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Allrecipes México - Recetas y tips de cocina para Cocineros Mexicanos. Heather Jansch - Sculptor - Bronze & Driftwood Horse Sculptures. Cosas que me puedes regalar... Make woven paper balls, and more! PaperMatrix is an amazing website that catalogs the paper creations of Anna and Lene Schepper.

Make woven paper balls, and more!

They live in Denmark and have backgrounds in architecture and chemical engineering—and they also make wondrous things from paper. They share instructions and templates for everything on their site. Try a hot air balloon mobile, woven paper spheres, or jar boxes with lids! Update: Find a new video tutorial to get you started right here. Via Craftgawker. Sindarin Name Frame. March 5th, 2010: a few new rules have been added, and I've noticed that others I thought I had fixed are missing; I'll try to get those this weekend.

Sindarin Name Frame

This generator is constantly looking to improve itself. If you notice any errors or have any suggestions to make it better, please contact me (il_perfido at yahoo dot co dot uk). How does this work, and why is it better than the old generator? Because the old generator was a hastily constructed HTML table, it was condensed down to a few key adjustment rules while being forced to ignore many others, which meant that while it was possible to get good names in most simple cases, there was also ample opportunity for error. Here, because every possible combination is taken into consideration, you're much more likely to get a correct name *Standard disclaimer: the generator is only as good as the goof who wrote the rules. How it works is, you click on two little radio buttons to choose your words.

Getting Started. Behind the Name: Meaning of Names, Baby Name Meanings. El Android Libre. Men’s Interests and Lifestyle. 174,203 Things You Can Do Instead of Watching TV. Do-it-Yourself DIY String Wedding Lanterns Yarn Chandeliers. Jessica of Wednesday Inc shows us how to make those gorgeous twine chandeliers from the inspiration shoot she shared with us this morning.

Do-it-Yourself DIY String Wedding Lanterns Yarn Chandeliers

Using balloons, glue and twine, you can also make these lanterns for your wedding – and then bring it home and use it as your very own mid century lampshade. What you will need are: balloons, glue, yarn, tray for glue, corn starch 1/2 cup of Corn starch, 1/4 cup of Warm water, clear fast drying spray paint, hanging lamp cord or fishing line (depending on your desired final product), and a lighting kit if you’re looking for a fully functional lantern. Jessica recommends using a sharpie to mark on the inflated balloon how much room you need to leave for the lighting cord. She also recommends coating the balloon with vaseline prior to wrapping the yarn coated with glue so it doesn’t stick on the balloon once it’s dry. Look to inspire. 25 Handmade Gifts Under $5. If your gift list is long and your budget is small here are some great Handmade Gifts that you can make.

25 Handmade Gifts Under $5

Keep in mind that handmade items are not just beautiful but special… I love to give them and I love to receive them. In my opinion they are the best! Jersey Knit Bracelet Lovely! This would make a perfect gift for any of your girlfriends. You can choose the colors and recycle t-shirts that you have around the house.

Cheap and cute! Tutorial Paper Clip Earrings Tutorial This is a brilliant idea… and the possibilities are endless. A Beautiful Mess. I love using cloth napkins to dress up our dinner table, and through the years I've grown even more fond of their sustainability and cost effectiveness.

A Beautiful Mess

Though, I'm not sure how cost effective it is if you keep buying more and more cloth napkins each year! Wysp - Get inspired. Get motivated. Practice. Improve your drawing skills! - Home. 2011 : 富士通デザイン株式会社. ICTの普及により、PCやスマートフォンなどのさまざまな機器を通じて、生活者同士が暮らしのあらゆる場面でネットワークを介して多様なつながりを持てるようになりました。

2011 : 富士通デザイン株式会社

富士通は、ICTの製品やサービスを提供する立場から、人々の暮らしに貢献する新しい社会の創造を目指し、コンピューティング技術を人に寄り添わせ、より多くの方々に便利に快適に使っていただけるデザインを追及しています。 本アワードは、これからの人々の暮らしを楽しく豊かなものにするために多岐にわたってきたICTをいっそう活用しサービスの可能性を大きく広げることで、富士通の考える未来を具現化していくために開催しました。 国内外のデザイナーを読者に持つデザインウェブサイトdesignboomと、さまざまなジャンルのデザインイベントをプロデュースするDESIGN ASSOCIATIONとのコラボレートにより、世界中から幅広く作品を募集しました。 募集部門は、2013年の富士通のノートPCのプロダクトデザインを募集した“LIFEBOOK部門”と、2020年の新しい生活スタイルのデザインを募集した“LIFE-DESIGN部門”の2部門で構成されており、世界各国から1,000点を超える魅力的なデザインが集まりました。

グランプリ LIFE-DESIGN部門応募作品名:The Aid作者名:Egle Ugintaite参加国:リトアニア作品概要: 移動のナビゲーションや体調管理などを、杖を用いて行なうことにより、外出が困難なユーザーが積極的に社会と関わることを可能とするデザインです。 準グランプリ. About ifttt. For all things Jeremy Shuback. Prestación de Servicios. Wood Macbook Pro & iPad 2 Cases by Blackbox Case. 12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free. 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself. 6 recomendaciones para extender la vida útil de las baterías Li-Ion. Para los usuarios de teléfonos inteligentes, ordenadores portátiles, tabletas y gadgets en general, el rendimiento y duración de la batería es algo sumamente importante e incluso una gran preocupación.

6 recomendaciones para extender la vida útil de las baterías Li-Ion

La mayoría de los dispositivos modernos vienen dotados de baterías de iones de litio, también conocidas como baterías Li-Ion, ya que éstas ofrecen una mayor capacidad de almacenamiento de energía en unidades de menor peso y tamaño que las antiguas baterías de níquel. También existen algunas diferencias en la forma en que éstas deben cargarse y almacenarse.

Luego de realizar un poco de investigación, descubrí que muchas de las cosas que había escuchado sobre la manera en que se deben cargar y almacenar las baterías modernas, no son otra cosa que mitos heredados de la forma en que se deben tratar las antiguas baterías de níquel.