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FREE Investors Forum for online stock trading, oil stocks, preservation capital, wealth preservation on Ahead of the Herd, powered by community intelligence. The Gold Report Exclusives NEW. When, Which, Where, Why & How of Precious Metals Warrants - Mining Investments - Resource Investor. With all the interest these days in physical gold, silver and other commodities as well as the large/mid-cap companies who mine the metals and the juniors who are exploring for them, the question is begged: Why is no one writing about the merits of investing in the long-term warrants associated with a few of those companies? Merits? Absolutely.

The proprietary Gold and Silver Warrants Index (GSWI) returned 92% and generated a 60% leverage of dollars deployed in 2010. Now that I have told you why you should consider investing in warrants and no doubt have your undivided attention read on as I outline: what warrants actually are, which companies have long-term tradable warrants, when the warrants should be exercised by, where these companies have their various mines and how to go about buying and selling them. Why Invest in Warrants? Investors' ignorance (that is such a harsh word but you know what I mean) about warrants is probably due to the fact that: What are Warrants? 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Dec 9, 2011 Ominous Double Top In US Dollar Hubbartt 321gold ...s. Achat et vente or (bijoux ou pièces, Napoléons) Vous n'avez pas confiance dans votre monnaie pour préserver votre pouvoir d'achat? Vous avez bien raison! Mais comment se positionner sur l'or ou l'argent? Pour un placement en or, l'idéal est de se procurer des pièces d'or: faciles à connaître à se procurer et à écouler. Les pièces les plus connues sont celles à préférer. En France le fameux "Napoléon" de 20F or (="Coq" ou "Marianne"), en suisse le Vreneli de 20F (même taille même poids). Il n'y a quasiment pas de fausses pièces, l'or ne se contrefait pas! Vocabulaire Or massif S'oppose à "plaqué or". Or fin Synonyme de "or pur". Titre Ou "aloi": C'est le pourcentage d'or pur compris dans une pièce ou un objet en or. Carat Ancienne unité pour donner le titre: 1 carat = 1/24 Bijoux en or massif: en général 18 carats=18/24=750 millièmes=75% d'or pur.

Les pièces d'or Toutes les pièces de 20 Francs en or frappées entre 1803 et 1914 sont rassemblées en bourse sous le nom générique de NAPOLÉON. Liste des pièces d'or de bourse cotées par CPR Cachette. Silver overview | Gold-Dreams precious metals Germany. In dieser Menüführung finden Sie die Hauptkategorien der Silber Übersicht. Von hier aus gelangen Sie zur Produktauswahl. Silbermünzen - Klassische Anlagemünzen aus purem Feinsilber wie beispielsweise der kanadische Maple Leaf, American Silver Eagle, Wiener Philharmoniker, Mexiko Libertad oder die Britannia im An- und Verkauf. - Moderne Numismatik wie die australischen Lunar I und Lunar II Serien der Perth Mint in Silber, Panda, Australian Koala, Kookaburra sowie spezielle Sammelausgaben werden hier online zum Kauf angeboten.

Silberbarren - International bankhandelsfähige Feinsilberbarren (Good Delivery) von LBMA zertifizierten Barrenherstellern. Das Angebot konzentriert sich hier auf bekannte Silberbarren aus Deutschland, Belgien und der Schweiz (z. B. Investoren Angebote - Silbermünzen und Anlagebarren bei denen es spezielle Rabatte für eine größere Abnahmemenge gibt. Wenn Sie hier bestimmte Silberbarren oder Münzen vermissen so können Sie uns gerne kontaktieren. Achat Pièces d'or : Cours de l'or et des pièces d'or : napoléon, lingots, krugerrand, souverain. How and where to buy Gold & Silver |

Both are tricky and you need to really know what you're doing as well as being an excellent researcher. So if you're comfortable operating on the stockmarket then investigate both but if not I'd strongly advise you stick with the physical metal. I would also like to make you aware of the perils of dealing in Gold mining shares. One would think logically that as the price of Gold rises so do Gold mining shares, and vice-versa. The trouble is the stockmarket is not always logical, as can be seen by the performance of mining shares over the last 5 years –- Gold has risen by over 100% But the majority of Mining shares have hardly risen and some of them have fallen! This of course has infuriated those investors holding mining shares, myself included, as my gains have ranged from pathetic to miserly. If you are interested in the stockmarket re Gold investments then here's the broker I personally use and they're very hard to beat (software, commissions, market access, free training etc).

$50 Gold Stocks Going to $200. Pearl gold : minière or cotant à Francfort • Devenir rentier. J'ai essayé de glaner des informations complémantaires mais c'est difficile à trouver. Par rapport à mon premier message, je complète : Points positifs : le gisement a effectivement l'air prometteur et facile a exploiter. De plus, il reste beaucoup de parties à explorer et le potentiel devrait donc être revu à la hausse.

