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Gamification Experience digitale

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Slides Paris Gamification Day. #Lift12 : Comment le jeu code-t-il le monde. Sebastian Deterding (@dingstweets) est designer et chercheur à l’université de Hambourg. Il nous a offert l’une des présentations les plus stimulantes et les plus complexes de cette 7e édition de Lift afin de nous montrer comment le jeu code le monde. Image : Sebastian Deterding sur la scène de Lift, photographié par Ivo Näpflin pour LiftConference. Sebastian Deterding commence par nous raconter une histoire. Celle d’un célèbre imposteur allemand, Wilhelm Voigt (Wikipédia), qui se fit passer pour un officier prussien sous le nom de capitaine de Köpenick. Comprendre comment le monde est codé Récemment, Sebastian Deterding a vécu une autre histoire kafkaïenne également.

Vidéo : Le « Robot readable world« , une vidéo de Timo Arnall sur Vimeo, compilation de plusieurs vidéos montrant comment les robots tentent de lire notre monde. Pour Jane McGonigal, la réalité est cassée comme elle l’explique dans son livre. Pourquoi les machines ne comprennent-elles pas notre monde ? Qui détermine le jeu ? Réussir son application e-commerce sur iPad. Should You Build a Mobile App or Mobile Website? [Infographic] - South Florida Advertising Agency, Interactive Marketing, West Palm Beach Ad Agency, Boca Raton Ad Agency, MDG Advertising Blog.

There’s no doubt that mobile has gone mainstream with consumers increasingly on the move and companies seeking more ways to stay in front of their eyes and right at their fingertips. As a result, businesses are realizing the importance of maintaining a mobile presence, yet many are uncertain whether a mobile application or mobile website is the best way to go to reach consumers on the go. To outline the basics and benefits of a mobile website vs. mobile app, MDG Advertising developed the following informative infographic. It outlines the options and opportunities behind both mobile methods, along with the facts and figures regarding reach and response to help companies make the right move to mobile. First, the infographic details the important differences between mobile websites and mobile applications on issues such as user access and digital accessibility. A side-by-side comparison shows that mobile apps provide faster speed, while mobile websites are more affordable.

Spread the Word. Mobile Web App vs. Native App? It's Complicated. Home | MarketingSherpa. Article Archive. The Rise of Shopping APIs. Infographic Friday comes early this week, we’ve teamed up with Monetate on the Rise of Shopping APIs. Click image to enlarge Tweetable stats: 100 new APIs are launched every week Tweet thisProgrammable Web estimates there’ll be 30K APIs by 2016 Tweet thisMore than 2K mashups have been created with Twitter and Facebook APIs Tweet this250+ shopping and payment APIs are currently available to developers Tweet this If you would like to feature this infographic on your own site, embed code is below: LARGE (1000px wide) <br /><a href=" src=" /></a><br /><a href="</a> and <a href=" Path</a><br /> MEDIUM (600 px wide) For more information on commerce APIs, check out other Get Elastic posts: Creating new business models with transactional APIs Monetizing ecommerce APIs.

Blog Awards: The 13 best marketing industry blogs (according to you) I remember when I first started out in the industry. I used to devour Creativity, Ad Age, Adweek, Mediaweek and Communication Arts. Trade publications like these helped me learn about the industry, and helped me do my job better. While trade pubs are certainly still valuable, many marketers now also turn to industry blogs to help them do their jobs better. So, we asked you, the MarketingSherpa blog audience, to nominate and vote for the most helpful blogs in several categories.

