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Urban Junkie. Health & Wellness / sassy water... Yum! to boost weight loss - 2L water, 1 medium cucumber, 1 lemon, 10-12 mint leaves. steep overnight in fridge and drink every day. 10 Random Beauty Tricks You Didn’t Know about … How To Use A Sock To Get Beautiful Curly Hair Without Heat. If you are a mom on the go with long hair you HAVE TO try this. It will knock your socks off and have you wrapping your hair up in them! This is all about how to make your hair beautiful with no heat and no time. Curl your hair in your sleep with a sock. Yup, you heard me right. Have you heard of this sock bun? I was on Pinterest a while back and spotted this post about the sock bun which links you to her video on YouTube.

Why? Because: It literally takes a minute to doNO heat at all – just a soft little sock in your hairNo product (for me anyway)You can sleep in it very comfortablyIt works Marvelously and is simple beautiful This is the sock bun before and after of my hair. Here are the step by step instructions on how to make this work. First steal a sock from your husband’s dress sock collection (that is what I did anyway). Now roll the sock into a ring. Put your dry hair into a high ponytail. Now spritz just the hair in your ponytail with water. This is my new go-to styling technique. Ians Shoelace Site - Shoe Lacing Methods.

Mathematics tells us that there are more than 2 Trillion ways of feeding a lace through the six pairs of eyelets on an average shoe. This section presents a fairly extensive selection of 50 shoe lacing tutorials. They include traditional and alternative lacing methods that are either widely used, have a particular feature or benefit, or that I just like the look of. 50 Different Ways To Lace Shoes Criss Cross Lacing This is probably the most common method of lacing normal shoes & boots.

Over Under Lacing This method reduces friction, making the lacing easier to tighten and loosen plus reducing wear and tear. Gap Lacing This simple variation of Criss Cross Lacing skips a crossover to create a gap in the middle of the lacing, either to bypass a sensitive area on the instep or to increase ankle flexibility. Straight European Lacing This traditional method of Straight Lacing appears to be more common in Europe. Straight Bar Lacing Hiking / Biking Lacing Quick Tight Lacing Ukrainian Lacing- New!

Web-goddess: 25 Ways to Wear a Scarf. How-To: Instant Hairstyles- Do Yourself | ~She Exists~ | to Add Colors in Life. Get Yo' Nails Did. Okay, so we’re only three weeks in to this whole thing and I’m already showing you a tame look after I totally promised some of you that I’d do a newsprint nail tutorial this week. Newsprint we can do next week, but for right now I wanted/needed a manicure by a professional. As I told you in the first “Get Yo’ Nails Did”, it’s important to include real manicures in your nail routine if you’re not comfortable cutting your cuticles and getting into the real work at home.

I am not. I’m willing to shell out $20 bucks to have the dirty work done right, but I’m not going to splurge on nail art at the salon most of the time. As you can see from the photo above, I prefer to do a basic manicure but make it a little different by switching up the colors on my index and middle fingers. This is my “understated yet classy” look and while it still may be a bit much for some of you, you can choose colors that don’t contrast so much. Follow the Trend With Colorblocked Nails! Why not try it out on your nails instead? You can keep it simple within the same color family or go bold and crazy—whatever suits your mood! Step 1: Get Your Supplies Together To start, make sure you have all of your supplies handy.

For this manicure, you will need three different nail polishes (make sure that at least two of them are thick enough that they can cover the base color), Scotch tape, and a fast-dry topcoat like Seche Vite. Step 2: Paint a Base Color Start with your favorite basecoat and paint your nails the base color. Step 3: Start Taping Next, pull off a small piece of Scotch tape (you won’t need more than an inch at a time) and put it against your hand and pull it off several times until most of the stickiness is gone. Once your base layer is dry, it’s time to start the colorblocking. Step 4: Apply the Second Color Carefully paint your nail so the exposed part is your second color and make sure to paint over the tape so you have clean lines. Step 6: Marvel at Your Work.

Simple 3 Twists Hairstyle. First, a little back story: I was on Pinterest (I know, big surprise) awhile back and Ms. Ez from Creature Comforts pinned a fun messy hair-do, and mentioned she needed to learn how to do it. So I piped in that I should show her how. I have been wanting to do a hair tutorial for ages now, so this was the perfect reason to get it done. I was a hairstylist in my first life, and I am not too shy to say I was a pretty good one – I can’t say that about everything, so I will take it where I can ;). So here it is, my first hair tutorial, wahoo!

It is best to start with 1-2 (even 3) day old hair that has a little wave to it. Next you will want a little lift through the roots. So now we have the hair looking a little fuller, and the front styled the way we want it to look in the end. Split your hair into three sections, pulling the sides in front of your shoulders, leaving just one section in the back. Lift the back section up and backcomb at the base. Take the section and twist once like shown. THE LONG + THE SHORT OF IT -