Le retard est du à un problème de financement et non des difficultés techniques ou de management. Pearl Gold a été à priori créé avec une partie des actionnaire du fond "Mansa Moussa" dans lequel était partie prenante Mostafa Belhkayate (qui fait depuis de années la promotion de l'or). Mais je ne sais pas s'il est toujours présent dans le tour de table ou s'il a vendu ses parts (ce qui ne serait pas positif...). A part un document en allemand (langue que je parle pas) je n'ai pas trouvé d'éléments financiers. Tedy77 a écrit :Le management de l'entreprise est très compétent, composés de businessmen de hautes renommés.

Vous pouvez développer ? Flight to Safety! Mama mia! The political and banking buffoons DESTROYING our world are certainly making me look smart, although I have mixed feelings about writing novel-length RANTS in front of major holidays. Fortunately for readers, that’s what you’ll get, as aside from the very important message I want to share, I am faced with a RECORD LONG list of “horrible headlines,” with the morning still young.

It may be Thanksgiving in America tomorrow, but nowhere else. So when you sit down to give thanks at the dinner table, keep in mind the GLOBAL economic conflagration is fanning higher and stronger, throughout the day, evening, and weekend. The END GAME has arrived, which will redefine, for generations to come, the term “FLIGHT TO SAFETY.” Before I get to my message, I want to update you on how hot the fire is burning, not just in the U.S. but around worldwide. As always, let’s start out East, where for once Japan has escaped the headlines for a day. Gee, I wonder what they will buy… Nice charts, huh? Argent métal : Quelle est votre stratégie de sortie ? - Argent Métal. Lors d’un investissement, quel qu’il soit, il est important d’avoir une stratégie de sortie.

Pour vos métaux précieux, il vaudrait mieux l’avoir défini avant que le tsunami financier ne se présente à nos portes. Y avez-vous déjà pensé ? Nous savons maintenant, qu’il n’est plus l’heure de se demander si oui ou non, il faut investir un minimum de 10% de son épargne dans de l’or ou de l’argent. L‘actualité nous le démontre tous les jours : c’est une évidence ! Maintenant que vos stocks sont prêts, il est temps de se concentrer sur votre stratégie de sortie en vous posant les bonnes questions : Où entreposer votre métal précieux ? Les ETFs et l’argent papier peuvent être une bonne solution pour de la spéculation à très court terme, mais sont très risqués pour de l’investissement à moyen et long terme.

Avec la crise, nous ne savons pas comment peut réagir un état. Ne dîtes à personne que vous possédez de l’or ou de l’argent, même pas à vos amis ou proche famille. Articles liés: L'or papier - investir en or. L'or papier - Les mines : Bien que le marché de l'or (et des métaux précieux en général) soit déjà très volatile, certains investisseurs à la recherche d'une volatilité encore plus élevée trouveront peut-être leur bonheur grâce à l'investissement dans les mines d'or. Les mines procurent souvent en effet une sorte d'effet levier sur le cours de l'or. Si celui-ci évolue à la hausse, vous pouvez améliorer considérablement vos performances financières si vous possédez des actions d'une mine d'or disposant de très grandes quantités de ce métal en terre.

Attention, cet effet levier peut jouer aussi en sens inverse en cas de baisse des cours de l'or, et les performances des mines peuvent aussi dépendre d'autres facteurs tels que les coûts d'extraction (souvent corrélés aux prix du pétrole). Toutes les mines d'or ne présentent pas le même niveau de risques ni le même potentiel. Vous pouvez par exemple acheter des actions auprès de ces sociétés minières cotées à la Bourse de Paris : Les mines d'or offrent un fort effet de levier. Will Dividends Make Mining Shares Glitter More Than Gold? | Julian Phillips. Of late we’ve seen clever moves by some precious metals mining companies to link the dividends they pay to the income they achieve on a quarterly basis. These include Silver Wheaton, Newmont, Hecla –no doubt to be followed by many more. Why have they decided to do this?

The answer goes back to why we invest in the first place. We do so to make money to provide income and capital in the future. To do this we must maximize our total returns from those investments. Investments therefore must be money-making machines, not just good miners or growing companies. From Summer to Winter It is generally hoped that if a mining company is growing, its share price will grow with it. In the last few years, financial conditions have seen growth disappear and rising costs squeeze the profits of all corporations in the first world.

Capital gains in mining companies are proving insufficient, set against an uncertain, unstable, economic and financial backdrop. Member’s Only. Silver Investing- Silver Savings Account | Jason Burack. A silver savings account? Well, what do you mean by that, Jason? Why can’t I just put all of my money into my checking or savings account at my bank and leave it there and forget about it until I need it or want to spend it?

Well first, how about the government is counting on you to do just that and they are also counting on you to help supply the (big) banks, (you know the ones that the taxpayers bailed out), with lots of deposit $$$ besides the trillions of dollars in fresh, newly printed money the Treasury and the Fed are still printing and handing out to these “too big to fails” to invest for high returns perpetually! Ok, let me explain some things first and give you the logic behind saving in silver instead of paper money and why my Wall St for Main St Co-Founder, Mo Dawoud, and I also do it so you don’t think I am a total nutjob!

