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Mike Bostock. Please find my recent work on Observable. Past Work April 28, 2017A Better Way to Code December 9, 2016Command-Line Cartography March 9, 2016What Makes Software Good? December 28, 2015Introducing d3-scale December 3, 2015Introducing d3-shape November 23, 2015Let’s Make a (D3) Plugin December 27, 2014Mapping Every Path to the N.F.L. December 20, 2014How Each Team Can Make the N.F.L. November 5, 2014The Most Detailed Maps You’ll See From the Midterm Elections November 3, 2014How To Scroll September 19, 2014‘Stop-and-Frisk’ Is All but Gone From New York July 26, 2014Mapping the Spread of Drought Across the U.S.

June 26, 2014Visualizing Algorithms June 15, 2014Three Little Circles May 22, 2014Is It Better to Rent or Buy? May 6, 2014Let’s Make a Bubble Map April 22, 2014Who Will Win The Senate? March 7, 2014Let’s Make a Block Feburary 14, 2014Front Row to Fashion Week February 14, 2014Sochi 2014: Interactive Stories January 11, 2014Taking the Battle to the States November 5, 2013Let’s Make a Bar Chart #Examples. Machine-learning-applicationsfor-datacenter-optimization-finalv2.pdf. 10 New Breakthrough Technologies 2014. Google Uses Artificial Brains to Teach Its Data Centers How to Behave | Enterprise. A central cooling plant in Google’s Douglas County, Georgia data center. Photo: Google/Connie Zhou At Google, artificial intelligence isn’t just a means of building cars that drive on their own, smartphone services that respond to the spoken word, and online search engines that instantly recognize digital images.

It’s also a way of improving the efficiency of the massive data centers that underpin the company’s entire online empire. According to Joe Kava, the man who oversees the design and operation of Google’s worldwide network of data centers, the web giant is now using artificial neural networks to analyze how these enormous computing centers behave, and then hone their operation accordingly. These neural networks are essentially computer algorithms that can recognize patterns and then make decisions based on those patterns. They can’t exactly duplicate the intelligence of the human brain, but in some cases, they can work much faster–and more comprehensively–than the brain. 053014-un-survey_chart.png (Image PNG, 760 × 654 pixels) U.N. global survey: Education top priority despite wealth. Education is a top priority among developed and third-world nations alike, beating political freedoms and gender equality, according to a new global poll.

Of the more than 2 million people who responded to the “My World” survey, a United Nations project, two out of three identified education as their top priority. Topping the list of other priorities was better healthcare and an honest and responsive government. Bottoming the list are political freedoms, phone and Internet access, reliable energy at home, and action on climate change. “Education has consistently been a top issue for people around the world, no matter their country, sex, age or socioeconomic status. This data backs up what the UN and experts have seen through related research and experience – that education is a key driver for development issues,” said Corinne Woods, director of the UN Millennium Campaign.

The survey is an ongoing project using crowdsourcing to better understand global development issues and trends. Européennes : c’est quand même fou tout ce qui s’est passé avec le vote blanc. Tribune La loi sur la reconnaissance du vote blanc était appliquée pour la première fois lors de ce scrutin européen. Résultat ? La mise à disposition de deux chiffres distincts (2,78% de vote blanc ; 1,26% de vote nul). Rien d’autre. En effet, le vote blanc, bien que décompté, n’en reste pas moins non comptabilisé dans les suffrages exprimés. Une nuance qui… compte ! Apparemment, tout le monde ne l’a pas compris. Le législateur s’est improvisé cuisinier. Ceux qui voulaient voter blanc avaient alors trois solutions. Fabriquer soi-même son bulletin Un bulletin blanc n’est pas qu’une simple feuille vierge. Grotesque et inapplicable pour les personnes en charge du dépouillement : comment penser qu’ils ont mesuré chacun des bulletins dépouillés ?

Mettre une enveloppe vide dans l’urne Vous avez bien lu, il ne s’agit pas d’une blague. Appuyer sur la touche « Vote blanc » via une machine à voter Et ce, d’autant plus que les effets sont compliqués à mesurer. Bonus : la liste Citoyens du vote blanc. Consensus decision-making. Members of the Shimer College Assembly reaching a consensus through deliberation. Consensus decision-making is a group decision-making process that seeks the consent of all participants. Consensus may be defined professionally as an acceptable resolution, one that can be supported, even if not the "favourite" of each individual.

Consensus is defined by Merriam-Webster as, first, general agreement, and second, group solidarity of belief or sentiment. It has its origin in the Latin word cōnsēnsus (agreement), which is from cōnsentiō meaning literally feel together.[1] It is used to describe both the decision and the process of reaching a decision. Consensus decision-making is thus concerned with the process of deliberating and finalizing a decision, and the social and political effects of using this process. Objectives[edit] As a decision-making process, consensus decision-making aims to be:[2] Alternative to common decision-making practices[edit] Historical examples[edit] Decision rules[edit] Loomio, l’appli d’Occupy Wall Street qui va vous aider à lutter.

