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Central functions in Smart Home Automation - Loxone. Manage Your Entire Home From a Phone Using This App. A new app aims to reassure absent homeowners by letting them manage and monitor household items, straight from their phone or tablet.

Manage Your Entire Home From a Phone Using This App

Prizm is a 5-inch touchscreen controller that uses Z-Wave, a wireless system designed to help users communicate with home appliances. Combined with the Prizm Manager mobile app, they can turn light switches on and off, lock and unlock doors, raise and lower shades, and adjust the thermostat. Users are also notified when a door or window is opened, or when someone leaves or enters the house. The product's creators say they have developed a cloud platform that makes it possible for users to "stay connected to your home from anywhere in the world. " So far, Prizm has raised a little over $6,000 of its $200,000 goal on Kickstarter. Image courtesy of Prizm. Search. Axeda Machine Cloud & M2M Platform. Five Things to Know when Designing a Smarthome. Control4 recently published a great article on Smarthome design.

Five Things to Know when Designing a Smarthome

Worth reposting. Enjoy! Imagine waking up in the morning, not to the glaring blare of an alarm clock, but to your favorite song streaming through speakers in the ceiling, as your blinds slowly open to reveal the morning sun. Touch one button by your bed and the lights in the hallway turn on so you can safely navigate to the kitchen where the TV is already tuned into your favorite morning news program. As you race out the door for work, smile as everything powers down— the lights, the TVs, the audio—even the thermostat dials back to more energy-efficient setting. It might sound like the ultimate in luxury, but really, having a home automation system today is a very affordable reality. How’s this possible? And once you’ve got your house “under control,” there’s no going back. 1 You’ll want to read, research, and revel in the possibilities. 2 You’ll need the help of a professional—and that’s a good thing.

Z-Wave Compatible Products-Nexia Home Intelligence. Smart Wi-Fi Router l Linksys. Like many websites, Linksys uses technologies, such as cookies and web beacons, which allow us to make your visit to our website easier, more efficient and more valuable by providing you with a customized experience and recognizing you when you return.

Smart Wi-Fi Router l Linksys

A cookie is a small data file transferred by a website to your computer’s hard drive. Linksys’s website sends cookies when you visit it, make purchases, request or personalize information, or register yourself for certain services. A cookie cannot read personal data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites; indeed, the only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. Accepting the cookies used on our website may give us access to information about your browsing behavior, which we may use to personalize your experience and track user traffic patterns. Cookies are typically classified as either “session” cookies or “persistent” cookies.

SmartThings. Turn Your House into a Smart Home with Your iPhone: SmartThings. Imagine being able to control things in your house remotely, right from an app on your iPhone, such as turning on or off the lights or air conditioner.

Turn Your House into a Smart Home with Your iPhone: SmartThings

Imagine being able to be notified immediately if your pipes burst and your house is flooding, or if your dog escapes from the backyard. If this Kickstarter project gets funded (and it looks like it’s well on its way), in the future we could monitor, automate, and control a variety of different things in our house with just a couple of taps on our phone’s screen. “Your world, smarter. SmartThings makes it easy to connect the things in your physical world to the Internet.

Microsoft experiments with 'HomeOS' and home app store ideas. It looks like the Softies may still have designs on an OS -- and an app store -- for the living room (beyond Windows Home Server).

Microsoft experiments with 'HomeOS' and home app store ideas

Microsoft Research is working on a project known as "HomeOS," which will provide a way to isolate non/less-technical users from the heterogeneous and often incompatible mess of devices they are attempting to network at home. (Thanks to Charon of, who sent me a pointer on September 10 to the HomeOS project.) From a description of an as-yet-unposted white paper, entitled, "The Home Needs an Operating System (and an App Store)," here is the researchers' premise: "We argue that heterogeneity is hindering technological innovation in the home---homes differ in terms their devices and how those devices are connected and used. Shop For iPad Home Automation Apps - Home Controls. Technologies - News. Carlsbad, CA – April 1, 2013 – Linear, LLC a subsidiary of Nortek, Inc.

Technologies - News

(Nasdaq: NTK), has closed on its acquisition of 2GIG Technologies, which will become part of the security and control group within Linear. The acquisition of 2GIG was announced by Nortek in February 2013. With the acquisition, Linear’s dealers and OEM partners gain access to 2GIG’s Go! Crow. ClareVision.