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Project - Info. Project Acronym 3ENCULTProject Title Efficient Energy for EU Cultural Heritage Project Number 260162Project Duration October 2010 - March 2014 (42 months) The project 3ENCULT bridges the gap between conservation of historic buildings and climate protection, which is not an antagonism at all: historic buildings will only survive if maintained as living space.

Project - Info

Energy efficient retrofit is useful for structural protection as well as for comfort reasons - comfort for users and “comfort” for heritage collections. The joint task of conservation and energy efficient retrofit is highly interdisciplinary. Homepage kunstart 2012 in English. Over 80 galleries from 10 countries, a complete overview of the regional contemporary art and a geographical focus dedicated to South Korea with 10 galleries from the guest country and 4 solo shows of Korean artists living in Europe. kunStart is committed primarily to the emerging contemporary art galleries, focusing on proposals of newcomers and young artists as well as on geographical contexts that can be considered "developing" for the contemporary arts.

Homepage kunstart 2012 in English

At the fair will be on sale mainly affordable artworks under 5000 Euro. Located in a peripheral context and in a recent but intensive development for the production of contemporary art, this young fair, thanks to its geographical border position can be an ideal meeting place for the cultural and economic exchange on emerging galleries from different European realities, especially linking the contiguous German Alpine countries to the established Italian market. Arte-en-Barcelona - Museos. Jobs. Borse di studio per la formazione post-laurea. Benvingut a La Mercè 2012. El web de la ciutat de Barcelona. Home - Fundació Joan Miró.

Fundació Antoni Tàpies. Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. MACBA: Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona. El web de la ciutad de Barcelona. Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona.