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Differentiation. 21 simple design elements that will make any School Assessment Task sheet accessible. If you have a child in secondary school in Australia, you are probably familiar with assessment task sheets.

21 simple design elements that will make any School Assessment Task sheet accessible

They outline the task a student has to complete and how it will be assessed. The criteria and standards that will be used to evaluate the performance are included. Often the task sheet will also aim to excite and motivate students to engage with a real-world problem or life-like performance that is relevant and meaningful to them.

Teaching a Class With Big Ability Differences. How do you teach the same concepts and skills to students with diverse abilities and interests?

Teaching a Class With Big Ability Differences

Teaching methods: Differentiated instruction. What is differentiated instruction?

Teaching methods: Differentiated instruction

What are the main challenges for teachers wishing to use it in their classroom? Peter Westwood, author of What Teachers Need to Know About Differentiated Instruction discusses in this Q&A. Can you explain what differentiated instruction is? Differentiated instruction is not really a new concept; it has been with us for a very long time in the guise of ‘mixed-ability teaching’. It is really about taking account of significant differences among students in terms of their ability (or disability), rate of learning, language proficiency, literacy and numeracy skills ― and then using this knowledge to adapt the way the curriculum and learning activities are presented.

Differentiated instruction became much more important with the advent of inclusive education. Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age. Differentiated Instruction. Differentiated Instructional Strategies - Differentiated Strategies for Assessment. Defining Differentiated Instruction. Updated 01/2014 When I lesson plan with teachers, out of earshot from their fellow teachers and their principals, I can't tell you how often I'm asked, "what exactly does it look like?

Defining Differentiated Instruction

" when it comes to differentiated instruction. In the education world, differentiated instruction is talked a lot about as a policy or as a solution, but rarely do educators get opportunities to roll up their sleeves and talk about what it looks like in practice. The definition begins with this: Equal education is not all students getting the same, but all students getting what they need.

Approaching all learners the same academically doesn't work. Start with the Student If a child in your class is really struggling with reading, writing, organization, time management, social skills or all of the above, the first step is to find out as much as you can about her educational history and anything else. So, I learned. 6 Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning.

Project-based learning (PBL) naturally lends itself to differentiated instruction.

6 Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning

By design, it is student-centered, student-driven, and gives space for teachers to meet the needs of students in a variety of ways. PBL can allow for effective differentiation in assessment as well as daily management and instruction. PBL experts will tell you this, but I often hear teachers ask for real examples, specifics to help them contextualize what it "looks like" in the classroom. A Starter Kit For Differentiated Instruction. [Note: Some links below are Amazon Affiliate links.

A Starter Kit For Differentiated Instruction

If you click these and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks!] You have probably come to this article for one of two reasons: Either you want to start differentiating instruction in your classroom and don’t know where to start, or you already differentiate, but want to see if you’re missing anything. I have combed through tons of online resources on how to differentiate instruction, and have put together this collection of the clearest, most high-quality resources for learning how to differentiate in your classroom. Off we go, then! Lots of teachers think they are differentiating, when they really kind of aren’t. . , is the best one I’ve seen on the subject. 6 Good Tools to Differentiate Instruction » Opening Paths. I wrote for Edutopia a six-part series that’s spanned two months.

6 Good Tools to Differentiate Instruction » Opening Paths

What a great experience it’s been to share ideas. The response by readers has been amazing. As I send to Edutopia the final article in the series, I found that several of the strategies needed greater detail than I could do with the word count limit. So what follows is that deeper dive. Here’s an article that goes to the heart of student choice. See the updated version of this article. Join me through this blog on Opening Paths, especially the resources and follow me on Twitter @JMcCarthyEdS for open dialog about what our students need, and what we as professional learners can do so that ALL students succeed. 6 Good Tools to Differentiate Instruction by John McCarthy, Ed.S. Differentiated Instruction: Resource Roundup. Learning Menus. What Is Differentiated Instruction? Examples Of Strategies.

Just as everyone has a unique fingerprint, each student has an individual style of learning.

What Is Differentiated Instruction? Examples Of Strategies

Not all students in a classroom learn a subject in the same way or share the same level of ability. Teaching to the Top: Attitudes and strategies for delivering real challenge. ... Image Teaching to top has been a long-standing principle of effective teaching from my perspective.

Teaching to the Top: Attitudes and strategies for delivering real challenge. ...

One of my early blogs was ‘Gifted and Talented Provision: A Total Philosophy‘ and it remains one of the topics I am asked to talk about most often in CPD sessions. I no longer think that Gifted and Talented is a helpful label – it never was – but the principles are the same. I’ve also covered this topic The Anatomy of High Expectations. As I’ve said previously, I firmly believe that too many students are systematically underchallenged at school, especially in the years furthest away from high-stakes tests. Stretch and challenge in your classroom. ReadWriteThink. Personalized vs. differentiated vs. individualized learning. Khan Academy. Explainer: what is differentiation and why is it poorly understood?

Differentiation is a long word that sounds complicated but it just means teachers plan for the children who are actually in their class, instead of designing lessons for their idea of the “average” child.

Explainer: what is differentiation and why is it poorly understood?

It is the means by which schools fulfil their legal obligations to provide a quality education to all students. This includes Indigenous students, students from other language backgrounds, gifted students or those with disability. On-the-Spot Scaffolding for Students. Scrambling in the moment to figure out what students need when they just don't get it is one of the exciting challenges of teaching. Being able to respond to learners' needs on the spot is hands down one of the greatest tricks of this trade. And when lesson planning, we can't always guess how many steps we will need to break a lesson into and how much support will be needed for each chunk. I know I've made assumptions about what students will "get" and then in the middle of the lesson, I've had to stop, think on my feet, and add something to help move the learning forward. Differentiation. 17 Ways to Meet Individual Learning Needs in the Math Classroom. Resources >> Browse Articles >> Utilizing Technology Featured Author: Mrs.

Kelly Tenkely.