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Cool German

Cool German

Essential phrases in 40 languages Step into German - Für Lehrer - Goethe-Institut  Jugendliche hören in ihrer Freizeit Musik, sie schauen Filme und treiben Sport. Machen Sie diese Hobbys zum Teil Ihres Unterrichts. Arbeiten Sie mit Materialien, die deutsche Musik, Film und Fußball zum Inhalt haben und die die Aufmerksamkeit Ihrer Schüler garantieren. Bei uns finden Sie eine breite Auswahl von Videos, Podcasts und Arbeitsblättern, die Sie im Unterricht ohne große Vorbereitungszeit einsetzen können. Und wundern Sie sich nicht, wenn die Jugendlichen schon bald Lust auf mehr bekommen. Lehrermaterial Musik Lehrermaterial Fußball Lehrermaterial Film Lehrermaterial Deutsch(land)

Mundofonías Las dos Mundofonías del 11 de noviembre han sido las últimas que se han emitido en Radio Exterior. Lamentablemente, la nueva dirección ha decidido prescindir de todos los colaboradores, a pesar de ser Mundofonías uno de los programas más populares y solicitados de Radio Exterior. Sin embargo, esto no es una despedida... Por un lado, el equipo de Mundofonías sigue con los oyentes de RNE a través de dos programas en Radio 5 que esta temporada han iniciado su andadura: Portugaleando y El palabrero. Por otro, Mundofonías... ¡sigue! - Radio Universidad de Guanajuato (México), que ya emitía nuestro anterior programa Mapamundi y que nos ha acompañado en toda esta andadura de Mundofonías... y continuamos con ellos. - en Berlín, en su emisión online y también en la FM a través de 88Vier, en el 88,4 FM (Berlín) y el 90,7 FM (Potsdam). - Radio UNAM, en la capital de México, a través del 860 AM y del 96,1 FM. - RCFM. - Rádio Filispim. - Ràdio País. ¡Hasta... todas las semanas!

Deut(sch)lich – Deutsch lernen macht Spaß! Top Language Blogs and Podcasts Here at LexioPhiles and the dictionary we love all our fellow bloggers. Some are really good and others are just fantastic! So far we have published a number of different lists we have put together with the help of users and LexioPhiles readers. All these lists and contests can be found on this page. The Top 100 Exchange and Experience Blogs 2014 had amazing contestants that you could see just by giving their blogs a quick look. On its sixth edition, the Top Language Lovers competition was even more exciting than the year before. The Top 100 Exchange and Experience Blogs 2013 was also a big hit. In this fifth edition of the Top Language Lovers competition we were looking not only for the best language blogs, but also facebook pages and twitter accounts. The Top 100 Exchange and Experience Blogs 2012 was a success once again! This year for the first time we were looking not only for the best language blogs, but also facebook pages and twitter accounts.

untitled Von Gerhard Antretter Üben – Spielen – Sprechen Arbeitsblätter zu den Abschnitten von DEUTSCH zu 2WEIT: Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 1 + 2 Schmeckt´s?– Kulinarisches und Verben in der 3. Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 3 Im Bett darf man nicht schnarchen – Nicht können, müssen, dürfen Darf ich bitten? Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 4 Was passt nicht? Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 5 Die da! Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 6 So was Schönes! Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 7 Ausgerechnet den! Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 8 Prononomen zu dritt (1) – Personalpronomen im Akkusativ und Dativ Prononomen zu dritt (2) – Personalpronomen im Akkusativ und Dativ Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 9 + 10 Im Höllenlabyrinth der gräulichen Killerpräpositionen – Präpositionen Im Dschungel der großen Stadt – Präpositionen Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 11 Wo sind meine Pantoffeln? Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 12 Süden ist immer unten – Präpositionen und Adverben Üben – Spielen – Sprechen 13 Wann hast du dich zuletzt rasiert?

Romantic Tagalog Words and Phrases Want to impress your Filipina girlfriend or wife? Make an effort to learn a few romantic words and phrases in Tagalog! 1. Mahal kita. = I love you. This is the most common way of saying 'I Love You.' 2. This is a very dramatic way of declaring your love for someone. 3. Filipinos have incorporated a lot of English words into their vocabulary, including the verb for missing someone's presence. Miss na miss kita. = I really miss you.

Cours à distance sur la langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) Mot de bienvenue Voici le nouveau site des cours de langue des signes québécoise. Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue. La Fondation des Sourds du Québec est heureuse de vous offrir ces cours dont le but est de vous donner les outils de base pour pouvoir communiquer avec les personnes sourdes de votre entourage. La langue que nous utiliserons dans ce cours est une langue gestuelle dans laquelle le son n'existe pas. La Fondation des Sourds du Québec a décidé de dispenser ces cours de formation à distance pour rendre davantage accessible l·apprentissage de la LSQ à toute personne qui a besoin de communiquer avec des Sourds. Pour toute personne intéressée à devenir l’interprète ou à travailler avec des Sourds, la Fondation des Sourds du Québec vous encourage fortement à prendre les cours de LSQ en classe pour apprendre à communiquer aisément en LSQ.

