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Free Language Tutorials: Basic Phrases, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pronunciation in 17 Languages

Free Language Tutorials: Basic Phrases, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pronunciation in 17 Languages
Currently, twenty languages are available: 17 Indo-European and 3 non-Indo-European. There are also Foreign Service Institute (FSI) courses available in HTML format as well as two comparative tutorials for those who want to learn two languages simultaneously. Lists of vocabulary and verb conjugations are available for some Romance and Germanic languages, as well as other helpful ideas, resources and links for learning foreign languages. Some of the tutorials also include audio resources and online exercises, indicated by the headphones and notebooks below. The following pages are not language-specific tutorials, but instead focus on learning languages in general: Realia Resources Scans and photos of train tickets, brochures, receipts, menus, etc. French Language Tutorial 2nd edition is now available! Language Hacking Guide by Benny Lewis, the Irish Polyglot From "The Language Hacking Guide explains exactly what you need to do to speak a language quickly.

Orientaal's Classroom Turkish exercises On-line exercises have been kept as simple as possible. No typing is required. Just think of the answer and click on the gap to see (and fill in) the correct answer. At the end, press the Reset-key to do it all over again. Verzeichnis:Englisch/Ähnliche Wörter Englisch–Deutsch Ähnliche Wörter mit gleicher Bedeutung Englisch-Deutsch (mindestens eine Bedeutung ist gleich) Similar words with the same meaning in English and German (at least one meaning is the same) Identische Wörter (die Schreibweise ist exakt gleich)[Bearbeiten] Identical words Adjektive · adjectives[Bearbeiten] Substantive · nouns[Bearbeiten] Länder, Regionen, Orte · countries, regions, places[Bearbeiten] Andere · others[Bearbeiten] Verben: Endung -(e)n im Deutschen[Bearbeiten] Unterschiede: Endung -(e)n bei deutschen Verben Groß-/Kleinschreibung[Bearbeiten] Unterschiede: Groß-/Kleinschreibung Leerzeichen, Bindestriche[Bearbeiten] Unterschiede: Leerzeichen, Bindestriche, Groß-/Kleinschreibung c/k, sh/sch, ph/f[Bearbeiten] Unterschiede: Groß-/Kleinschreibung, Endung -(e)n bei deutschen Verben, c/k, sh/sch, ph/f e am Ende hinzufügen[Bearbeiten] Unterschiede: e am Ende hinzufügen, Groß-/Kleinschreibung, c/k, sh/sch, ph/f e am Ende entfernen[Bearbeiten] Doppelbuchstaben im deutschen Wort[Bearbeiten] y/ie[Bearbeiten]

Deut(sch)lich – Deutsch lernen macht Spaß! Radio Lingua Network: Language-learning where and when it suits you Digital Dialects language learning games Как выучить 30 языков и не сойти с ума - BBC Русская служба Nancy Thuleen Learn How to Draw 7 Different Types of Dogs - Traditional-Drawing Tutorial Step 1 Materials: 14 sheets of tracing paper 7 blank white index cards 3" x 5" Small Ruler Mechanical pencil 0.5mm lead Kneaded Eraser Please read step one fully, it is very important! For those who only wish to draw a certain dog, you will locate each dog as following: Golden Retriever - Step 2 - 18 Basset Hound - Step 19 - 34 Cocker Spaniel - Step 35 - 47 Collie - Step 48 - 60 English bulldog - Step 61 - 75 German Shepherd - Step 76 - 95 Irish Setter - Step 96 - 107 Step 1. Take a 3x5 card and measure your distances as shown in accompanying picture. Step 2 Draw in a rough shape of your dog. Step 3 Draw in the grid for eyes, nose and mouth placement Step 4 Now roughly draw in the eyes, nose and mouth into the grid. Step 5 With a new sheet of paper covering your grid, draw in the eyes, nose and mouth. Step 6 Now start drawing in the fur around left ear. Step 7 Keep drawing the fur around ear, image will guide you. Step 8 Start drawing in the fur detail near left eye, use image to guide you. Step 9 Step 10

Homepage How to Draw - The Sketchbook Artist
