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The Slate – Brand New Retro. Always judge a book by its cover. Kemp Folds. The Useless Web. Thisiswhyyourefat.tumblr. Activity_Book.pdf. YjCjCki.gif (GIF Image, 240 × 240 pixels) 5-Second Films. Waterford Whispers News | Irish Satire news. IKEA or Death. Holy Ghost VS Pendulum & MC GQ - Baptazia part 2. The Oatmeal. Pingu's 'The Thing' Claycat's THE RAID.


Analysis of a typical Facebook debate. POOP BURGER: Japanese Researchers Create Artificial Meat From Human Feces. Some hardcore carnivores have a hard time finding meat alternatives such as soy protein or tofu burgers to be palatable. But non-meat eaters may lose their appetite along with their carnivorous friends over this one – a meat alternative made from HUMAN EXCREMENT. Yep, you heard me correctly — Japanese scientist Mitsuyuki Ikeda has developed a “burger” made from soya, steak sauce essence, and protein extracted from human feces. Hit the break for a video explaining the process! Loading ... The meatpacking industry causes 18 percent of our greenhouse gas emissions, mostly due to the release of methane from animals.

“Sewage mud” is exactly what you think it is – poop. Currently, the price of the poop burgers are 10-20 times that of regular meat, due to the cost of research, but he feels they will even out in a few years. Via Youtube. Robot Chicken. Weebl's Toons. WENG WENG RAP. Happy Place. Irish satirical magazine. The Brick Testament.