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Pirates of the Carribean

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_lmyb2bkhc31qlzh7lo1_500.jpg (478×327) Memorable Entries. Wish 1. By E.

Wish 1

Batagur Pairing: J/N Rating: NC-17 overall Disclaimer: The Mouse owns. Don't tell Walt.


Kate Roman. WRITE THINK DREAM - [fic] Ave Maria [1/1 - extended] Title: Ave MariaFandom: Blade TrinityRating: PG13Pairing: Drake/KingPrompt: Extended version of Ave Maria, for echosigned. :) [A/N: This was originally written for burningchaos, and then echosigned asked for more of it for her holiday prompt.

WRITE THINK DREAM - [fic] Ave Maria [1/1 - extended]

It seemed neater to just write a straight up continuation, while cleaning up the original fic. ;3 Long term readers would probably observe an obvious similarity between this fic and my Hellsing A/A fic written years ago (D:) but it can't be avoided, ah well. In the Marvel version of Hannibal King, Hannibal has vampire abilities but didn't wake up loyal to his sire - sire-based loyalty doesn't seem to happen in Marvelverse, I think.] "Ave Maria," the voice of the demon purred mockingly, in the rotting, rusting dark of the old milk bottle factory, and something creaked, a catwalk below, a stone's throw to his right, "Gratia plena, Dominus tecum. " Or not yet, anyway. He'd have to- "I'll give your compliments to His Holiness," Hannibal deadpanned.

"So? Naked to Mine Enemies Chapter 1, a pirates of the caribbean fanfic. Warnings: Graphic slash and implied het nookie, Elizabeth/Will, Naval jargon, general abuse of geography and history.

Naked to Mine Enemies Chapter 1, a pirates of the caribbean fanfic

Spoilers through AWE, movieverse only, ignoring if not refuting all other sources. Written in mostly American English with some plot-insignificant anachronisms because the canon is the same way. A/N: Written for the PotC Big Bang fest on LiveJournal. Disclaimer: © 2011 Mundungus42. All rights reserved. The stars overhead were reflected in the perfectly still water, and not even the prow of the boat cutting noiselessly through the darkness disturbed its surface. The first boats contained anonymous seamen whose faces looked vaguely familiar: some of them her own men from the Black Pearl, others in Naval and Marine regalia, and a few others in respectable civilian dress- East India Company men, no doubt.

"Your majesty," he whispered, his eyes bright. "Be at peace," she responded, and meant it. His features relaxed into stillness, and his eyes fluttered shut. "Elizabeth! " "What? " SFA // Men of Our Word. Author Quick Notes: Pirates of the Caribbean, Norrington, Jack, and all the rest belong to Disney, and the bigeared Mouse.

SFA // Men of Our Word

Any quotes belong to other people, the name 'Andrew' belongs to the esteemable Dragonlady (Ah, Fox Commodore, when will you have more chapters?) , and the name 'James' belongs to Jack Davenport. Trust me on this one. Archive: Please? PLEASE? This is my first slash fic ever, and I thought I'd go for a new approach to an old tableau, telling a love story instead of a sex-induced one. I think so too. Men of Our Word. Moonverse 1: Full Moon. By Firesignwriter Rating: NC-17!

Moonverse 1: Full Moon

My second ever! Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended. The view through the telescope showed the little sloop cowering in the shoals of the small island inlet, taking advantage of high tide to tuck away there over a submerged sandbank, momentarily just out of reach of the hungry lion waiting offshore. Commodore Norrington lowered the spyglass and handed it off to Gillette, ever-present at his side. Norrington didn't address that. "You don't want to fire on them, sir? " Subduction: Pirates: Sex and Temperament in the Primitive World. Jack/Norrington. NC-17. Jack Sparrow and James Norrington in a Canadian Caribbean shack.

subduction: Pirates: Sex and Temperament in the Primitive World. Jack/Norrington. NC-17.

Takes place at some handwavy time between CotBP and DMC, but really, let's not get bogged down in post-hoc definitions. We're just here for the sass and the mansex. Right? Right. First in a tentative "Five Ways James Norrington Never Married" set. Woolymonkey and the_stowaway for comments on the draft. Sex and Temperament in the Primitive World James Norrington's sole consolation, as he reflected on the exceedingly sorry state of affairs in which he seemed to have found himself, was that a marriage ceremony performed against one's will by the chief of the Bugaluru tribe was unlikely to be recognized under British law.

As far as consoling thoughts went, however, this was rather a poor one. "Now, then," came a cheerful and all-too-familiar voice from the doorway of the palm-frond shelter, and James groaned as Jack Sparrow's dreadlocked head swayed into view. Sparrow seemed to be changing tacks. "Out? " "Indeed. "Our duty. "