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Le blog (A Blind Legend : le jeu vidéo sans images !) Aujourd’hui, on vous présente Dowino, studio de création de serious games mais aussi connecteur, expert Ulule et porteur de projet sur notre site. Rien que ça ! Domino ? Non, Dowino ! Du sérousse gaime ? Non, du serious game ! Encore des jeux vidéos ! Oui, mais pas que ! Dowino, ce sont des réalisations à destination des travailleurs handicapés, des enfants diabétiques ou des professionnels du transport public, entre autres. Pour Pierre-Alain Gagne, co-fondateur de Dowino, il a toujours été question d’utiliser le jeu vidéo, outil on ne peut plus populaire, dans une portée éthique, sociale, solidaire et responsable. « On le fait sous deux formes : dans le fond puisqu’on va choisir nos projets uniquement s’ils ont une utilité sociale forte et dans la forme car nous avons choisi d’être une SCOP ».

Pas question pour Pierre-Alain de créer une entreprise éloignée de ses valeurs. Mais il y a un projet que Dowino n’a pas souhaité vendre, c’est A Blind Legend. SimCityEDU: Engaging 21st Century Learners. 4 New Articulate Storyline Games You Have to See. That’s right, new Articulate Storyline games. Need I say more?

The eLearning Template Library just keeps getting better every week! Just reading the names of these new games get me excited: Big Business, Mountain Summit, Race for the Treasure, and Casino Challenge. These games look fun, but they are even more fun to play! Click on the images below to demo the new Articulate Storyline games. That’s not all! New Articulate Storyline Games! Check out our library of Articulate Storyline Games. New Articulate Storyline Character Packs! Check out our library of Articulate Storyline Character Packs.

New Articulate Presenter Player Skins! Check out our library of Articulate Presenter Player Skins. New Stock Graphic Icons! Check out our library of Stock Graphic Icons. Note: These templates are available for download for all current Template Library subscribers. McDonald's Japan Teaches Burger Making With Nintendo DS: Video. AXA Equitable: Pass It On! Demo | Crisis Serious Game. Welcome to Serious Games Interactive | Serious Games Interactive. SIMmersion Informational Video. Products Detail [CONTENTS] Training Center. SIMmersion. What if your whole life was Gamified? MACH-My Automated Conversation coacH. MACH:My Automated Conversation coacH Photo by Manohar Srikanth Interested to use MACH? -- Click here. MACH, My Automated Conversation coacH, is a system for people to practice social interactions in face-to-face scenarios.

The system was validated in the context of job interviews with 90 MIT undergraduate students. The video below describes the motivation behind the project. Here is the overall video. Here is an example of one of the MIT undergraduate students before and after the intervention. Here is a clip demonstrating MIT students interacting with MACH. The video below demonstrates a scenario where MACH interrupts the participants for speaking for long time. Publications: M. M.E. Affective Computing. Games-to-Teach Home Archived Site. Fugue. History - Ancient History in depth: Death in Rome. L'affaire Birman. CityOne Game.