Or is it too late already? Here are the top reasons to avoid saving your wealth or savings entirely in paper money that you might not have been aware of: Is Gold Still the Answer for Investors? Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011Nov 22, 2011 - 11:07 AM GMT By: Casey_Research Bud Conrad, Casey Research writes: Though late to the party as usual, the proverbial man on the street – along with members of mainstream media and Wall Street heavyweights – is finally waking up to the decade-long, 700% increase in the price of gold, joining a growing buzz around the monetary metal. From questions whether gold is in a bubble to predictions that soaring prices are just around the corner, one thing is clear: a new phase of awareness for gold is upon us. How far might it move before these troubling times are over?

The Big-Picture Economic Environment Kicking things off, I would like to explore several themes in order to put the current economic situation in context. For example, continuing weakness in employment and housing indicates that the big slowdown that started in 2007 persists. The private debt problem is not resolved, either. Central Banks Can Print Paper, But They Can't Print Gold. Rick Rule s'attend à une envolée de l'or et des actions aurifères - Jean-Marie Eveillard's Market Outlook: Lousy for Bonds, Maybe Better for Stocks. At 71, Jean-Marie Eveillard is one of the most famous investors of his generation. He had a superb record managing the First Eagle funds and its predecessors for three decades. He now serves as senior adviser to the funds. Eveillard is a value investor but one who has always kept an eye on the big picture as well as on individual securities.

Here is an excerpt of my recent conversation with him: SEE ALSO: More on First Eagle Global and Steve Goldberg’s 4 Other Low-Risk Stock Fund Picks STEVE GOLDBERG: How did we get into the current economic mess? EVEILLARD: Remember when everyone called Alan Greenspan “the maestro”? Advertisement Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff wrote a book called This Time is Different.

What happens next to the U.S. economy? Most likely, we will get continued attempts to try to get the economy going. The economy will either be stagnant or moving up a little, maybe 1% to 2% or so, on the back of repeated attempts to stimulate it. What about Europe? Why own gold? 5 Reasons to Buy Gold Stocks. I've long regarded gold as the province of people who store large quantities of dried food in their basements and entertain ideas of moving to the mountains with their shotguns. Now, I'm changing my mind. SEE ALSO: Our Quiz on What You Need to Know About Gold Here are five reasons I think gold-mining stocks are a good investment for a soupçon of your money -- say, 2% or 3%. 1. Gold stocks are cheap compared with the metal itself. But as the financial crisis unfolded, gold bullion dipped in price while the mining shares crashed. Advertisement Some of this is no surprise. The gold miners made up a little of the lost ground during the bull market in stocks that began March 9, 2009.

Better still for prospective investors, both physical gold and gold-mining stocks sold off sharply in September. How cheap are the stocks? 2. Of course, leverage works in reverse when the price of gold tumbles. 3. Gold was used as money before the invention of paper currencies. 4. 5. Steven T. Economienet. James Grant and James Turk discuss gold, the Fed and the US economy.

James G. Rickards talks to James Turk. There Are Only Three Ways To Reinstate a Gold Standard. Should You Invest in Gold? Over the past decade, no investment has shined quite as brightly as gold. If you had invested $10,000 in gold bullion in January 2001, your 37.81 ounces of the precious metal would have been worth more than $69,000 by September 1, 2011.

That beat the pants off stock investments. Vanguard’s Total Stock Market Index Fund (symbol VTSMX), for example, returned an annualized 3.6% over the same ten-year period. Bond returns, while better, didn’t hold a candle to the nearly sevenfold run-up in the price of gold. SEE ALSO: Our Quiz on What You Need to Know About Gold Yet even many of the most enthusiastic advocates suggest that investors dedicate just a fraction of their long-term portfolio to gold -- if any at all. Advertisement That’s because the metal produces no earnings, nor does it boast a dividend yield. Some central banks in developing countries, such as China and South Korea, have also started buying gold, boosting demand. There are many ways to buy gold. What My Most Trusted Gold Insider Is Buying |

Van Simmons is a mentor of mine… When I want to check with a friend to get an opinion on an investment deal or a business deal, I often turn to him. By profession, he’s a dealer in rare gold coins. But saying that misses the big picture… Van is extremely knowledgeable about every asset class and every major category of collectibles (mostly from firsthand experience… ask him, and you’ll see what I mean). Yesterday, I wanted Van’s opinion about something… You see, in the last three years, the price of gold has doubled – but the price of many pre-1933 U.S. gold coins has stayed relatively flat. For example, the “blue chip” pre-1933 gold coin index is actually down over the last three years. Take a look: I asked Van what he thought about this… he told me… To me, this is just the start of the next stage of the bull market in gold… Individual investors have not caught gold fever yet.

They haven’t bought gold mining stocks yet. When the price of gold is peaks, a few things will happen: Good investing, Pourquoi investir dans l'Or ? -