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Vango | 500 Startups. Vango Changing the way we discover art Product Vango is a marketplace that connects independent artists and buyers focusing on original paintings at entry level prices (<$2000). Our mission is to make art accessible to those who want original art, but are intimidated by it. We do this in three ways: – Visualization: A distinct focus on mobile technology and innovative searching tools, allowing users to find art based on the color scheme of their room, as well as virtually ‘hang’ the art on their wall. – Simple Pricing: A unique pricing structure where all artist start selling at Tier 1 ($100, $250 price point) and are able to unlock higher Tiers the more they sell (Tier 2 – $500, $750; Tier 3 – $1000, $1500). – Relatable Discovery: We created thematic collections that people can relate to (like Spotify) rather than genre, medium, and movement.

We also let you find local artist using GPS. Founders Win Raguini. Artsy - Discover Fine Art. Carbonmade - Your online portfolio.


Dockuzka. Photo contests. Art classes. Artists i like. Arts media sources. Artists I know. Art brasil.