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Dave's Mapper | RPG Map Generator. Welcome to Fuck Yeah Character Development. Welcome to Fuck Yeah Character Development. General Person Generator. People This arrogant woman has droopy gray eyes that are like two pieces of steel. Her luxurious, wavy, brown hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a holy halo. She is very tall and has an amazonian build. Her skin is black. She has large feet. Her wardrobe is weird, with a lot of black and white. This guy puts you in mind of a randy demon. This noble guy has narrow blue eyes. This lazy lady has narrow white eyes that are like two spheres of alabaster.

This foul-mouthed guy has narrow gray eyes that are like two pieces of steel. This lady puts you in mind of a sturdy tree. This mistrustful man has hooded blue eyes that are like two chunks of lapis lazuli. This guy reminds you of a savvy alley cat. This antisocial woman has narrow orange eyes that are like two setting suns. This innocent man has wide coffee-colored eyes. Mwima2WY7p1rnvzfwo1_500.jpg (345×750)

Write wild - Best Apps for Writers. New York City’s Hidden Subway Station. Deep in the belly of New York’s subway system, a beautiful untouched station resides that has been forgotten for years with only a limited few knowing of its existence. Stunning decoration with tall tiled arches, brass fixtures and skylights run across the entire curve of the station, almost a miniature imitation of Grand Central Station… But it sounds like something straight out of Harry Potter, right? It was opened in 1904, with the hope of making it the crowning glory of the New York subway system in elegant architecture and a place for commemorative plaques to honour the work that had resulted in such a successful underground mass transit system.

It was to be the original southern terminus of the first ‘Manhattan Main Line’; however the station was closed and boarded up in 1945. The reason for its closure was that newer longer cars were required to match the demand of passengers that passed through the system. House Plans, Home Plans, Floor Plans and Home Building Designs from the House Plans Store | Garage Plans and Blueprints. Out of my Mind. Back in five Minutes. m1pkloxh6F1qd2lr6o1_500.png (500×661) Character Profile Form by =Fyuvix on deviantART. Children of Dune - Brian Tyler.

Mit allen Sinnen (be)schreiben – Der Leitfaden. Um möglichst hohe Anschaulichkeit zu erreichen, ist es von Vorteil, beim Erzählen so viele Sinne wie möglich anzusprechen. Da das Sehen für uns der wichtigste Sinn scheint, neigen die meisten Autoren dazu, nur die Äußerlichkeiten zu beschreiben. Mit dem Gebrauch der Sinne ist es aber wie mit einem Haus: Man braucht vier Wände und ein Dach.

Wenn man nur eine Wand baut, bringt das nicht viel. Baut man aber alles, fühlt man sich wohl. Das heißt, nur oder hauptsächlich den Sehsinn zu beschreiben, ist verschwendete Arbeit. Beispiele Schlechtes Beispiel: Die Suppe war widerlich. Gutes Beispiel: Die Suppe roch nach Teer und Schwefel, ja sogar der Dampf war gelblich. Statt einer allgemeinen Beschreibung wie im ersten Beispiel (was war denn genau so widerlich an der Suppe?)

Geruch: Wie Teer und Schwefel. Wie man sieht, kann man allein durch das Einfügen eines kurzen Satzteils (in diesem Fall: die Ratte) viele Sinne direkt ansprechen. Tipp: Wortfelder sammeln Beispiel Haut Tipp: Synästhesie.