If you’re looking for information to help you improve performance and advance your career, check these blogs out. I’ve asked a representative of each blog to answer a couple of questions. Also, while MarketingSherpa normally relies on a team of writers and reporters for all of our blog posts and doesn’t allow guest posts (especially from vendors), we’re going to make an exception for these award-winning bloggers. And the winners are … Best Social Media Marketing Blog – Blue Focus Marketing blog Results? As Dr. 1. 2. Digital Transformation: Redefining Service in a... | Public Site: MIT CDB. Welcome | Public Site: MIT CDB. Can workers actually be beneficiaries of the digital economy? MIT Sloan Professor Zeynep Ton believes the answer is yes. And just as importantly, she says, businesses won’t lose out in the process. Much has been written and discussed about the economic inequalities created as a result of digital technologies. In this blog, for example, MIT Research Scientist, Andrew McAfee, cites significant economic data supporting the view that IT is responsible for tectonic changes in U.S. jobs and wages.

In a recent presentation, Ton, Adjunct Associate Professor of Operations Management (pictured at left), went beyond defining the problems of job displacement, dissatisfaction and despair; she offered solutions. Tossing Out Conventional Wisdom Ton asserts that currently, one in four workers – especially in the service sector and retail—has a “bad job” where salaries are insufficient to support families, and work is rote, irregular and unsatisfying. Zara, Mercadona and QT Find Win-Win Formulas 1. 2. 3. Recherche d’espace | Public Site: MIT CDB.

Top 3 Ways to Make Your Search More Accurate Most of the time, you just want to find content that has a particular phrase. Here are the three easiest steps to get what you want: Enclose your search phrase in quotes. A search for "black cat" is going to return content with the phrase "black cat". (If it's in there, of course.) Choose the place where the content lives. More Advanced Help Here are a few more tips for getting the most out of your searches. You can exclude certain words. You can also: Search for content that has certain words, but not necessarily all of the words in order. This is the most basic search. Black cat adoption This will search for documents containing the words black, cat and adoption. Search for content that has certain words in a certain order. To search for a particular phrase, enclose your phrase in quotation marks: "black cat" Search will try to find content with those words in the order you enclosed them.

Use "wildcards" to search parts of words. Te? Test* te*t foam~ or. Recherche d’espace | Public Site: MIT CDB. Top 3 Ways to Make Your Search More Accurate Most of the time, you just want to find content that has a particular phrase. Here are the three easiest steps to get what you want: Enclose your search phrase in quotes. A search for "black cat" is going to return content with the phrase "black cat". (If it's in there, of course.) Choose the place where the content lives. Type the name of the place in which you would like to search into the "Restrict to a Group, Space or Project" field, and your search will return results only from that place. More Advanced Help Here are a few more tips for getting the most out of your searches. You can exclude certain words. You can also: Search for content that has certain words, but not necessarily all of the words in order.

This is the most basic search. Black cat adoption This will search for documents containing the words black, cat and adoption. Search for content that has certain words in a certain order. "black cat" Use "wildcards" to search parts of words. Curator space: Retail 2.0 | Public Site: MIT CDB. The epitome of retailing is offering the right product, in the right place, at the right time, for the right price. Never before have retailers had so much technology and data at their disposal to reach for this elusive goal.

With the advent of the Internet, and more recently Web 2.0, have come massive amounts of data - about points of purchase, buying patterns, customer tastes, etc. - and a proximity to the customer never experienced before. The combined effect of these two phenomena is an unprecedented ability to match supply with demand. Traditional retailing relied primarily on intuition based forecasting systems. Industry experts with years of experience would inform forecats which were often innacurate by orders of magnitude. The "back end" is not the only aspect of retail operations which has changed dramatically with Web 2.0. The fragmentation of media and the subsequent proliferation of information present consumers with increasingly complex buying decisions. Resources Books.

Respect the Shopper | RichRelevance. Recherche d’espace | Public Site: MIT CDB. Top 3 Ways to Make Your Search More Accurate Most of the time, you just want to find content that has a particular phrase. Here are the three easiest steps to get what you want: Enclose your search phrase in quotes. A search for "black cat" is going to return content with the phrase "black cat". (If it's in there, of course.) More Advanced Help Here are a few more tips for getting the most out of your searches. You can exclude certain words. You can also: Search for content that has certain words, but not necessarily all of the words in order. This is the most basic search. Black cat adoption This will search for documents containing the words black, cat and adoption.

