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Innovation-creativity @ work.

Design Thinking

Assessing Creativity. Visual Thinking. Flow. Creative Confidence, IDEO, Design Thinking. _CREATIVITY. Creative Thinking Techniques - Enhance Your Creativity. Fwd: Creativity at Work: Whole Brain Thinking for Creativity - nmovall - Green Hills AEA (Google) Mail. Essential Questions_Creativity. 21st C Fluencies. Creative Thinking Training Course. Teaching and Assessing Creativity. Creativity Fluency. Creativity & Innovation Rubrics.

Tech for Creativity

The Creation Myth: Creating a Tech-based project is not enough - Form Found Function. Design Thinking. Maker Education. Art in Schools Inspires Tomorrow's Creative Thinkers. Without the arts, education's grade is Incomplete.

Art in Schools Inspires Tomorrow's Creative Thinkers

Education minus art? Such an equation equals schooling that fails to value ingenuity and innovation. The word art, derived from an ancient Indo-European root that means "to fit together," suggests as much. Art is about fitting things together: words, images, objects, processes, thoughts, historical epochs. It is both a form of serious play governed by rules and techniques that can be acquired through rigorous study, and a realm of freedom where the mind and body are mobilized to address complex questions -- questions that, sometimes, only art itself can answer: What is meaningful or beautiful? To erase art, as the Taliban did by turning explosives on the colossal centuries-old Buddhas of Bamiyan along the ancient Silk Road through Afghanistan, is to deny the reality of human differences and historical change.

TED Talks on Creativity

Art LiveBinders Shelf. How to Sail Through Creative Uncertainty. Integration is the New Specialty. 5Share Synopsis We need to stop putting everything into categories and start to view the world from an assimilated, cohesive perspective.

Integration is the New Specialty

Integrating arts education into every schools' curriculum is one of the ways we can achieve this. In Thomas L. Friedman’s The World is Flat, he writes that the secret to achieving a “flat world,” or a world of equal opportunity, “comes from our ability to integrate art, music, and literature with the hard sciences […] Integration is the new specialty. While Friedman’s book focuses more on globalization than education, the two are, helpfully, very integrated, as the belief in an integrated education leads to students thinking in a more comprehensive, global manner. I believe that this theory of integration can humanize education. Arts education gives students the opportunities to see beyond the blackboard, and be able to think from creative perspectives. Tomorrow - grow your network with PLN speed dating - nmovall - Green Hills AEA (Google) Mail. Art in Schools Inspires Tomorrow's Creative Thinkers.

Zhao: U.S. schools focusing on the wrong skills. “We are born creative and curious,” Zhao noted.

Zhao: U.S. schools focusing on the wrong skills

“We can either suppress or enhance this.” He pointed to research from George Land showing the decline of creativity as children get older to suggest that our current educational approach is largely achieving the former. Yet, in an age when routine jobs can be outsourced or automated, it is creativity that will create a thriving new middle class, Zhao argued. Besides creativity, the skills needed for successful entrepreneurship include confidence, passion, and risk-taking. But Zhao says our testing-heavy approach to instruction isn’t nurturing these skills. “When you’re punished for wrong answers, it discourages risk taking,” he asserted. To develop the kinds of skills that truly will matter in the 21st century, students need more autonomy over their education, Zhao argued.

Can Creativity be Taught? Results from creativity studies Creativity at Work. In 1968, George Land distributed among 1,600 5-year-olds a creativity test used by NASA to select innovative engineers and scientists.

Can Creativity be Taught? Results from creativity studies Creativity at Work

He re-tested the same children at 10 years of age, and again at 15 years of age. Test results amongst 5 year olds: 98% Test results amongst 10 year olds: 30% Test results amongst 15 year olds: 12% Same test given to 280,000 adults: 2% Getting Started. How Great Ideas Emerge. Maker Faire. Obvious to you. Amazing to others. - by Derek Sivers. How Morning Rituals Jumpstart Joyous Workdays. Let's imagine two entrepreneurs.

