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Global Connections

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Connecting Classrooms to the World. 101 Practical Ways to Ditch That Textbook: Get Matt’s free ebook with lots of great ideas (including two FULL pages of Google stuff!).

Connecting Classrooms to the World

Sign up for his e-mail updates in the right sidebar of this page. Session slides: Skype Education (create a lesson saying what you’d like to do OR find a lesson you’d like to participate in): Send a tweet to various educational hashtags or @SkypeEducation asking if anyone would like to connect classrooms via Skype.Google Plus community: Mystery Location CallsGoogle Plus community: Google Hangouts in EducationGoogle Plus community: Mystery HangoutGoogle Plus community: Educators on Google PlusColleagues, family and friends: Spread the word about what you’d like to do.Matt: He’s glad to tap into his network of contacts to find someone! Matt Miller has taught for more than a decade, integrating technology to engage students and create unique learning experiences. For more information about Matt, visit the About page. Welcome to Skype in the classroom. Skype Classroom (@SkypeClassroom) Flat Connections - Home. Empowering teachers to connect, learn, share, collaborate, and lead – globally!

5 Great Tools to Make Global Classroom Connections. Supporting New Teachers to Make Global Connections. This past week, a tremendous opportunity to participate and view presentations from educators around the world happened on the web.

Supporting New Teachers to Make Global Connections

The annual presentation is called the Global Education Conference. I'm glad that I took time to check into this webinar, because I connected with an educator who is passionate about supporting teachers in their outreach to create global collaborations. Her work with educators worldwide helps her connect her students to create fantastic global partnerships. The Global Education Conference reminded me about the importance of supporting new teachers as they seek ways of making the leap beyond the classroom walls in their work with students. I asked Dr. Dr. Michele L. New teachers are excited and brimming with ideas to make their classrooms hotbeds of learning, understanding and collaboration. A global collaboration project doesn't just happen overnight. 1. It’s all about developing your PLN -- Personal Learning Network. 2. 3. Skype in the Classroom - Skype in the Classroom.

The Best Ways To Find Other Classes For Joint Online Projects. Over the past several years, I’ve been involved (off-and-on) with an International Sister Classes Project involving teenage Intermediate ESL/EFL classes around the world.

The Best Ways To Find Other Classes For Joint Online Projects

We’ve had a blog where students have online presentations, like Voice Threads, and commented on them back-and-forth. I did a new version with my ELL Geography class. I thought it might be useful to other examples of joint “sister class” projects, and of places where teachers can connect with other classes. I just didn’t have it in me to write much of a description about each one, but they’re all worth a visit. Here are my picks for The Best Ways To Find Other Classes For Joint Online Projects: Without a doubt, I’d start in two places: One is by reading Kim Cofino’s blog post A Step-by-Step Guide to Global Collaborations, viewing her slideshare presentation Connecting Across Continents, and reviewing the resources she has posted on her wiki. Here are some others worth checking-out, too: VoiceThread 4 Education ePals The U.S.