Search for content that has certain words in a certain order. To search for a particular phrase, enclose your phrase in quotation marks: "black cat" Search will try to find content with those words in the order you enclosed them. Search for content with words that have certain letters in them. The single character wildcard (?) Te? Or. Recherche d’espace | Public Site: MIT CDB. Top 3 Ways to Make Your Search More Accurate Most of the time, you just want to find content that has a particular phrase. Here are the three easiest steps to get what you want: Enclose your search phrase in quotes. A search for "black cat" is going to return content with the phrase "black cat".

(If it's in there, of course.) More Advanced Help Here are a few more tips for getting the most out of your searches. You can exclude certain words. You can also: Search for content that has certain words, but not necessarily all of the words in order. This is the most basic search. Black cat adoption This will search for documents containing the words black, cat and adoption. Search for content that has certain words in a certain order. To search for a particular phrase, enclose your phrase in quotation marks: "black cat" Search will try to find content with those words in the order you enclosed them. Search for content with words that have certain letters in them. The single character wildcard (?) Te? Or. CC_FINAL REPORT DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION PHAS... | Public Site: MIT CDB.

That’s marketing. XEnvoyer cet article par e-mail Nouveau ! Pas le temps de lire cet article ? Classez le dans vos favoris en cliquant sur l’étoile. Vous pourrez le lire ultérieurement (ordinateur, tablette, mobile) en cliquant sur « votre compte » Fermer Management La révolution digitale bouleverse le rôle et le poids du directeur marketing dans l’entreprise La révolution numérique transforme le marché. Cette métamorphose bouscule un ensemble de présupposés, de palettes de compétences et d’approche de marché de masse. Au commencement était la marque. “Ils ont une responsabilité éminente car ils sont à l’interface entre la production et la consommation, entre l’entreprise et la société. En quelques années, la réalité marketing est devenue un enjeu de direction générale. Dans les années 2000, la finance était la voie royale pour devenir directeur général d’un groupe. La révolution digitale a amplifié le phénomène.

Les utilisateurs de Twitter envoient 140 millions de tweets par jour. Par Edouard Laugier. Le marketing ne sera plus jamais comme avant. XEnvoyer cet article par e-mail Le marketing ne sera plus jamais comme avant Nouveau ! Pas le temps de lire cet article ? Classez le dans vos favoris en cliquant sur l’étoile. Vous pourrez le lire ultérieurement (ordinateur, tablette, mobile) en cliquant sur « votre compte » Fermer La révolution de la relation marque-client, pour le meilleur ou pour le pire. Les nouvelles fonctionnalités du Web, ces réseaux sociaux qui tissent des liens si personnalisés, coalisent les affinités des consommateurs, fédèrent les détestations avec de formidables effets de levier qui changent très profondément le comportement des consommateurs et donc les relations avec les marques.

La firme a décidé de distribuer chaque mois 1,3 million de dollars à dix projets associatifs pour lesquels les internautes ont voté pour les sélectionner, au lieu de les dépenser en budget publicitaire. Le marketing d’influence “Le marketing ne sera plus jamais comme avant. Le marché transformé en conversation “La digitalisation ? Immersion_charfi_et_volle_afm_2010.pdf (Objet application/pdf) FLUPA UX-Day 2012 : UX, usages et univers ludique : comment gamifie... Bouille Basso Robert Oullier.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Google-zmot.pdf (Objet application/pdf) The Zero Moment of Truth for Credit Cards. The Zero Moment of Truth for Bank Deposits Study.

The Zero Moment of Truth for Insurance Study. Monabanq : Interview exclusive de Nathalie Florent, Le marché de la banque en ligne est en pleine croissance... : Les rendez-vous du Guide indépendant de l’épargne : Notre invitée Nathalie Florent, directrice marketing de la banque en ligne monabanq. (Article mis à jour le 07/04/2010, par Frédéric Stroppini) Aujourd’hui nous avons le plaisir d’inviter Nathalie Florent, directrice "nouveaux clients" de la banque en ligne monabanq.

