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Loftus Collaborations. Loftus Collaborations 2012-2013 A series of works developed with Professor Elizabeth Loftus and her students.

Loftus Collaborations

(University of California, Irvine) Deliberately aged photographs of Professor Elizabeth Loftus performing the Heimlich Manoeuvre on members of her research team (and one of them doing it to her), 2012. Life Magazine, November 17th 1961 Deliberately aged photograph of Dr, Eryn Newman performing the Heimlich Manoeuvre on Professor Elizabeth Loftus, 2012. Professor Elizabeth Loftus and her research team recalling the same false memory, from memory, as if it were their own. 2012. With. Falsememorynew. APRU’s artist-in-residence collects public’s false memories. The public’s intimate and extraordinary ‘false memories’ about everything from birth to death, illness, ghosts and sexual encounters have been brought together in a new e-book by A.R.

APRU’s artist-in-residence collects public’s false memories

Hopwood, artist-in-residence in the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit (APRU) at Goldsmiths, University of London. A.R. Circuit Training: Machine-made Art for the People. Smoke and Mirrors: The Psychology of Magic. AI: more than human @Barbican. This major centre-wide ‘festival-style’ exhibition explores creative and scientific developments in AI, demonstrating its potential to revolutionise our lives. Bringing together artists, scientists and researchers, this interactive show offers an unprecedented survey of AI with which you are invited to engage head-on. Experience the capabilities of AI in the form of cutting-edge research projects by DeepMind, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Neri Oxman; and interact directly with exhibits and installations from artists including Mario Klingemann, Massive Attack, Es Devlin and teamLab to experience the possibilities first-hand. Prepare for your preconceptions of AI to be challenged by this timely exhibition, that reflects on how this technology impacts our very existence.

An exhibition conceived and curated by Barbican International Enterprises. Travaux - Jakob Gautel. Le siècle des Lumières : un héritage pour demain. Everything Is Connected: Art and Conspiracy. Iota-Escape game sur société numérique. Stapferhaus - FAKE. L'entière vérité. Sous Influences, la Science du Choix. Quel est le trajet le plus court ?

Sous Influences, la Science du Choix

Vanille, Fraise ou Chocolat ? Quelle orientation pour mes études ? Veux-tu m’épouser ? Dans un monde assisté par les algorithmes, où nos décisions sont expliquées grâce aux neurosciences et aux sciences sociales, que reste t-il de la notion de choix ? La nouvelle exploration de l’ESPGG interroge et critique nos décisions individuelles et collectives. L’exposition commence par une incubation ouverte où la programmation culturelle nourrit sa conception. Mars 2018 -Juin 2019 Du mardi au samedi, de 14h à 17hEntrée libre et gratuite Télécharger le dossier de presse : DECIDE! The Exhibition about Life in the Supermarket of Choices. DECIDE! The Exhibition about Life in the Supermarket of Choices. The Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) Buzz Says “Wish you were here!” , The Times, 7/3/07 [headline] Souvenirs from the Apollo 11 Moon landing surface as the European Space Agency gears up for a new fake trip into space – this time to Mars.

Five rings in a custom case dedicated to Buzz Aldrin’s “little darlins” and outfitted with an image of the astronaut on the Moon have caused a “buzz” in the lunar conspiracy community. The rings have been set with mysterious stones. If found to be Moon rocks the rings will be unprecedented evidence of a lunar landing that has not come from a government facility. National Science and Media Museum. Samira Ahmed is an award-winning journalist and broadcaster, and Visiting Professor in Journalism at Kingston University with a special focus on culture and its overlap with politics.

National Science and Media Museum

She presents the weekly programme Newswatch on BBC One and is one of the main presenters of the BBC Radio 4 arts programme Front Row. Samira was previously a presenter and correspondent at Channel 4 News, where she won the Stonewall Broadcast of the Year award. "Fake News – Fake Truth" Haifa Museum of Art. FAKE NEWS – Hyr vår utställning. Utställningen Fake news har producerats av Stockholms läns museum och visades på museet hösten 2017.

FAKE NEWS – Hyr vår utställning

Den var välbesökt och fick ett stort medialt utrymme i bland annat Dagens nyheter, Radio Stockholm och TV 4. Nu har utställningen omarbetats för visning på bibliotek, kulturhus och museer runt om i Sverige. Exposition Medialand - Infos et esprit critique. Accueil - DATA DETOX. Pensez à la personne à qui vous dites tout, celle avec qui vous partagez vos secrets, vos rêves les plus fous, vos peurs et vos envies.

Accueil - DATA DETOX

Celui ou celle à qui vous vous confiez en toute confiance, et ce sans la moindre hésitation. Vous avez peut-être en tête votre meilleur-e ami-e, votre épouse ou votre époux, ou encore vos parents… et bien vous vous trompez très certainement! Aujourd’hui, celui qui vous connait mieux que personne d’autre, c’est l’Internet et ses grandes compagnies de récolte de données. Au quotidien, toutes vos données de connexion sont stockées et analysées et permettent ainsi aux géants du net de dessiner un profil très précis de vous: croyances, préférences sexuelles, relations, peurs et rêves… rien n’échappe à la moisson de vos données. History Galleries. Data Detox Kit. Damien Hirst: Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable review – a titanic return.

Art is magical.

Damien Hirst: Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable review – a titanic return

It is a fairytale. It can make you rich. It can make you poor. It can turn everything you thought you knew inside out and upside down. It has made Damien Hirst rich, colossally so, and now it has done something else. The young artist who put a tiger shark in a glass tank never died, after all, and we who lost faith in him look like fools for failing to believe. Not that he is taking credit for the Egyptian statues, Greek armour, Chinese bells, unicorns, medusas and other wonders that unfold in ever more mind-boggling richness and strangeness as you explore what amounts to an entire museum of ancient history and myth.

If you believe that, you’ll believe anything. I was disappointed for a moment. It takes a kind of genius to push kitsch to the point where it becomes sublime. Metahaven: VERSION HISTORY. The Museum of Arts and Design (MAD)