Si vous pensiez que le mouvement Occupy Wall Street avait périclité, vous aviez tort. En partie, du moins. Certes, il ne reste pas grand-chose de la mobilisation et du message politique. Mais son ambition de modifier en profondeur la structure du pouvoir et de repenser la participation citoyenne, elle, a survécu. Elle trouve corps dans une application web et bientôt mobile : Loomio.

Au premier abord, le concept ne surprendra pas ceux qui fréquentent forums virtuels et réseaux sociaux : il s’agit de débattre, proposer, argumenter, voter. Vidéo de présentation de Loomio Benjamin Knight, initiateur du projet, a l’ambition de transposer cette dynamique virtuelle dans le monde réel : « L’avènement des médias sociaux a permis la mobilisation d’un grand nombre de personnes en un cours laps de temps, mais il manque aujourd’hui d’outils pour traduire cette énergie dégagée en une action collective durable : c’est le fossé que nous cherchons à combler. » Mouvement Occupy : plus jamais ça.

Brainstorming and Voting Amazingly Easy. Free Online Tool | tricider. - Vinay Gupta. Iagree - what's next? FLOK Society, la société pour la connaissance libre et ouverte. FLOK est l’acronyme de Free/Libre Open Knowledge Society, la société pour la connaissance libre et ouverte. Parmi les actions prévues, il y a la mise en place d’un réseau mondial de chercheurs sur la transition, emmené par Michel Bauwens dont le point d’orgue devrait être une grande conférence internationale organisée sous peu (Jérémie Zimmerman et Bernard Stiegler sont par exemple dans la boucle, parmi les Français).

Nous avons voulu en savoir plus en traduisant cette interview de quelques-uns des ses acteurs. Remarque : Les vieux lecteurs du Framablog se souviendront peut-être de cette vibrante allocution de président Correa en faveur du logiciel libre (2007 déjà). Et on n’oublie pas que Julian Assange vit actuellement à l’ambassade d’Équateur à Londres depuis juin 2012. Comment la société FLOK apporte une approche des biens communs à l’économie de l’Équateur Bethany Horne - 22 octobre 2013 - (Traduction : lamessen, baba, lamessen, baba, Asta, Penguin) Plevy: Cyberdemocracy: here is my ... Preparing for the Impact of Web 3.0. Change Agents Worldwide. Bienvenue sur la ressourcerie Datalocale - Portail Mutualisé de données locales ouvertes. OuiShare. Inspired US NDU STAR-TIDES. Un logiciel d'accès et de bureau à distance pour votre ordinateur.

Team WhiteBoarding with Twiddla - Painless Team Collaboration for the Web. Resilience Maps - Simple Critical Infrastructure Maps. Freedom, Democracy, Justice: Isolated Nouns or Interwoven Verbs? 7th March 2011 | Draft Illusory quest for qualities and principles dynamically disguised IntroductionConventional indicatorsMeasuring the readily measurableValues as nouns -- challenged by polarization? Values as verbs -- but of a higher order? Value chains, networks and cycles -- from a business perspectiveEssential dynamics of intangible values -- from a psychosocial perspectiveValues as systems -- each a nexus of verbs?

Values as emergent dynamics of complex systemsValue dynamics implied by "patterns that connect"Musical clues to values fundamental to psychosocial system sustainabilityExpression of values through aesthetic style of governanceLiberation of integration in governanceFundamental values and individual cyclic implicationEmbodiment of values in interweaving cycles ConclusionReferences Introduction In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Conventional indicators Reports offering indicators that can be interpreted to this end include: Allo Doctor Bug - Webmaster - Web Designer - Spip. Kevin Granger - UI/UX Devsigner @PrestaShop. Herbs at a Glance. Psychedelic Spirit Paintings, Alex Grey Art Gallery. Karma Jello Cannabis, Psychedelics, Comedians, Astronomy, Philosophy, Photography, Art, MMA Karma Jello » Culture » Art » Psychedelic Spirit Paintings, Alex Grey Art Gallery Psychedelic Spirit Paintings, Alex Grey Art Gallery POSTED BY JAMES HSU | Art, Psychedelics Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterest_shareShare on stumbleuponShare on google_plusone_shareShare on emailMore Sharing Services Alex Grey’s paintings can be described as a blend of sacred, visionary art and psychedelic art. He is best known for his paintings of glowing anatomical human bodies, images that “x-ray” the multiple layers of reality. Origin of Language – Alex Grey Albert Hoffman, LSD – Alex Grey Union of Human and Divine Consciousness – Alex Grey Arist Hand – Alex Grey Cannabacchus – Alex Grey Cannabia – Alex Grey Collective Consciousness – Alex Grey Cosmic Christ – Alex Grey Kissing – Alex Grey DMT – Alex Grey LSD Bicycle Day – Alex Grey, Mars 1 Ayahuasca – Alex Grey Gaia – Alex Grey Related Posts Today Week Month All.

