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Escolhi uma profissão de merda. E agora? Posted by Rodrigo | Filed under opinião No meio da semana fomos surpreendidos (você foi?)

Escolhi uma profissão de merda. E agora?

Por essa matéria da Forbes mostrando as profissões menos rentáveis dos EUA. E lá está o Design Gráfico, em plena terra do Tio Sam, com um dos 8 piores níveis salariais do país. Sabemos que temos a tendência de copiar tudo da América do Norte. E quem vive e trabalha na área aqui, sabe em terra brasilis, é provável que nem mesmo em oitavo lugar estejamos.

Sabe quanto tempo você vai ter que trabalhar par comprar uma mesa dessas? E agora, designer, o que fazer? Resolvi escrever este texto para tentar trazer a discussão para outros focos, e ligar pontos que ficam desconexos. 1 – Se você comprar esse lixo, ele é todo seu Vejamos. Existe um lado não explorado na matéria, que tem a ver com outra matéria que eu li, semanas atrás. É preciso que se saiba, que estamos entre as áreas mais demandadas da economia atual. 22 Things Happy People Do Differently. This article is from Chiara Fucarino.

22 Things Happy People Do Differently

Enjoy! Disclaimer: This article is not intended to address those with clinical depression or other mental illnesses. There are two types of people in the world: those who choose to be happy, and those who choose to be unhappy. Contrary to popular belief, happiness doesn’t come from fame, fortune, other people, or material possessions.

Rather, it comes from within. The question is: how do they do that? It’s quite simple. 1. Happy people understand that it’s better to forgive and forget than to let their negative feelings crowd out their positive feelings. 2. Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that being kind makes you happier? 3. The word “problem” is never part of a happy person’s vocabulary. 4. There’s a popular saying that goes something like this: “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.” 125 Great Science Videos: From Astronomy to Physics & Psychology.

Astronomy & Space Travel A Brief, Wondrous Tour of Earth (From Outer Space) - Video - Recorded from August to October, 2011 at the International Space Station, this HD footage offers a brilliant tour of our planet and stunning views of the aurora borealis.A Universe from Nothing - Video - In 53 minutes, theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss answers some big enchilada questions, including how the universe came from nothing.A Year of the Moon in 2.5 Minutes - Video - The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been orbiting the moon for over a year.

125 Great Science Videos: From Astronomy to Physics & Psychology

The footage gets compressed into 2 slick minutes.A Day on Earth (as Seen From Space) - Video - Astronaut Don Pettit trained his camera on planet Earth, took a photo once every 15 seconds, and then created a brilliant time-lapse film.Atlantis's Final Landing at Kennedy Space Center - Video - After more than 30 years, the space shuttle era comes to a close. Video runs 30 minutes. Physics Biology & Chemistry Environment, Geology and & Ecology. THECAB - The Concept Art Blog. Artes de Daniel Arriaga para os estúdios Pixar e Disney Trazemos hoje uma seleção de imagens de Daniel Arriaga, da Pixar, onde está creditado em filmes como Incredibles, Ratatouille, Wall-E, UP e Toy Story 3.

THECAB - The Concept Art Blog

Em 2009 ele se juntou ao time de artistas dos estúdios Disney e foi Art Director de Prep & Landing 2 e Visual Development Artist em Wreck it Ralph. Artist Book Series + Daily Art & Design Blog. Atelier. - STREET ART UTOPIA. More info.


Let us begin with this words that come as a response to the photo above: “There´s tools and colours for all of us, to lend from nature to make the world more understandable and beautiful”. 1# Click on a photo and you make it bigger and can post a comment on it. 2# Make sure that you read the story in the end! 3# Feel free to reblog this, only remember to link back to this post. Exhibition-ism. FubizAn art and design blog.