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Keynotopia UI Design Templates for Keynote and Powerpoint. Carbon Design System – Homepage. 15 Effective Tools for Visual Knowledge Management. Since I started my quest a few years ago searching for the ultimate knowledge management tool, I’ve discovered a number of interesting applications that help people efficiently organize information. There certainly is no shortage of solutions for this problem domain. Many tools exist that offer the ability to discover, save, organize, search, and retrieve information. However, I’ve noticed a trend in recent years, and some newer applications are focusing more on the visual representation and relationship of knowledge. I believe this is in part due to the wider adoption of mind mapping (and concept mapping), and leveraging concepts and advances in the semantic web community.

Most traditional personal knowledge management (PKM) or personal information management (PIM) applications offer the same basic set of features: These are essential features, however don’t offer too much to the more visually-inclined knowledge junkies. 15. 14. 13. 12. eyePlorer 11. Pages: 1 2 3. UX Apprentice. Vuedoo - View all you do. Vuedoo is the world’s first project scheduling software to feature the incredible Tufte Chart, a data-rich visualization of startling clarity. Finally, a project chart that everyone can understand. Communicate Plans Vuedoo is an innovative scheduling tool for planning, managing and tracking projects. However, it is not just for project managers.

It is also an extremely clear and readable communication tool, with the flexibility to reach all project stakeholders. Vuedoo provides customisable options to "slice and dice" project data to suit the intended audience — from high-level executive overviews down to the finest detail for individual team members. At the same time, the information it conveys is richer and more concise than any other project graphic. Here the Scroomer pane has been hidden to allow enough room for an overview of the whole project to be displayed in one page. Project Management Graphics (or Gantt Charts) At the time of this posting I am a Project Manager for an owner for a medium sized hospital project in California, taking it from concept through to opening. I hate Gantt Charts. I loathe MS Project. I'm not that keen on Primavera. But I love this thread. I like tools, visuals etc. that are intuitive, that come close to 'just working'. The main problem that comes up repeatedly in projects I have managed is that the participants don't truly understand the dependencies between tasks.

"Oh I forgot to order that! " "Oh I didn't realize you needed the VP to sign that form before you could get rid of this? " "Oh I didn't know my ceiling height impacted the ability to get air conditioning installed above it! " "Oh I didn't realize that by moving the doorway there, I've made it impossible for you to maintain enough free space in front of that fire-line valve!

" And on and on and on and on .... In projects you often have multiple many to few to many (again) relationships. -- Digby (email) UX Apprentice. Balsamiq. Données publiques / Open Data. Colours In Cultures. Periscopic: Do good with data.

Data visualisation

Lee Byron » Else » Stream Graph Paper. In February 2008, the New York Times published an unusual chart of box office revenues for 7500 movies over 21 years. The chart was based on a similar visualization, developed by the first author, that displayed trends in music listening. This paper describes the design decisions and algorithms behind these graphics, and discusses the reaction on the Web. We suggest that this type of complex layered graph is effective for displaying large data sets to a mass audience.

We provide a mathematical analysis of how this layered graph relates to traditional stacked graphs and to techniques such as ThemeRiver, showing how each method is optimizing a different “energy function”. Finally, we discuss techniques for coloring and ordering the layers of such graphs. Throughout the paper, we emphasize the interplay between considerations of aesthetics and legibility. “Stacked Graphs – Geometry & Aesthetics” by Lee Byron & Martin Wattenberg can be downloaded in PDF form. Applied_