Le modèle bancaire change, les banques traditionnelles mutent vers un modèle online (56% des banques ont fait évoluer leur site pour proposer de la vente en ligne), certaines banques en ligne ouvrent des agences et les usages bancaires en ligne sont en hausse. Comment monabanq. perçoit la banque en ligne de demain ? Nathalie Florent : "Nous avons la conviction que le marché bouge de façon importante, la banque en ligne de demain est un établissement qui captera ponctuellement les qualités de la banque traditionnelle et la souplesse du canal choisit par le client (web, téléphone).

Quel est le positionnement de monabanq. par rapport à vos concurrents ? F.S : Monabanq. ING Direct : Passer d’une seconde banque à une banque principale, spécialiste de l’épargne, aujourd’hui je l’ai fait ! : Marie Ramlie, ING Direct France, nous confie dans le cadre de nos rendez-vous épargne, les changements opérés au sein du spécialiste de l’épargne, pour se transformer, à la demande des clients, en une banque principale, du quotidien.

(Article mis à jour le 20/04/2010, par ING Direct fête son 10ième anniversaire d’existence en France. Une des rares banques étrangères ayant réussi son implantation en France, ING Direct, après avoir marqué de son empreinte le marché de l’épargne en ligne, avec le renommé livret épargne orange, a récemment changé de statut, de seconde banque, dédié à l’épargne, à celui de banque principale, utilisable au quotidien. Marie Ramlie, porte-parole d’ING Direct France, revient sur ces changements, souhaités, avant tout, par les clients. Aujourd’hui je l’ai fait… La dernière campagne de communication d’ING Direct a suscité l’intérêt, une fois de plus, dans l’humour et le décalage. Le taux du livret épargne orange suit les taux de la BCE.

Nathalie Florent rend Monabanq innovante et séduisante. Monday_Presentation_1_Lavayssiere.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Banks In South Africa Roll Out Some Crazy Branch Designs. Four of South Africa’s biggest banks rolled out fancy new branch designs in 2012, boasting technologies like iPads, touchscreens, LCD walls and augmented reality environments. But is all the high-tech gadgetry little more than a gimmick designed to prop-up an ailing channel? The high-tech branch bug seems to have spread to South Africa. Lately, the trend among those redesigning their branch experience has been to paint the walls white, leave the ceiling exposed, add hard flooring and cold laminates.

Against this spartan backdrop, various high-tech toys are spread about — everything from Microsoft Surface interactive units to video conferencing. Is the future of the branch centered around tech? Key Question: Are banks sacrificing the personal touch and human interaction — the one thing people seek in branches that they really can’t get anywhere else — by turning their stores into orgies of tech? DotFNB High-Tech Store Absa’s ‘Test Lab Branch’ Standard Bank ‘Youth Focused’ Student Branch.

Innovating Customer Service: The Case of USAA « TIMnovate. Case study. Moxie_Forrester_The_State_Of_Customer_Experience.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Consumers of tomorrow insights and observations about generation z. Gen Z: Digital in Their DNA (April 2012) iPad : niveau historique d'intention d'achat en entreprises - Journal du Net Solutions. Tablet Shipments to Surpass Notebook Shipments in 2016. Daesign : serious game, pédagogie interactive. 44536-7460-7400.pdf (Objet application/pdf)

Gamification: Why Playing Games Could Be the Next Big Thing for Business. Piano stairs - - Gamification101. Seth Priebatsch: Building the game layer on top of the world. Social Media Revolution 2. Changing the Game: An Interview on Games and Business with David Edery and Ethan Mollick. Changing the Game: How Video Games Are Transforming the Future of Business (Experiential eLearning) Selon l’institut NPD : “les tablettes dépasseront les ordinateurs portables en 2016″