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Word formation

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Word formation: vocabulary builder-English. > BEST RESOURCES: PLACEMENT TEST | GUIDE | OUR BEST WORKSHEETS | Most popular | Contact us > LESSONS AND TESTS: -ing | AS or LIKE | Abbreviations and acronyms... | Adjectives | Adverbs | Agreement/Disagreement | Alphabet | Animals | Articles | Audio test | Be | BE, HAVE, DO, DID, WAS... | Banks, money | Beginners | Betty's adventures | Bilingual dialogues | Business | Buying in a shop | Capital letters | Cars | Celebrations: Thanksgiving, new year... | Clothes | Colours/Colors | Comparisons | Compound words | Conditional and hypothesis | Conjunctions | Contractions | Countries and nationalities | Dates, days, months, seasons | Dictation | Direct/Indirect speech | Diseases | Exclamative sentences!

Word formation: vocabulary builder-English

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First Certificate in English (FCE) Word Formation

Word Formation Exercise 1 Word Formation Exercise 2 Exam Tip!