« La vision de l'entreprise en tant que forteresse... c'est révolu » (Isaac Getz) LA TRIBUNE - Les technologies participatives favorisent-elles vraiment l'émergence d'une intelligence collective et l'innovation ? ISAAC GETZ - Oui et non. Ces outils facilitent la collaboration et il est plus aisé de communiquer, de partager des informations, de discuter des opportunités de nouvelles affaires... Alors qu'avant, ces démarches se faisaient au rythme de réunions à répétition et au gré des feux verts de la hiérarchie. Avec ces technologies, tout peut se faire de manière plus horizontale et plus rapide.

Et cela ne dépend pas de l'outil, mais de la manière dont l'entreprise est organisée. C'est-à-dire ? Les entreprises fonctionnent avec des formes de management héritées du XIXe siècle. En outre, les employés sont déresponsabilisés : tout doit être validé par un chef, perçu comme plus intelligent, à tous les étages de la pyramide. Dans bien des cas, l'usage des outils collaboratifs pâtit de la réticence des managers à partager des informations avec leurs subordonnés... Collaborative Fund. Karma Jello - Cannabis, Psychedelics, Comedians, Astronomy, Philosophy, Photography, Art, MMA. Social Media Center – Social Media Life Cycle. Systems thinking & six sigma.pdf. Handup. Iagree - what's next? Values. Introduction. XML/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful tool to create attractive charts and graphs from XML data. Create an XML source to describe a chart, then pass it to this tool's flash file to generate the chart.

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Abundance in all aspects of life is now much easier to achieve in the new vibration and a confidence in our abilities will soon magnify to great levels in the coming years. There will be some obstacles and challenges ahead, but know that the following shifts in our being are happening right now as all humans are born into spiritual wealth without practice. Vibrating frequencies build a virtual construct that makes you think you are in a physical world, but you are not. Think about all the areas of wellness, whether they be physical, mental, social, lifestyle, morals, the spiritual aspects of life (e.g. new age, Western religion, Eastern spirituality)…they are all enveloped and affected by energy. 6 Shifts in Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now.

BipIO - For People and Robots. Articles on Embedded Systems. QuickCoin - Bitcoin Social Wallet. Bitcoin News, Prices, Charts, Guides & Analysis - CoinDesk. Watch_Dogs WeAreData. In the video game Watch_Dogs, the city of Chicago is run by a Central Operating System (CTOS). This system uses data to manage the entire city and to solve complex problems,such as traffic,crime, power distribution and more... This is not fiction anymore. Smart cities are real, it’s happening now.

Huge amounts of data are collected and managed every day in our modern cities, and this data is available to anyone. Watch_Dogs WeareData is the first website to gather publicly available data about Paris, London and Berlin, in one location. Each of the three towns is recreated on a 3D map, allowing the user to discover the data that organises and runs modern cities today, in real time. It also displays information about the inhabitants of these cities, via their social media activity. What you will discover here are only facts and reality. Deep Literacy. Top 10 des bonnes raisons d’être bordélique (ranger c’est pour les nazes) Text 2 Mind Map - Simple mind mapping online. Graph Theory Tutorials. Chris K. Caldwell (C) 1995 This is the home page for a series of short interactive tutorials introducing the basic concepts of graph theory.

There is not a great deal of theory here, we will just teach you enough to wet your appetite for more! Most of the pages of this tutorial require that you pass a quiz before continuing to the next page. Introduction to Graph Theory (6 pages) Starting with three motivating problems, this tutorial introduces the definition of graph along with the related terms: vertex (or node), edge (or arc), loop, degree, adjacent, path, circuit, planar, connected and component. Euler Circuits and Paths Beginning with the Königsberg bridge problem we introduce the Euler paths. Coloring Problems (6 pages) How many colors does it take to color a map so that no two countries that share a common border have the same color? Adjacency Matrices (Not yet available.) How do we represent a graph on a computer? Chris Caldwell Scatter.dat.eps - fp546prat.pdf. Classroom design can improve performance by 25%, research reveals.

Different school cultures approach the design of the classroom in different ways. Innova Design Solutions have chosen this time of education reforms to conduct research into the advantages of creating bespoke classrooms to fit the class’ needs. Intelligent interiors experts Innova Design Solutions have revealed the science behind designing and implementing a classroom that will engage the children and benefit their school performance. Detailing how an ergonomic classroom can help improve a child’s attitude towards and aptitude for learning in a helpful infographic, Innova stress the importance of shaping the classroom for the children’s needs rather than adapting the learning process to the environment.

As 300 new British schools are set to open from September this year, tens of thousands of schoolchildren could soon be the lucky recipients of an education shaped by intelligently-designed classrooms. GeoGebra. Google/cayley. Norse - IPViking Live. Fully 3d mind mapping software. Free download. Clint Fulkerson. _Global_Threat_Report_2013.pdf. Politique culturelle:Rencontre avec Monique Pinçon-Charlot et Michel Pinçon, auteurs de La violence des riches. Shared Value Research Center. Interactive Inspiration [68] RDF-Gravity. Hyperakt | A social impact design studio based in New York City.

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