How Morning Rituals Jumpstart Joyous Workdays

We'll call them John and Marie. They run similar businesses, wake up around the same time each day, and both get to the office around 9 a.m.. A 5-Step Technique for Producing Ideas circa 1939. 29 Ways to Stay Creative (Infographic) Dougjohnson - creativity. Developing the Creativity in Every Learner (all) How do we define, encourage, use, and assess creativity in our IL/IT lessons and projects?

dougjohnson - creativity

Should the question be "if" a student is creative or "how" a student is creative. And what can we do to be more creative as teachers and librarians? Outline: Why is it imperative we take developing creativity seriously? Job interviewers ask the darnedest things, Los Angeles Times Brain teasers and off-the­wall questions have become part of the job interview process at many companies. Think Inside a Self-Constructed Box. Whenever we generate ideas, we’re always told to ‘think outside the box.’

Think Inside a Self-Constructed Box

We’ve been trained to play the ‘numbers’ game in the creative process, to populate the wall with as many ideas as possible until one sticks. This process, if done incorrectly, can yield frustrating meetings that run in circles. Sometimes these wayward brainstorms can cast you far from a viable solution. Over the past couple of years, our team has come to recognize some necessary constraints that help generate new and fresh ideas. Spark Your Creativity by Thinking INSIDE the Box. Here’s a little thought experiment for you.

Spark Your Creativity by Thinking INSIDE the Box

You’ll need a watch or timer with a second hand. You have exactly 30 seconds after reading the instructions, to see what you come up with: Think of a story. Visual and Creative Thinking:What We Learned From Peter Pan and Wil... Priming your Creativity. 0Share Synopsis Your creative thinking performance can be primed with certain images and pictures.

Priming your Creativity

Experimental social psychologists have conducted numerous experiments that demonstrate how behavior and performance can be “primed” by showing participants certain objects and pictures. In one study, participants who were primed with pictures associated with business — such as briefcases, pens, pictures of people dressed in business clothes, commuter trains, and so on — became more competitive. Whistling for the Mental Butler. A bat and a ball cost £1.10.

Whistling for the Mental Butler

The bat costs £1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? More about that question in a minute… At the moment we’re reading Daniel Kahneman’s ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow’ which, if you like books that provide insights about the way we behave and think, will be right up your alley. In fact, a good measure of its ability to provoke is the fact we’re sitting writing a blog post (some might say a rare Sparky Teaching phenomenon in itself!) After reading only four chapters.

Visual Art

Creativity and Innovation. Creative Education Foundation (CEF) - Where Brainstorming Began. Jeromeprovensal. Creativity. SparkBugg - A blog about sharing bright ideas. Sir Ken Robinson on Creativity and Changing Educational Paradigms. Ken Robinson On The Principles Of Creative Leadership. Sir Ken Robinson is among the world's elite thinkers when it comes to creativity and innovation. The author of Out of Minds: Learning to be Creative, a 10th anniversary edition of which was published in March, and The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, Robinson has dedicated much of his professional life to helping governments, educational systems and businesses understand that creativity is not a fanciful luxury. Website and blog of New York Times best selling author of "The Element", TED speaker, education and creativity expert.

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms. Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius. The creative spark. Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity. Open space for your mind. How expectations hinder and help creativity. A How-To Guide on Driving Creative Innovation and Thinking Outside the Box. Make Your Art Blog Matter. Looking back at the findings from the 2012 Enterprising Artist Survey, one of those that most surprised me is that only just over half of the 954 respondents use blogging as a method of promotion for their art.

Of all the ways to bring more targeted traffic to a website, I would rate blogging as the number one strategy that everyone should be using in almost every industry, and art is no exception. I’ve been blogging in one form or another since 2003, and have always found it a great way to reach more people, build a following, and engage with an audience, all of which ultimately result in more people being exposed to my art. In an effort to convince more artists of the benefits of starting a blog, I spoke to several artists who currently write a blog, to find out more about the whys and wherefores of blogging for artists.

Why Artists Should Start a Blog Simon Brushfield started blogging last year because “my art needed a greater online presence. Classes. How to become an artist. Chris Lehmann - Inquiry: The Very First Step In the Process of Learning. How to Ask Better Questions - Judith Ross - Best Practices. Seven creative habits you need to acquire. Source of Creativity in the Brain. Scientists have been trying to locate the site of creativity in the brain for centuries. For a long time many believed the right hemisphere of the brain was responsible for this uniquely human ability, while the left was merely the site of logic and rationality. A recent analysis posted online in the esteemed journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience tells a different story. A study team from the University of Southern California, led by Lisa Aziz-Zadeh, assistant professor of neuroscience at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, is working to locate the source of creativity in the brain.

Oflow - Creativity App for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store. Ideas produce more ideas.