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Dont give AK 47 to apes. Anti-GMO movement should follow the money instead of wasting its time on labels. Globetrotting Dog Marks His Spot In More Than 30 Countries. Scientists Investigate How Marijuana & Caffeine Affect Spiders. In 1995, a group of NASA scientists tested the effects of various drugs on a common garden spider’s ability to build webs.

Specifically, they got the spiders high on caffeine, marijuana, benzedrine (speed), and chloral hydrate (a common date rape drug) and then analyzed their webs to figure out which drug did the most damage. Essentially, the researchers were trying to make a case for a new test of drug toxicity: spider webs. Their rational? The more toxic the drug, the more it should affect a spider’s ability to perform basic functions (like building a web). In the final paper they explained, “The changes in web reflect the degree of toxicity of a substance. As you can see, the results were pretty incredible: It’s a very short paper and the scientists don’t actually make any claims about which drug is most toxic, but the illustrations certainly speak a great deal for themselves. Noever, R., J.

Insecticide 'unacceptable' danger to bees, report finds | Environment. The world's most widely used insecticide has for the first time been officially labelled an "unacceptable" danger to bees feeding on flowering crops. Environmental campaigners say the conclusion, by Europe's leading food safety authority, sounds the "death knell" for the insect nerve agent. The chemical's manufacturer, Bayer, claimed the report, released on Wednesday, did not alter existing risk assessments and warned against "over-interpretation of the precautionary principle". The report comes just months after the UK government dismissed a fast-growing body of evidence of harm to bees as insufficient to justify banning the chemicals.

Bees and other pollinators are critical to one-third of all food, but two major studies in March 2012, and others since, have implicated neonicotinoid pesticides in the decline in the insects, alongside habitat loss and disease. Evidence submitted to Walley's inquiry cites a long list of failings in current regulations. Spanish Zookeepers Accidentally Get Chimp Hooked on Human Porn.