Dicionário de Português | Michaelis Apresentação A elaboração do Michaelis Moderno Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa estendeu-se ao longo de dez anos e contou com a dedicada colaboração de 84 profissionais especializados. Com esta publicação, a Melhoramentos reafirmou sua tradição na edição de dicionários de qualidade, oferecendo ao público uma grande e imprescindível obra de referência que renovou as possibilidades de estudo, conhecimento e uso correto de nossa língua. Este dicionário, com mais de 200.000 verbetes e subverbetes, foi planejado com extremo rigor lexicográfico, procurando-se registrar o maior número possível de vocábulos, tanto da linguagem escrita quanto da oral. A obra se baseia no banco de dados lexicográficos da Melhoramentos, que foi reestruturado, revisto e ampliado com milhares de novos verbetes elaborados por especialistas em diversas áreas do saber. A utilização de sofisticados recursos de informática possibilitou uniformizar as informações, além de sistematizar as remissões e referências cruzadas.

Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa Este site utiliza cookies. Ao continuar no site está a consentir a sua utilização. Saiba mais... Definições Acordo Ortográfico de 1990 Variedade do Português Balões informativos Em qualquer momento pode alterar esta configuração clicando no botão à direita da caixa de pesquisa. Importante: as definições acima são guardadas em cookies. Página principal pub O Ano em Palavras "O Ano em Palavras" apresenta algumas das palavras mais pesquisadas ao longo do ano no Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa que reflectemrefletemrefletem alguns dos principais acontecimentos portugueses e internacionais. Dúvidas linguísticas Na frase ceámos à lareira que a noite estava fria, qual é a função desempenhada pela palavra que? Agradecia que me informassem qual a palavra correta, prefabricado ou pré-fabricado, e se possível qual a regra para as palavras hifenizadas. Ver todas... Palavra do dia re·mo·ti·var re·mo·ti·var - ConjugarConjugar(re- + motivar) Mais pesquisadas do dia

Coffee Break French | Radio Lingua Network - Part 11 Lesson 52 – Coffee Break French In Lesson 52 we take a look at the negative form of the immediate future tense. We also look at the different ways to say “some” in French, also known as the partitive article. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS Podcast (cbf-podcast): Download Lesson 51 – Coffee Break French In Lesson 51, we learn how to say “going to do something” in French. Podcast (cbf-podcast): Download Lesson 50 – Coffee Break French In lesson 50, Mark puts Anna to the test with an identity quiz. Podcast (cbf-podcast): Download Lesson 49 – Coffee Break French In this week’s lesson, we look at some adjectives that come before the noun instead of after. Podcast (cbf-podcast): Download Lesson 48 – Coffee Break French In Lesson 48, we look at a different area of French grammar. Podcast (cbf-podcast): Download Lesson 47 – Coffee Break French In this week’s lesson, Mark puts Anna and our listeners to the test on the verbs we have been looking at in the past few lessons.

Walk, Talk and Learn French iTunes Rewind Podcasts: Best of 2010 We’re delighted to announce that three Radio Lingua podcasts have been voted iTunes Best of 2010 – for the fourth year running! This year Coffee Break French, Coffee Break Spanish and Walk Talk and Learn French all feature in the “Classic audio/video” sections in the UK list. To check out the top 100 podcasts of the year – from the 200,000+ podcasts in iTunes – click on the iTunes Store link here. Meet the team at the London Language Show This weekend (Friday 30th October – Sunday 1st November) the Radio Lingua team will be at the Language Show in London’s Olympia. Come along and chat with Mark from Coffee Break Spanish/French and Pierre-Benoît from Walk, Talk and Learn French. We’re at stand 33, to the left as you enter the main entrance. Walk, Talk and Learn French update Just a word from Mark to update you on things with Walk, Talk and Learn French. As many of you have pointed out it’s been a few weeks since our last episode.

One Minute French One Minute French on the iBookstore We’re delighted to announce that our One Minute French course is now available on the iBookstore. iBooks can be viewed on all iOS devices including iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. You need to have the iBooks app on your device, and the title is purchased directly through iTunes. This iBook provides all ten lessons of the course in video format, along with notes and further explanations, and includes the same content covered in the traditional “podcasts + pdf lesson guide” version of the course. The pricing of One Minute French is standardised across the iBookstores currently active as detailed below: US: $7.99 USD | iBookstore linkUK: £3.99 GBP | iBookstore linkGermany: €3.99 EUR | iBookstore linkFrance: €3.99 EUR | iBookstore linkCanada: $7.99 CAD | iBookstore linkAustralia: $7.99 AUD | iBookstore link We’ll be continuing to add our archived content to the iBookstore and we’re also working on new content using this innovative method of delivery. Bonjour!
