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Creative Confidence, IDEO, Design Thinking

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The 7 Values That Drive IDEO. How to Build Students' Creative Confidence. I recently visited a school district where teachers are experimenting with Genius Hour.

How to Build Students' Creative Confidence

Sometimes called 20 percent time after the Google practice of reserving a day a week for individual research, Genius Hour offers students a regular time each week to tackle projects that reflect their personal interests and passions. (Blogger A.J. Juliani explains the reasoning behind 20 percent time.) When I stopped by an elementary class during Genius Hour, I found students with no shortage of project ideas -- from rocketry to the history of ceramics. Their main challenge was finding enough time in the coming weeks to get to all the wonderful questions they were eager to explore. It was a different story in middle school. If we hope to inspire a generation of innovators, we can't have students second-guessing their own ability to ask good questions.

The Case for Creative Confidence Ideas to Borrow What can you do in the classroom to revive your students' curiosity and build their creative confidence? Design Thinking for Educators. Use our methods. DP0 (Design Project Zero) is a 90-minute (including debrief) fast-paced project though a full design cycle.

Use our methods

Students pair up to interview each other, create a point-of-view, ideate, and make a new solution that is “useful and meaningful” to their partner. Two versions of DP0 are “The Wallet Project” and “The Gift-Giving Project”. They have the similar format, only the topic is different. The original DP0 The Wallet Project was created for the’s very first course in 2004 and the project starts with students looking at the content of their partner’s wallet or purse (and goes on to ask every student to design something for their partner). Another DP0 topic is The Gift-Giving Project where students are asked to redesign how their partner gives gifts. Get the materials to facilitate the activity for a group yourself here. Or play the Crash Course (video facilitation that leads the group) here. Use our methods. News - Articles. New Designs for Learning: A Conversation with IDEO Founder David Kelley.

David Kelley is a legend in technology and design circles.

New Designs for Learning: A Conversation with IDEO Founder David Kelley

Decades ago, he founded a design firm that dreamed up the computer mouse as we know it today. That firm has since evolved into IDEO, a global design company that has left its unique stamp on everything from consumer goods to social innovation. IDEO's work has probably touched your life in ways you don't even know. For years, Kelley has brought his passion for design into the classroom as a professor at Stanford's famed Institute of Design (or D.School, for those in the know). More recently, Kelley has set his sights on the K-12 classroom.

Public School Insights: Let's start with a big question. Kelley: To me, design thinking is basically a methodology that allows people to have confidence in their creative ability. So design thinking is hopefully a framework that people can hang their creative confidence on. Public School Insights: So you are not talking about something that only artists or engineers would use. Education. Education is the means by which we thrive, individually and collectively.


In recent times, the growing complexity and interconnectedness of our now global society has challenged the effectiveness of traditional education systems, which were designed for the needs of the industrial era. The old model was built upon the idea that a worker’s job was to apply the basic skills they’d learned in school to specific tasks. To thrive in the 21st century, however, we need to go beyond that—and teach people how to learn, engage, and create. As Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

The new model is about the constant creation of knowledge and empowering individuals to participate, communicate, and innovate. This is the spirit that drives IDEO’s designs for learning.