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Increasing Math Literacy with iPads. Mathematics expresses values that reflect the cosmos, including orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty.

Increasing Math Literacy with iPads

-Deepak Chopra Math and I don’t get along. While we are civil out of necessity, I make it a practice not to do math in public. It just never turns out well. I think our disharmony can be traced back to the early beginnings of our relationship when my second grade teacher would smack our knuckles with a ruler if we used our fingers when adding.

So how ironic that my 100th blog post (insert big fanfare here!) iPads in Education- Examples from the Classroom. Developing iPad learning workflows for best learning outcomes — learningwithipads.blogspot. Rethinking the approach to learning with an iPad was one of the key points that arose from our recent iPad study tour in Queensland.

Developing iPad learning workflows for best learning outcomes — learningwithipads.blogspot

Many of the schools talked about the development of 'Learning Workflows' where work is created in one app, then built on in another App and so on. Using the iPad where many Apps are generally single function, requires a different approach to create useful learning outcomes that moves the integration of the iPad in learning from the Subsitution model to the Redefinition model. Ipad. How I'm Using My iPad in a Classroom of 30 Students - Mr. Guymon's Classroom. The versatility of an iPad for education is endless. I am no expert, nor even a veteran in curating apps for the classroom, but I am off to a great start for this next school year. Here is how I have discovered using an iPad in the classroom. No, I'm not referring to a 1:1 iPad scenario. Using iPads in the Primary Grades. Recently, I was given the opportunity to go one-to-one in my first grade classroom with iPads.

Using iPads in the Primary Grades

To say that my students and I were excited to do this would be a bit of an understatement. It has long been a dream of mine to go one-to-one and for the students it is, as they say, like kids in a candy shop. With Great Tools Comes Great Responsibility When I announced on Twitter that I had picked up my boxes of technology, a comment from Stephen Ransom gave me great pause.

He said, “With great tools comes great responsibility. Wow. If they become a babysitting tool, then I have failed. Starting Our Journey With that in mind, I was careful which apps I chose to put on the iPads initially. The Challenge of iPad Pedagogy. Staff training completed.

The Challenge of iPad Pedagogy

Make no bones about it, the use of the word completed couldn’t be further from the truth. My advice to anyone else undertaking an iPad trial, be more than prepared. IPads. 50 resources for iPad use in the classroom. The transition to the more extensive use of technology in classrooms across the West has resulted in the integration of bring your own device (BYOD) schemes, equipping students with netbooks and tablet computers, and lessons that use social media & online services.

50 resources for iPad use in the classroom

Gesture-based technology is on the rise; according to the latest NMC Horizon Report, gesture-based technological models will become more readily integrated as a method of learning within the next few years. The iPhone, iPad, Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect technology are examples of these kinds of developments, and in particular, resources for Apple products in education are becoming widely available online. For teachers, some of which are just beginning to use tablets and mobile devices in class, these resources can be invaluable in promoting more interactive classrooms and understanding how best to use and control such products. Tutorials:

Special Ed

Because Not All Apps are Created Equal. Ipad Stuff. PrometheanPlanet. This article was originally written in Spanish by Andrés Carlos López Herrero and is translated by Leysi Ortiz.


An app (short for "application") is a computer program designed to allow the user to perform specific tasks. In general, the term applies to program apps for new mobile devices, tablets and smartphones. The above diagram shows the location and relationship of the front end user, applications and other existing software. (Source: adapted from an image from Wikipedia.) Students can reinforce their learning with the many free or low cost educational applications available each day in greater numbers in the market.

One of the main features of next generation mobile and multi-touch tablets is that their use and handling is extremely simple and attractive to the younger audience. Eduapps: recommended web with over 28,000 educational apps for teachers and students, all classified by educational levels. Enjoyed this?


iPad As.... iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms.

iPad As....

Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. Tips & Tricks. Initial iPad Setup. Only2Clicks. iPod Touch & iPad Resources. A Place For Reflections & Resources of a 21st Century Primary School Teacher. iPads in the Classroom are Changing the Face of Education.


iPads Making assessment meaningful. After spending two hours a day this week watching seventh graders fill in bubbles on our state's standardized test, I am finding myself thinking about assessment.

iPads Making assessment meaningful

Specifically, I am thinking about the many ways the iPad has enriched and strengthened our daily assessment practices -- and the value I see in authentic, embedded, process-rich assessment that informs and improves instruction. Technology like the iPad offers incredible ways to gather meaningful data that shows student thinking and creates a rich and detailed picture of learning. It can also make assessment more efficient, save teachers time, and open opportunities for more responsive teaching. The iPad makes new assessment practices possible. First, just being able to hear a student explain his or her thinking is a transformative event. As I explained in an earlier post, the camera also adds a new layer to the assessment process. Other web 2.0 tools can help teachers gather critical assessment data. Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom. One question that comes into my inbox or on Twitter a lot lately is one dealing with iPads.

Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom

Many schools and classrooms all over are investing in these devices and educators want to know how to use them effectively, apps to consider and more. In keeping with the "My Favorite Resources" theme (last week I listed my favorite resources for talking about Twitter) here are my go-to resources when people ask me about iPads in the Classroom. ISTE iPad In Education Webinar Resources-A while back ISTE ran a great webinar with some fabulous educators on using iPads in the classroom. This site has loads of information, a collection of articles, lists of apps and information on Apple's Volume Purchasing Program.

Only 1 iPad in the Classroom? [for additional ELA/Reading specific apps and ideas see Reading on the iPad] Is only one iPad in a classroom worth it?

Only 1 iPad in the Classroom?

This question keeps reappearing on the EC Ning and in other blog spaces. The answer is easy: YES, especially if the teacher has access to a Mac desktop or (preferably) laptop and a wifi network in the classroom. It is an even larger YES if the Mac device has the most current operating system. Having a computer to which the iPad can sync is not absolutely necessary, but it is a Best Idea. iPads in a Junior Classroom.

iPad Resources - Paul's E-Learning Resources. iBuild iPad Lessons: TCEA 2012. iPaddiction. 103 Interesting Ways to use an iPad in the Classroom.