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Cover Letters

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How Ramen Got Me Through Adolescence. Photo Lives By VERONIQUE GREENWOOD When I was in fifth grade, I developed an intense dislike of eating around other people.

How Ramen Got Me Through Adolescence

The cafeteria was a place of foul odors, gelatinous spills, horrific mixtures of chocolate pudding, fruit cocktail and ketchup consumed on dares, and I found myself fasting from breakfast, at about 6 in the morning, until 3:35, when I walked home through the woods from the bus stop. Each step up our hill, a narrow ridge in rural California, I fantasized about the big bowl of ramen I would make myself when I reached the top. You could buy it in flats, at 25 cents a packet — my favorite flavors were beef (red wrapper) and pork (brown wrapper), followed closely by the mysterious spices of Oriental (blue wrapper). Instead of eating during the school day, I read. At home, I assembled my ramen meal over and over.

Ramen was so critical to my sustenance that my parents turned to it to placate me on road trips. CV dos and don’ts: what will immediately disqualify you for a job. Vogue, 1948, by Constantin Joffe.

CV dos and don’ts: what will immediately disqualify you for a job

BY JULIA FRANK 16 th Jan 2014 We asked Australia’s leading designers what they look for in a CV and what will raise red flags. Dos: 1. Express your creativity and capabilities Karen Walker: "If it’s for a creative role, I want to see at least one idea that I wish I’d thought of. Sarah-Jane Clarke, Sass & Bide: "If a candidate is applying for a design job we look at how they tell a story through the presentation of their portfolio. 2. Johanna Johnson: "Nothing beats a short and genuine introduction note. " 3. 4. Camilla Franks: "I always like to see candidates show originality in their CV.

Nicky Zimmermann: "From a design stand point, I’m looking for a unique point of view. Don’ts: Fashion Assistant Cover Letter Sample. Fashion Designer Cover Letter Sample. A good cover letter for fashion designer position will get your resume read with attention.

Fashion Designer Cover Letter Sample

Our aim is to assist you to prepare an effective job application for fashion designer position; to help you finding a fashion designing job that will lead to a significant and satisfying career in the fashion industry. By preparing your cover letter for a fashion designer resume following the example and guidelines below, you will be on the right path to get the interview with a company that worth your exceptional credentials and attributes. Fashion Designer Job Overview Fashion designers can conquer the world. This is no exaggeration as fashion defines who we are as people. Always Write A Cover Letter. By Kevin Olivares So you decided to apply for an internship.

Always Write A Cover Letter

You got everything set, down to the last detail except for one thing: you can’t decide if your application should go with a cover letter. This one’s actually a dead giveaway. Of course you should… but why? How to Make Your Fashion Stylist Cover Letter Sparkle and Shine? - Chico Résumés. Your fashion stylist cover letter should be well organized, impressive, and perfectly drafted to prove your suitableness for the applied job position.

How to Make Your Fashion Stylist Cover Letter Sparkle and Shine? - Chico Résumés

The fashion industry is more about style, innovation, and creativity. How to Make your Cover Letter Sparkle and Shine…. Just Like You! There comes a point in every girl’s life when she is faced with the dreaded obligation of writing a … wait for it… cover letter.

How to Make your Cover Letter Sparkle and Shine…. Just Like You!

Yes, ladies. Most, if not all, jobs would require a decent cover letter along with your resume when applying in various companies and establishments. It is your duty to make it as appealing as possible because having a combo of a good cover letter and resume will greatly increase your chances of getting into your dream company. Here are some tips and tricks on how to make the best cover letter that will highlight not just your sparkling accomplishments and achievements, but also your shining personality!

1. 2. The Gravity of Cover Letters. Cover letters are golden tickets for all job seekers.

The Gravity of Cover Letters

Imagine having a crisp one-page résumé in a stiff, clipped, business tone. You are very limited to what you want to express. Meanwhile, having a cover letter to support your credentials, you can articulate yourself in complete sentences and in your own voice. Besides standing out through your exemplary qualifications, you are also able to flaunt your strong writing skills, provided you keep it genuine and unassuming, but enthusiastic at the same time. However, in the age of online applications, do they still matter? Not everyone takes the importance of cover letters seriously. Quick Guide: Cover Letter. In writing cover letters, it’s always important to be original and be yourself.

Quick Guide: Cover Letter

Here is a quick guide on how to write a cover letter for your applications this summer! In grade school, we were taught how to write a business letter. Put that to good use! Full date written at the top of the paper, company’s name and address and of course, your address. You can also include your e-mail or telephone number so that they will know how to contact you.