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Blog de innovación social de Guadalupe de la Mata. Co.Design: business + innovation + design. Mesh - the pulse of the sharing economy.  DoingDoing es un conector entre diferentes mundos y personas. Una herramienta de comunicación difusión y divulgación de realidades y proyectos que persiguen, y consiguen, un cambio y/o transformación social.

18 Ways to Earn Money From Crowdworking. With the rapid rise of crowdsourcing over the last five years since the term was coined by Jeff Howe in Wired, there has been a lot of coverage on how individuals, organizations and businesses can implement the concept into their work.

18 Ways to Earn Money From Crowdworking

Last year there was a new conference (CrowdConf), a new consortium (Crowdsortium) and a myriad of companies that offered sites, tools and platforms to get more out of the Internet masses. But what about the worker? Since crowdsourcing is making such a visible impact on the way work is done, how can professionals and creatives benefit from the crowdsourcing model? Here are 18 ideas for participating on crowdsourcing sites for perks, prizes, and, yes, even income. 1. Colaboratorio Platoniq / Experiencias. Inteligencias Colectivas 2.0. A Creative Community for the Collaborative Economy. Consumo Colaborativo.