) 1 big handful mint (aprox. 12 g) 1 garlic clove, minced ¼ cup regular flour.