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Exercises - practice grammar online. Learn Languages The Smart Way! :) - Wörterbuch Englisch/Deutsch für Redewendungen, Redensarten. Slow German by Wizzard Media. Learn German PDA - absolute beginner season 3. German-English Glossary of Idioms. E grammatica: voorzetsels met een vaste naamval. Handout: Adjektivendungen. Adjective endings are usually the least favorite part of learning German, from both the students' and the teacher's viewpoints.

Handout: Adjektivendungen

I can't make them fun, but I can at least make them a little easier. Yes, they do require some memorization, but there is a logic to them. With some effort, you should be able to put the correct endings on adjectives without having to refer to a massive diagram or chart. When does an adjective need an ending? There are two ways to use adjectives in a sentence: as a descriptive adjective ("the house is nice"), or as an attributive adjective ("it is a nice house"). What ending does it take? Keep in mind 1: Something -- either an article (der/ein/dieser/etc.) or the adjective itself -- must show what gender the noun is. Keep in mind 2: Some articles show that a noun has changed from its original nominative case, others do not.

With those guidelines in mind, we can now set up a flow chart of rules that will give you the correct adjective ending. That's it! Song to remember case endings. Beide Vs. Beiden. Online-Course. If you want to learn German by yourself or if you’re looking for something to read along the way… this might be it.


Here you can find lectures about all that is important about the German language as a system. We will not do the usual “How to introduce oneself” or “” here but we will eventually cover all the grammar. So… reading this won’t make you talk but I am sure it will help you understand how German works. I decided to not structure the stuff in a linear way so the sections are pretty much independent of one another. That means more freedom for you… yeahhh. So… go ahead, read what you’re interested in and leave the rest for another time. And then the ones I haven’t categorized yet: Reflections on reflexive - This post takes a look at what “reflexive” actually means.

Oh… right… what’s up with the colors? : Rated G. . : This is the core of German grammar and structure. Deutsche Welle. Nachrichten. Deutsch - warum nicht? German Language Guide Index. This is a directory of "guides" for anyone interested in the German-speaking world, its language and culture.

German Language Guide Index

We have grouped various websites according to the services they offer: from general information about a German-speaking country to online translating dictionaries. Our own LearnPlus Guides include a unique program with interactive audio flashcards to learn German vocabulary; a collection of funny German idioms to perfect your command of the German language; a Learning Material Guide with reviews of useful books for all those learning German; a Grammar Guide of easy definitions of the most common terms used in grammatical explanations; and a practical Vienna Guide about the beautiful capital city of Austria. Deutsch 101-326 University of Michigan.

German Stories in HD for children to read along. Whatchado. Eine Quelle an Originaltönen zu unterschiedlichen Berufen.


Auf der Website Whatchado präsentieren unterschiedlichste Berufsgruppen (vom Bäcker über Moderator bis hin zum österreichischen Bundespräsidenten) ihren Beruf in kurzen Videos. Bereits mehr als 1500 Videos sind abrufbar. Die unterschiedlichen Bereiche der Website: Über den Navigationspunkt ‘Job Dating’ können anhand eines kurzen prägnanten Fragebogens relevante Berufe angezeigt werden. Die ‘Stories’ bilden das eigentliche Herzstück des Webangebots. Arbeitgeber stellen sich vor (obiger Screenshot ist nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt).

Um größtmögliche Vergleichbarkeit der Videos zu garantieren, beantworten die Personen in den Kurzpräsentationen jeweils die selben 7 Fragen. Hier Links zu einigen Beispielen: WEBSITE:Whatchado + Viele Berufe werden in Kurzvideos von in diesen Berufen Tätigen präsentiert – Information aus erster Hand+ mehr als 1500 Videos online, Angebot wird ständig erweitert. Learn German Online - A free German language resource with audio. Duits. Herzlich willkommen in het vaklokaal Duits van de Digitale School, sinds 1997 de grootste site over Duits voor leerlingen en leraren.


Je vindt hier maar liefst 200 pagina's met informatie, oefeningen, studietips en ideeën. Viel Spaß bei Deutsch! Was möchtest du tun? Woordenboeken Specials Met Duits kun je scoren! Wat zeg je als je iemand geweldig vindt en een complimentje wilt maken? German. Canoonet - Deutsche Grammatik, Online-Wörterbuch zu Rechtschreibung, Flexion und Wortbildung für die Sprache Deutsch. Results for "studieren" Deutsch. German Personal Pronouns and Their Cases.

German possessive pronouns in the nominative case. Posted on 06.

German possessive pronouns in the nominative case

Dec, 2012 by Sandra in Grammar, Language The ability to change perspectives when we talk with one another is one of the most awesome characteristics of humans. That is, when a speaker uses the word “I” in his or her statements we automatically know that this person is talking of him- or herself and not of one of us.