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Home. Climate Change Will Continue to Year 3000. Once Upon a Tide. Mattermore. Bumblebee nest boxes don't work. That's the conclusion of a study to find out if bumblebee nest boxes do the job they're supposed to. Researchers from the University of Stirling and the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust tried out six different nest boxes. Some are available on the internet and from garden centres, while another one the researchers designed themselves. Over their four-year study, they found that not a single commercial nest box 'became occupied or showed any sign of inhabitation' by bumblebees. The only box that showed some success at attracting bumblebees was an underground Heath Robinson-style box designed by the researchers. But even this box was unreliable - at best the homemade box attracted nesting bees seven per cent of the time, but at other times the insects shunned this design entirely.

Instead, mice, ants or wasps often took up residence. During their study, the scientists deployed 736 nest boxes in gardens, on university grounds and on farms in southern England and central Scotland. Worldwide - Earthwatch. Earthwatch inspires connections between people and the environment. Our long-term research and the sheer dedication and hard work of our teams in the field lead to impressive results and groundbreaking findings. By directly supporting field research and educating and engaging thousands of people, we provide the opportunity for individuals from all walks of life to connect with research expeditions in stunning and protected areas worldwide. We bring science to life for the general public. We enable businesses to become more sustainable. Our research allows us to understand how best to preserve and improve wildlife, habitats, cultural knowledge, and the natural resources that we all rely on.

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