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Scandals, cover-ups and Lies

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Bergdahl release arrangement could threaten the safety of Americans, Republicans say. Bradley Manning gets off easy, could be paroled in 10 years. Image Credit: savebradley via Flickr Not such a harsh sentence for betraying the trust of your country.

Bradley Manning gets off easy, could be paroled in 10 years

I realize a bunch of you are waiting to correct me, that no, he betrayed the government, not the country, and you're pretty sure there's a big difference. » David Petraeus At Bilderberg to Craft “Big Data” Spy Grid Alex Jones. Former CIA director helping to bolster same surveillance system that brought him down Paul Joseph Watson June 7, 2013 Former CIA Director David Petraeus is in attendance at the 2013 Bilderberg Group conference to help construct the “big data” spy grid, which is set to become the new frontier of clandestine statecraft as Internet connectivity becomes ubiquitous.

» David Petraeus At Bilderberg to Craft “Big Data” Spy Grid Alex Jones

Bilderberg’s official agenda for 2013 lists one of the areas of discussion as, “How big data is changing almost everything,” a reference to how the “Internet of things” along with the ubiquitous growth of social media is transforming the world of surveillance and the ability to foresee and manipulate future events. At almost the exact same time, a Homeland Security subcommittee in the United States will also be discussing “big data” and its implications in the context of social media. Ricin Suspect Was Tracked Via Mail Scanners. JUNE 7--A high-tech computer system that captures images of “every mail piece that is processed” by the United State Postal Service was critical in helping federal agents track the Texas woman arrested today for allegedly sending ricin-tainted letters to President Barack Obama and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Ricin Suspect Was Tracked Via Mail Scanners

In a U.S. District Court complaint filed today against Shannon Guess Richardson, an FBI agent details how investigators traced the ricin letters back to New Boston, Texas, where the 35-year-old Richardson (seen below) lives with her husband. The Bloomberg letter was opened at a municipal mail center in Manhattan on May 24, while the letter to Obama was intercepted May 30 at an off-site White House mail facility.


OCEO - Offensive Cyber Effects Operations. White House Freaks Out Over Online Petition To Charge Sen. Feinstein With Treason Reaching 50,000 Votes. A petition to charge Dianne Feinstein with treason that has gotten nearly 50,000 signatures is causing a bit of heartburn in Obama’s White House forcing team Obama to come to Di Fi’s defense.

White House Freaks Out Over Online Petition To Charge Sen. Feinstein With Treason Reaching 50,000 Votes

One of the somewhat silly things that team Obama did when it came to office was to set up a website where Americans could float petitions filled with ideas and issues that they want Obama to address. Rubio: White House Must Release Secret Email Info. The White House needs to come clean about what's in emails sent by top Obama administration officials from secret accounts, Sen.

Rubio: White House Must Release Secret Email Info

Marco Rubio says. The Associated Press revealed the clandestine accounts Tuesday, including one for Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Related: Obama Appointees Using Secret Emails to Avoid Scrutiny. Obama’s Birth Certificate Being Questioned In Alabama Supreme Court. Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, having spent thousands of man-hours examining Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service card, strongly believes that Obama has engaged in a massive fraud and a cover-up – and neither Arpaio nor the Posse’s members are going to let the mainstream media frighten them away from exposing what may be the biggest crime in American presidential history.

Obama’s Birth Certificate Being Questioned In Alabama Supreme Court

Appearing at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Convention in St. Charles, Missouri, Mike Zullo, the lead investigator for the Cold Case Posse’s investigation into Obama’s carefully shrouded history, gave a talk detailing all the problems with both Obama’s alleged long-form birth certificate (produced only in electronic “PDF” form) and his Selective Service card.

‘They Are Liars’: Beck Says These Then-And-Now Obama Videos Prove It. Those who closely follow current events may often find themselves hearing a politician making a claim, but swearing they heard them say the exact opposite a month, a year, or even a decade ago.

‘They Are Liars’: Beck Says These Then-And-Now Obama Videos Prove It

That’s because, many times, they did. Tuesday night on TheBlaze TV, Glenn Beck aired a segment documenting a number of apparent lies and falsehoods being pushed by the current administration, though he was clear that GOP leaders have done the same. In the case of health care reform, for instance, President Barack Obama repeatedly promised that families who earn $250,000 a year or less would not see their taxes increases by “one dime” under his plan. But when his lawyers were arguing for the bill in front of the Supreme Court, they said the exact opposite to ensure its passage, arguing that all the new “penalties” are taxes.


Fast n Furious. Voter ID - stall tactics?!? Ammunition Buy up. IRS hitmen scandal. Obama embraces role as consoler in chief to remain above the fray - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill. President Obama will gain one more day of respite from the controversies that have crowded in on his administration Tuesday, as he tours the New Jersey coast to inspect the recovery and rebuilding efforts in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

Obama embraces role as consoler in chief to remain above the fray - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill

AP phone records scandal